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Beyond the AGB (not in the sense of stellar evolution) My new

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1 Beyond the AGB (not in the sense of stellar evolution) My new E-mail:

2 Stellar model Inputs: opacity, eos, neutrinos rate, thermonuclear rates….. Outputs: Luminosity, effective temperature, chemical composition…..

3 Sometime, ba-star d s are lucky Lab for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics (LUNA) Ba-star-dini head quarter Gran Sasso Sn Watch-dog IR Telescope (SWIRT)

4 Noise reduction at LNGS (shielding: 4000 m w.e.) RadiationLNGS/surface muons neutrons Photons 10 -6 10 -3 0.2 Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics

5 The adopted set-up SPECIFICATIONS U max = 50 – 400 kV I  500  A for proton  E max = 0.07 keV

6 The H burning  p + p  2 H + e + + [0.27 MeV] p + e - + p  2 H + e + +  [1.44 MeV] 2 H + p  3 He +  3 He + 3 He  4 He + 2p 3 He + 4 He  7 Be +  3 He + p  4 He + e + + 7 Be + e -  7 Li + [0.81 MeV] 7 Be + p  8 B +  7 Li + p  8 Be 8 B  8 Be + e + + [6.80 MeV] 8 Be  2 4 He 8 Be  2 4 He 99.75%0.25% 86%14% 99.89%0.11% CHAIN III Q eff = 19.67 MeV CHAIN II Q eff = 25.66 MeV CHAIN I Q eff = 26.20 MeV CHAIN IV Q eff = 16.84 MeV pp chain 2·10 -5 % LUNA 2001 LUNA 1999 NABONA 2000 & LUNA 2001 ERNA & LUNA NABONA

7 14 N(p,  ) 15 O: the bottleneck of the CNO

8 Stellar Energies: the Gamow’s peak

9 Isochrones for Globular Clusters Imbriani, Costantini, Formicola et al., A&A, 420, 2004 The age of the oldest Globular Clusters should be increased by about 0.7-1 Gyr V - I

10 Straniero et al. 1999 from VI TORINO WORKSHOP ROME Ed. by Franca D’Antona

11 Further Adventures 12 C(  ) 16 O @ ERNA 25 Mg(p,  ) 26 Al @ LUNA Coming soon

12 M-R relation: high rate = shorter C burning = more compact progenitor End of C- burning Onset of core collapse Beginning of Ne- burning From Imbriani et al. 2001 ApJ 558,903

13 Yields Affected by the steepness M-R relation Affected by the amount of C available for shell burning


15 CW-Leo: a red lighthouse Reflected V light Irradiated IR light (10  m 

16 Stardust Grain signatures are more clear above 3  SiC grains

17 Courtesy of Busso & Co

18 The IRAIT project, a Italian-Spanish collaboration

19 CONCORDIA (3200 m)

20 The Robotic Telescope



23 Riunione IRAIT-AMICA Roma, 27 Gennaio 2006 AMICA Antarctic Multiband Infrared CAmera

24 I due rivelatori di AMICA SWA (1-5  m) Array InSb 256 x 256 Raytheon Corp. LWA (5-28  m) Array Si:As BIB MF-128 DRS Techn. Inc. T op  25 - 35 K T op  4 - 10 K Riunione IRAIT-AMICA Roma, 27 Gennaio 2006

25 entrance window LWA SWA folding mirror exit pupil collimator mirror camera mirror sliding mirror 330 mm 150 mm Riunione IRAIT-AMICA Roma, 27 Gennaio 2006

26 Sistema ottico di AMICA Sistema completamente riflettente 4 specchi dorati (2 parabole fuori asse + 2 piani) Riduttore di focale 1 : 1.47 Diffraction-limited performances Campionamento ottimale PSF di Airy a 3  m su SWA e a 10  m su LWA Scala:0.538 arcsec / pix (SWA) 1.345 arcsec / pix(LWA) FOV:2.29  2.29 arcmin 2 (SWA) 2.87  2.87 arcmin 2 (LWA) Riunione IRAIT-AMICA Roma, 27 Gennaio 2006

27 Finestra d’ingresso e filtri Finestra in CdTe ad alta trasmissione (>70 % tra 1 e 25  m) Filtri in quarzo ( 13  m): Banda larga K @ 2.21  m (0.34  m) L @ 3.43  m (0.60  m) M @ 5.08  m (0.39  m) N1 @ 8.79  m (0.98  m) N2 @ 11.63  m (3.29  m) Q1 @ 18.96  m (3.40  m) Q2 @ 22.40  m (1.95  m) Banda stretta 3 filtri eventuali da scegliere da una lista già compilata Riunione IRAIT-AMICA Roma, 27 Gennaio 2006 Finestra d’ingresso realizzata insieme al criostato da IRlabs. Contatti in corso con Barr Associates per i dettagli dei filtri.



30 ARS Displex Closed Cycle Cryocooler DE-210S with ARS-10 Compressor 2 nd stage: 0.8 W @ 4.2 K 1 st stage: 35 W @ 41 K Min temp.: 0 W @ 2.8 K Type: GM Cooling: Water, CUSTOM Power consumption: 6 kW @ 200 V AC, 3 phase, 50 Hz Ambient temperature range: 5 to 35°C Cooling water: Minimum flow 8 LPM @ 27°C maximum temperature Riunione IRAIT-AMICA Roma, 27 Gennaio 2006 IMPORTANTE: Serie di cryocooler già sperimentati in Antartide.

31 Riunione IRAIT-AMICA Roma, 27 Gennaio 2006


33 An Example Riunione IRAIT-AMICA Roma, 27 Gennaio 2006



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