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Warm up 1. Which evidence showed that the prosperity of the 1920’s was an illusion? A. A.Prices on consumer goods decreased B. B.Overseas investments.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up 1. Which evidence showed that the prosperity of the 1920’s was an illusion? A. A.Prices on consumer goods decreased B. B.Overseas investments."— Presentation transcript:


2 Warm up 1. Which evidence showed that the prosperity of the 1920’s was an illusion? A. A.Prices on consumer goods decreased B. B.Overseas investments declined C. C.Income gap between workers and managers decreased D. D.Many people increased their debt 2. Which term best describes the diplomacy followed by some European nations in their relations with Germany, Italy, and Japan between 1931- 1939? A.Appeasement B.Non-aggression C.Isolationism D.Containment

3 America Moves Toward War

4 1939 Neutrality Act Revised when Germany invaded PolandRevised when Germany invaded Poland Roosevelt convinces Congress to pass “cash and carry” provision (pay in cash, provide own transportation)Roosevelt convinces Congress to pass “cash and carry” provision (pay in cash, provide own transportation) Attempt to aid Great Britain and FranceAttempt to aid Great Britain and France “A decidedly unneutral act” –Churchill

5 1 Axis PowersAxis Powers –Germany, –Italy –Japan Goal: keep theGoal: keep the U.S. out of war U.S. out of war US would face a two-ocean war (Atlantic and Pacific)US would face a two-ocean war (Atlantic and Pacific) President RooseveltPresident Roosevelt –Increases spending for U.S. Defense –Military draft: 16 million registered– –One million drafted


7 Your Number Was Called!

8 FDR breaks two term tradition  elected 3 rd & 4 th terms FDR breaks two term tradition  elected 3 rd & 4 th terms “Great arsenal of democracy.” -Roosevelt

9 Lend-Lease Act (1941)  U.S. would lend or lease arms and supplies to countries vital to the U.S.  U.S. spent almost $50 billion under the act Lend-Lease Act (1941)  U.S. would lend or lease arms and supplies to countries vital to the U.S.  U.S. spent almost $50 billion under the act

10 “Lend-Lease” Act (1941) Great Britain.........................$31 billion Soviet Union...........................$11 billion France......................................$ 3 billion China.......................................$1.5 billion Other European.................$500 million South America...................$400 million The amount totaled: $48,601,365,000

11 German Wolf Packs  Hitler deploys German U-boats to the North Atlantic  U-boats sink hundreds of British ships  June 1941, FDR orders U.S.Navy to protect U.S. shipments

12 Planning for the War  FDR-Winston Churchill meet off the coast of Newfoundland  create the Atlantic Charter.  The charter becomes the basis of a “Declaration of the United Nations”  Allies: 26 nations including the Soviet Union and China (4/5 of the human race)

13 The United States is Attacked  November 1941 Japanese Prime Minister Hideki Tojo orders his navy to prepare to attack the U.S.  December 7 th, 1941: Japanese attack U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii  The attack cripples U.S. Pacific Fleet: 1. 21 ships sunk or badly damaged 2. 350 planes destroyed 3. 2,403 people dead 4. 1,178 people wounded  FDR calls this day “a date which will live in infamy” The United States is Attacked  November 1941 Japanese Prime Minister Hideki Tojo orders his navy to prepare to attack the U.S.  December 7 th, 1941: Japanese attack U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii  The attack cripples U.S. Pacific Fleet: 1. 21 ships sunk or badly damaged 2. 350 planes destroyed 3. 2,403 people dead 4. 1,178 people wounded  FDR calls this day “a date which will live in infamy”

14 Pearl Harbor from the Cockpit of a Japanese Plane


16 A date which will live in infamy! Pearl Harbor – Dec. 7, 1941


18 December 8 th, 1941 - The U.S. Congress declares war on Japan - December 11 th, 1941: Germany and Italy declare war on the United States

19 Group Research Your group will be assigned one of the following battles from World War 2… - Battle of the Atlantic - Battle of Stalingrad - Operation Torch - D-day - Battle of the Bulge - Battle of Midway - Iwo Jima - Battle for Okinawa First- conduct research on your assigned battle, filling out your sheet with COMPLETE details

20 News Broadcast Your group is to now create a news broadcast. This should cover all the information about your specific battle which you just researched. Within your group- 2 News Reporters 1 Allied Soldier 1 Axis Soldier The soldiers should demonstrate how the consequences/outcomes of the battle had different effects on each side. They should also describe what it was like during the battle for their side. How you will be graded: Chart completion /10 Information presented/15 Creativity /5 Behavior during other groups /5 You are required to turn in a written script. Each person should have a minimum of 5 lines.

21 Homework: Read pages 768-774

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