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Macbeth By William Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s Language ► Credited by the Oxford English Dictionary with creating over 3,000 words. This means he introduced.

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Presentation on theme: "Macbeth By William Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s Language ► Credited by the Oxford English Dictionary with creating over 3,000 words. This means he introduced."— Presentation transcript:

1 Macbeth By William Shakespeare

2 Shakespeare’s Language ► Credited by the Oxford English Dictionary with creating over 3,000 words. This means he introduced these words to the English language for the first time.  Examples: ► Courtship, dwindle, dishearten, lonely, hurry, impartial, and monumental

3 Language continued ► Shakespeare had a vocabulary over 17,000 words. ► That is quadruple that of an average, well- educated conversationalist.

4 Language continued ► Shakespeare used over 7,000 words once, that is more than the total number of words that are used in the King James Bible. ► He also created many famous phrases that we know today:  Catching a cold, foregone conclusion, strange bedfellows, the witching hour, and out of the question.

5 Language continued ► Shakespearean language is only one linguistic generation removed from what we speak today.

6 Language continued ► In addition to creating new words, Shakespeare has also inspired more than 800 operatic and symphonic compositions, Broadway musicals, and more than 100 book titles.  Kiss Me Kate and Westside Story—Broadway  Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner and Brave New World by Alex Huxley

7 Four Categories of Plays ► Pre 1594: Richard III, Romeo and Juliet, and The Comedy of Errors ► 1594-1600: Henry V and A Midsummer’s Nights Dream ► 1600-1608: Macbeth, Hamlet, and King Lear ► Post 1608: Cymbeline and The Tempest

8 The Play ► Macbeth: A play of ambition, greed, loyalty and consequences.

9 Characters ► Macbeth: A Scottish nobleman who plots to kill the king in order to take power after three witches have suggested his future. In all he causes multiple deaths. ► A man who wants power but has difficulties acting without the help of his wife.

10 Characters ► Lady Macbeth: She shares her husband’s lust for power and goads him on in his plot. Ultimately, she goes mad losing her control on herself and on her husband.

11 Characters ► Banquo: Macbeth’s best friend. The witches tell him that he will father a line of Scottish kings. ► Macduff, Thane of Fife: Realizes that Macbeth has murdered Duncan. He flees to raise an army against Macbeth and to return the rightful king to the throne.

12 Characters ► Duncan: King of Scotland and well respected by his people. ► Malcolm: Son of Duncan and rightful heir to the throne. ► Witches: Supernatural beings who predicts the future of Macbeth and Banquo.

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