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AP Psychology 4/7/14. Warm-up Write a psychological analysis of one of your actions over spring break using concepts of motivation, biology, emotion,

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Presentation on theme: "AP Psychology 4/7/14. Warm-up Write a psychological analysis of one of your actions over spring break using concepts of motivation, biology, emotion,"— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Psychology 4/7/14

2 Warm-up Write a psychological analysis of one of your actions over spring break using concepts of motivation, biology, emotion, or any other applicable ideas. Describe the event and include at least two concepts.

3 Disorder posters Present! Take notes on each disorder.

4 Multiple intelligences Gardner: linguistic, mathematical, intrapersonal, interpersonal, musical, kinesthetic, spatial, naturalist, existential Sternberg (Triarchic): analytical, practical, creative

5 Tests Intelligence Quotient: William Stern Stanford-Binet: original vs. Terman’s revision WAIS: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Achievement (assess knowledge) vs. Aptitude (predict ability) Normal curve: 1 SD around 68%, 2 SD around 95% Reliability (precision/consistency) vs. validity (accuracy)

6 Intellectual disability Also known as mental retardation (in a less politically correct world) Two standard deviations (<70) = intellectual disability Severe: <35 Learning disability: achievement test scores are two SD lower than IQ in a subject. Down syndrome: extra 21 chromosome (trisomy 21)—average IQ of 50

7 Freud’s Psychosexual stages Oral (0-1) Anal (1-3) Phallic (3-6) Latent (6-puberty) Mature/Genital (after puberty)

8 Freudian defense mechanisms Repression – Regression – Reaction formation – Displacement – Projection – Rationalization

9 Humanistic personality development Self-concept Self-actualization – Maslow Unconditional positive regard – Rogers

10 Disorders Disorder (3) DSM-IV criteria (5) Anxiety (5)Mood (3) Schizophrenia (5) Personality (6) DRAMATIC ODD ANXIETY

11 Open-ended question Compare and contrast Erikson’s psychosocial development theory with Freud’s psychosexual development theory.

12 Homework Read therapy chapter.

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