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Measures of Student Learning/ Common Exam Update Parent Advisory Council October 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Measures of Student Learning/ Common Exam Update Parent Advisory Council October 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measures of Student Learning/ Common Exam Update Parent Advisory Council October 2012

2 Setting the Context





7 Measures of Student Learning/Common Exams Exams designed for currently non-tested subjects Built by the state – every district will have the same exams Intended to replace final exams in high school

8 Measures of Student Learning/Common Exams FALL 2012-3:

9 Measures of Student Learning/Common Exams SPRING 2013:

10 Measures of Student Learning/Common Exams HIGH SCHOOL EXAMS: 80-minute test –Two 40-minute sessions constructed responseMultiple-choice and constructed response –Students write in answers; for example: Math – students provide numeric answer and show their work English – short answer (paragraph or less) and extended response (up to 3 paragraphs)

11 Measures of Student Learning/Common Exams How/if it counts as grades are determined by each school system –High school: just like a final exam - 25% of final grade –Elementary and middle: decision is yet to be made

12 Measures of Student Learning/Common Exams Each school system is responsible for scoring the exams –Multiple choice: scored by central office –Constructed response: scored by school personnel Can be scored by more than one person Teacher of students can’t be the only scorer

13 Measures of Student Learning/Common Exams Won’t be part of accountability model for schools For student purposes, replaces the teacher- made exam Scoring will be consistent across the system

14 Questions and for more Information: /educatoreffect/measures/ /educatoreffect/measures/

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