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Alzheimer's Can It Be Prevented? By: Ryan Stanley Final Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Alzheimer's Can It Be Prevented? By: Ryan Stanley Final Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alzheimer's Can It Be Prevented? By: Ryan Stanley Final Project

2 INTRODUCTION Initiative: My grandmother suffered from Dementia and eventually passed away as a result There has been a greater amount of recent Alzheimer’s discoveries, therefore I altered my focus from Dementia to Alzheimer’s We have yet to find a cure

3 INTRODUCTION Focus: I wanted to research if Alzheimer’s is preventable and if so, how Expectations: Alzheimer’s is not preventable but under certain circumstances can be slowed down **FACT: “Every 70 seconds someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease!”**

4 INTRODUCTION Hypothesis: Recent findings show Alzheimer’s can be prevented under certain circumstances such as maintaining a healthy diet, participating in regular exercise, and maintaining a healthy brain

5 INTRODUCTION Major Theories Include: Eating certain foods prevent Alzheimer’s Alzheimer’s can not be prevented but the rate of destruction can be altered Exercising the brain can increase neural connection and therefore prevent Alzheimer’s

6 INTRODUCTION Things to know: MCI- mild cognitive impairment The Hippocampus is one of the first parts damaged by Alzheimer’s Plasticity is the brains ability to find an alternate pathway of neural connection to achieve an otherwise impossible task due to prior damage

7 INTRODUCTION (Cont.) The Dentate Gyrus- responsible for age related memory decline MCT- medium chain triglycerides, including ketone bodies (end product of MCT metabolism)

8 MAJOR FINDINGS Brain Exercise: Brain stimulating activities such as challenging games (Chess or Sudoku) are believed to be beneficial in delaying the onset of Alzheimer’s Learning how to use mnemonics and other memory devices showed a 33% improvement on memory assessment test for mildly impaired ₁

9 MAJOR FINIDNGS (Cont.) Individuals affected by Alzheimer’s do, in fact, have plasticity and therefore are able to increase memory during the early onset of the disease “Those with higher IQ’s, higher education, more mentally (complex) demanding jobs are at a reduced risk” ₂ Sylvie Belleville, director of research at the University Institute of Geriatrics of Montreal study on learning memory devices during memory training program using individuals with MCI and Studies by Yaakov Stern, PnD. at Columbia University

10 MAJOR FINDINGS Medication: A 12 year longitudal study of 1,000 subjects proved cholesterol lowering medication does not prove beneficial to cognition or decrease the risk of developing Alzheimer’s ₃ Insider Medicine broadcast in Chicago

11 MAJOR FINDINGS (Cont.) Alzheimer’s brains are characterized by an abundance of plaque containing protein amyloid-β Semagacestat, a newer drug, does interfere with synthesis of protein but has a detrimental effect on cognition

12 MAJOR FINDINGS Eating habits: In addition to serious exercise for both your body and brain, Curry spice has been proven to be beneficial in the production of amyloid plaque (binding to it) Also, recent research shows a direct link with Alzheimer’s and.. Lincoln Web article, Fitness Column Nitrites used to preserve foods Diabetes Insulin-related diseases

13 MAJOR FINDINGS (Cont.) A diet high in carbohydrates and low in beneficial cholesterol correlates with brain based insulin resistance (Type 3 Diabetes) altering cellular and repair brain functions Beta-amyloid acts as a cholesterol substitute and the build up of this plaque is associated with Alzheimer’s

14 MAJOR FINDINGS (Cont.) Ketone bodies from coconut oil work as an alternative fuel for glucose in neurons, allowing them to function even on a low carb diet ₄ 2001-2004 Studies published by Dr. Richard L. Veech and others on ketone bodies

15 MAJOR FINDINGS Cognition: Your locus of Control can determine your cognitive ability Studies conducted by Margie E. Lachman, PhD, at Brandeis University of nation wide people in midlife prove those with internal Locus of Control are more likely to be happy and healthy and therefore better memory and intellectual functioning. External locus of Control (concerning life and mental/physical health) Accompanied by distress and anxiety Interfere with performance Eventually result in memory lapses and continued decline in cognition capability

16 MAJOR FINDINGS Physical Exercise: Studies on humans show exercise stimulates neural connections in the Dentate Gyrus 2007 Study Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Vol. 104, NO. 13)

17 MAJOR FINDINGS Support and Opposition: 1.Research on the preventable effects coconut oil, Curry, healthy diet, exercise, and a positive outlook have on Alzheimer’s support my claims 2.Research on the detrimental effects of cholesterol lowering medication oppose claims that medication could reduce Alzheimer’s risk and the correlation between cholesterol and Alzheimer’s

18 I find the research studies on cholesterol lowering medication, such as Semagacestat, invalid because they were tested on patients already diagnosed and therefore unable to reverse the affects of Alzheimer’s. This does not speak for their ability to prevent Alzheimer’s before it is diagnosed or at an earlier stage of exposure.

19 CLOSING I was able to adequately answer my question. I have discovered many ways in which Alzheimer’s risk can be reduced or even prevented.

20 CLOSING Main Findings 1.Exercise stimulates neural connections in the dentate gyrus. This is based on the findings in the “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences”, and shown by MRI scans 2. An internal locus of control results in healthier and happier people with better memories. A suggestion made by Margie E. Lachman, PhD, after conducting a national study of midlife adults.

21 3.Ketone bodies work as an alternate for glucose in insulin resistant brains, repairing the cell walls and preventing from further damage leading to Alzheimer’s. These findings are based on studies conducted by Dr. Richard L. Veech of the NIH. His studies have “shown that both the heart and brain run 25% more efficiently on ketones than on blood sugar.” ₅ 4. Pioneering research in pharmaceuticals has proven ineffective (Semagacestat) at improving cognition. These findings were brought to my attention by the “European Journal of Internal Medicine”.

22 REFERENCES 1) /health-alzheimers_disease/ 2) px 3) and-Alzheimers-143277949 4 AND 5) http://www.healthy-eating-

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