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Program Shift Highlights Presenter: Claudine Mensah Awute CARE Mali.

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Presentation on theme: "Program Shift Highlights Presenter: Claudine Mensah Awute CARE Mali."— Presentation transcript:

1 Program Shift Highlights Presenter: Claudine Mensah Awute CARE Mali

2 What shift looks like in the CO 2008 9 Projects (education, health, decentralization, agriculture, infrastructures, water and sanitation, nutrition, food security, water) 23 project implementation partners 109 staff USD 9,000,000 2010 4 Programs (Health and Governance; Education; Food Security and Climate change Adaptation; Women and Girls Empowerment) 15 program strategic partners (linked to ToC) 93 staff USD 15,000,000

3 Essential functions for P-Shift (identified during PS process in FY08) AreaObjectiveFunctions StrategyEfficiency/ Quality Formulation / validation of hypothesis, knowledge management, impact measurement, learning PrinciplesCredibilityAccountability, Negotiation, Participation, Transparency CapacityAlignmentAssessment of competencies, resource mobilization, performances and talent management ManagementEfficiencyResource/ contracts / partners/ processes management Public Relations VisibilityAccessibility of information, knowledge sharing, advocacy, Communication

4 Structural and organizational changes ( based on essential functions assessment ) Establish broader Program Manager positions and strengthen management functions and capacity within program team Create M&E Coordinator within each program with complementary expertise for cross CO functions: impact measurement, participatory Monitoring, R/A, knowledge mgt & learning Focus Program Director and Senior Program Coordinator functions on quality functions Reorient Strategic Support functions at regional level toward organizational development of partners Increase support from strategic support team to Program Managers

5 Implication of program approach on program quality Higher efficiency and credibility in programmatic decisions related to partnerships and proposal development – go / no-go Easier and more reliable to measure our impact Applying MDI to our specific impact populations, to influence development policy and strategies, as our impact group are likely to be neglected by many national programs and thus excluded from many national MDG achievements.

6 Enabling factors Staff: Passion, commitment, capacity & ability to design strong programs Partners: Long history with partners Role of WARMU & CI members: Istanbul and Learning Lab (C/USA/WARMU); Program framework, secure funding (CARE Norge); Negotiation with donor for shared positions (CIUK & CARE Ca); share of administrative costs (CIUK) Environment and overall donor interest; Mali attractive to donors

7 Processes & Challenges Challenges identified overlap with good practices in place: Integration of program and program support: positioning finance and administration at regional level within programs (assigning COFA to each program) Compliance, esp. PARs: covering senior staff cost (heads of units; Senior program coordinator); difficult to ‘sell’ such positions with strengthened positions in regional offices Partnership: Demand of accountability in funding relationships  tension and mistrust  enhancing new kinds of relationships required in the Program Approach; overcame attitudinal challenges to become more “equal” partners  Power share; lead. Staff capacity and attitude  need to work in synergy with other programs; ‘loss’ of authority; ownership of synergetic initiatives Donor constraints: Annual funding cycles of donors (NORAD, Foundations) and restrictions over staff (eg. USAID) even if supportive of program approach  Increased SPC Gap

8 Maintaining operational efficiency and functional coherence in a dynamic structure ( while pursuing opportunities to design program initiatives ) (drawing)

9 Continuing challenges key support needed at higher organizational levels More internal coherence is required, e.g., between compliance projects & the Program Approach (CARE USA) (PN/FC; private donors reporting; CO cost Coverage (CD, ACD, Senior program, controller) for staff to focus on strategic thinking and reduce SPC gap Donor constraints: Negotiation with and lobby vis-à-vis donors; need to better market the advantages of program (economies of scale, optimization of resources, synergy, impact measurement, better alignment with national and global indicators, etc.) Redefine program support functions for better alignment with and relevance to program Ensure CD and SMT understand the program approach, its benefits, challenges and opportunities in order to convince the rest of the Mission.

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