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Understanding the 2011-12 CMS Budget March 22, 2011.

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1 Understanding the 2011-12 CMS Budget March 22, 2011

2 Mecklenburg Citizens for Public Education About MeckEd  Non-profit that mobilizes leaders & engages community so all CMS students achieve significant academic success  Independent voice for public education that can be trusted throughout community  Create opportunities for community, funders and schools to work together for what is best for our schools and students

3 Mecklenburg Citizens for Public Education Our Role in Budget Process  CMS budget cuts are unprecedented, painful  CMS staff has recommended a plan to cut with least detriment to achieving strategic education goals  Provide reliable information about the CMS budget  Help leaders share facts about the new budget  Encourage continued engagement with schools

4 Mecklenburg Citizens for Public Education Informed Dialogue Essential  Our community needs a strong CMS.  CMS needs informed community discussion, understanding.  We must come together to ensure every student’s academic success.  MeckEd is reaching out for your help.

5 Mecklenburg Citizens for Public Education Progress on Achievement (2010)  94% of schools met or exceeded state standards for academic growth  Math proficiency in Grades 3-8 grew to 75% (from 64% in 2006)  High school EOC testing performance up to 79% (from 66% in 2006)  Achievement gaps narrowing between student subgroup  Graduation rate rose to 70%, up 4% from 2009

6 Mecklenburg Citizens for Public Education  Other Local: 2.4%  Federal/Grants: 16.1% Includes $67.9 million in stimulus funding. No stimulus funds available for 2011-12.  State: 55.2%  Mecklenburg County: 26.3% Who Funds CMS Schools (2010-2011 Budget) 55.2% 26.3% 16.1% 2.4%

7 Mecklenburg Citizens for Public Education What’s Causing Budget Crisis  Slow economy reduces state revenue  N.C. faces $3.7 billion budget shortfall Public schools appropriation: 37% of state general fund  State agencies must plan for budget reductions of 5, 10 and 15%  Similar county funding reductions could come  Federal stimulus funds to states are gone

8 Mecklenburg Citizens for Public Education Outlook for 2011-12  Federal funding:  $15 million  State funding:  $32-95 million (5-15% cut of current funding )  County funding:  $15-45 million (5-15% cut of current funding)  $15 million increase needed to sustain operations, enrollment growth

9 Mecklenburg Citizens for Public Education Outlook for 2011-12  Total budget reduction needed: (Given state funding % cut levels & flat allocation from county) 5%  10%  15%  $62 million $93 million$125 million

10 Mecklenburg Citizens for Public Education The Big Picture Impact Per-student spending Takes us back to 2001-2003 spending levels. 2010: $8,523 2011-12: $7,263

11 Mecklenburg Citizens for Public Education Key Factors in Budget Plans 1.Make cuts with least impact on classroom first 2.Support 2014 strategic plan to continue CMS academic and other achievements 3.Be prepared for the worst funding scenarios, although uncertainty exists 4.Request county funding for expenses related to growth & sustaining operations ($15 million) 5.Establish budget flexibility

12 Mecklenburg Citizens for Public Education Strategic Plan Focus Areas  Effective teaching & leadership  Data-driven performance management  Increase the graduation rate  Teach and learn through technology  Environmental stewardship  Parent and community connections

13 Mecklenburg Citizens for Public Education Proposed Budget Cuts 1.Central Support & Operations: $21.10m11.4% of budget 206 positions 2.Academic Services: $8.74m5.3% of budget 102 positions 3.Schools: $61.37m10.5% of budget 1,045 positions Subtotal: $91.2 million 1,353 positions

14 Mecklenburg Citizens for Public Education Proposed Budget Cuts 4. Federal funding gap: Bright Beginnings: $8.45m 154positions Midwood Relocation: $464k 9positions Total Proposed: $100,122,498 1,516 positions *Bright Beginnings reduction total is $10,417,921; the remaining $1969,340, a local funding reduction, is embedded in department reductions on the previous slide. **Midwood relocation reduction total is $969,617; the remaining $505,566 is embedded in departmental and school reductions on the previous slide.

15 Mecklenburg Citizens for Public Education Early Decisions  Needed to allow families, teachers and administrators maximum time to plan 1.School closures (Fall 2010) 2.Weighted Student Staffing change (Formula: 1.3  1.25) 3.Changes in bell schedules that resulted in longer instruction day for elementary schools (+45 min)

16 Mecklenburg Citizens for Public Education What’s Next  March - April 2011 Early budget decisions move forward State budget estimates confirmed CMS confirms sustaining operations, growth and new initiatives costs based on state funding allocation Board of Ed. budget work sessions CMS finalizes budget recommendation Final budget recommendation to Board of Ed.  May 10: Budget approved by Board

17 Mecklenburg Citizens for Public Education Moving Ahead Together  Continuing CMS achievement gains requires our support, involvement  Keep informed, share the facts Visit MeckEd website often -  Get involved Volunteer in schools Be active in PTSA, attend meetings “Step Up Charlotte” engagement - “Get Real 2011” meetings - Communities in Schools -

18 Mecklenburg Citizens for Public Education Make Your Voice Heard  Contact CMS Board of Education members  Comment at CMS Board meetings  Join community discussions, such as: Get Real 2011: Crossroads Charlotte

19 Mecklenburg Citizens for Public Education Discussion

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