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Session 7: Quick reactions? In this session We will look at how our thoughts can be very extreme when we are stressed. We will look at what we do when.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 7: Quick reactions? In this session We will look at how our thoughts can be very extreme when we are stressed. We will look at what we do when."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 7: Quick reactions? In this session We will look at how our thoughts can be very extreme when we are stressed. We will look at what we do when we are stressed. We will explore how we might act differently if we could just slow down and take a moment. Copyright J Morris Sussex CBT Ltd 2013

2 What belongs to you but other people use it more than you? Copyright J Morris Sussex CBT Ltd 2013

3 What do I do when I’m stressed? What were your top two stressors? When they happen, can you remember the kinds of thoughts you have? Are there any typical feelings you notice in the body? And what do you typically do? Copyright J Morris Sussex CBT Ltd 2013

4 My own stressors StressorThoughtsFeelingsBody Reactions Behaviour Copyright J Morris Sussex CBT Ltd 2013

5 Clip 1 Copyright J Morris Sussex CBT Ltd 2013

6 Thoughts grab the mind When we have experienced a big hassle, we might… Thinks: I suck more than anyone in the history of China, Than anyone in the history of sucking. They totally hate me.. I’m not like the five, I’ve got no… Maybe I should quit… DO: Go off on our own Brood and worry Eat mindlessly… Feel: Miserable, stressed anxious And we might miss: The taste of the sacred peach of heavenly wisdom Copyright J Morris Sussex CBT Ltd 2013

7 Typical extreme thoughts 1. Kids will think I’m stupid 2. I can’t do anything right 3. I’m going crazy 4. Kids are going to laugh at me 5. Most people are against me 6. I am worthless 7. Nothing ever works out for me anymore 8. I’m going to look silly 9. It’s my fault that things have gone wrong 10. People are thinking bad things about me 11. I’ve made such a mess of my life 12. I look like an idiot 13. I’ll never be as good as other people are 14. I always get blamed for things that are not my fault 15. I am a failure Copyright J Morris Sussex CBT Ltd 2013

8 Thoughts grab the mind When we have experienced a big hassle, we might… Thinks: I suck more than anyone in the history of China, Than anyone in the history of sucking. They totally hate me.. I’m not like the five, I’ve got no… Maybe I should quit… Feel: Miserable, stressed anxious And we might miss: The taste of the sacred peach of heavenly wisdom DO: Go off on our own Brood and worry Eat mindlessly… Copyright J Morris Sussex CBT Ltd 2013

9 The Chair Copyright J Morris Sussex CBT Ltd 2013

10 So when things start piling up on us?

11 If we can learn to focus our attention on what’s happening now.. Maybe we can avoid getting sucked in..

12 And turn Into

13 Reactivity We might react QUICKLY or very AUTOMATICALLY and this might not be the best response. We might get aggressive We might run away or avoid something We might go off on our own and brood, beating ourselves up inside Copyright J Morris Sussex CBT Ltd 2013

14 Clip 2 Copyright J Morris Sussex CBT Ltd 2013

15 My own stressors again If I took a moment… StressorThoughtsFeelingsBody Reactions BehaviourAlternative Action Copyright J Morris Sussex CBT Ltd 2013








23 Facing the yuk Copyright J Morris Sussex CBT Ltd 2013


25 Today’s Puzzle. What belongs to you but other people use it more than you? Your name! Copyright J Morris Sussex CBT Ltd 2013

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