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1 USMP PhD in Information Systems Engineering KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Modelos y Estrategias de Implementación en la Gestión del Conocimiento Ph.D. Augusto.

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Presentation on theme: "1 USMP PhD in Information Systems Engineering KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Modelos y Estrategias de Implementación en la Gestión del Conocimiento Ph.D. Augusto."— Presentation transcript:


2 1 USMP PhD in Information Systems Engineering KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Modelos y Estrategias de Implementación en la Gestión del Conocimiento Ph.D. Augusto Bernuy Alva E-mail:

3 2 USMP PhD in Information Systems Engineering 2 I. Intelligent Organizations II. Expert Systems & Knowledge Management III.Adaptative Systems IV.KM ProjectsKM Projects V. KMCluster CONTENT

4 3 USMP PhD in Information Systems Engineering © Richard Veryard 2010 What Is Organizational Intelligence? A business perspective “Learning Organization” “Responsive Organization” “Continuous Evolution” Viability, Sustainability Business Survival I. Intelligent Organizations

5 4 USMP PhD in Information Systems Engineering © Richard Veryard 2010 What Is Organizational Intelligence? A technology perspective “Sense and Respond” “Smart Planet” “Continuous Intelligence” “Collaboration Networks” “Enterprise 2.0” I. Intelligent Organizations

6 5 USMP PhD in Information Systems Engineering I. Intelligent Organizations Emotional Competence Inventory© (ECI)

7 6 USMP PhD in Information Systems Engineering I. Intelligent Organizations

8 7 USMP PhD in Information Systems Engineering II. Experts Systems & KM

9 8 USMP PhD in Information Systems Engineering II. Experts Systems & KM

10 9 USMP PhD in Information Systems Engineering learning/portage-technical.html II. Experts Systems & KM

11 10 USMP PhD in Information Systems Engineering III. Sistemas Adaptativos

12 11 USMP PhD in Information Systems Engineering Definiciones de Agentes Nwana [1996] Un agente se puede definir como un programa de computadora que tiene cierto grado de autonomía, se comunica con otros agentes y trabaja en beneficio de un usuario en particular. Laurel [1993] el que toma la acción y ejecuta una tarea en beneficio de una persona, ya sea en tiempo real o de manera asíncrona. Riecken [1994] los agentes son una oportunidad de integrar resultados significativos de diversas áreas de investigación y mostrarlos a los usuarios. III. Sistemas Adaptativos

13 12 USMP PhD in Information Systems Engineering III. Sistemas Adaptativos

14 13 USMP PhD in Information Systems Engineering III. Sistemas Adaptativos

15 14 USMP PhD in Information Systems Engineering 14 III. Sistemas Adaptativos

16 15 USMP PhD in Information Systems Engineering III. Sistemas Adaptativos

17 16 USMP PhD in Information Systems Engineering The agents in a multi-agent system have several important characteristics: [4] [4] Autonomy: Local views: no agent has a full global view of the system Decentralization: there is no designated controlling agent The study of multi-agent systems Is concerned with the development and analysis of sophisticated AI problem-solving. Topics of research in MAS include: agent-oriented software engineering beliefs, desires, and intentions (BDI)BDI cooperation and coordination organization communication negotiation distributed problem solving multi-agent learning scientific communities dependability and fault-tolerance III. Sistemas Adaptativos

18 17 USMP PhD in Information Systems Engineering Adaptive systems are today commonly used in finance, industry, consumer products, medicine, science and software detection. advanced industrial processes Computer evolving a neural network simulation neural network Map of the internet: the complexity of modern techmology. biological systems III. Sistemas Adaptativos

19 18 USMP PhD in Information Systems Engineering Complex Adaptive Systems mutually interacting parts and agents. Examples: neural and social networks, nervous and immune systems, ancient and modern cultures, languages, economies and ecologies, galaxies and hurricanes. III. Sistemas Adaptativos

20 19 USMP PhD in Information Systems Engineering Lecturas: 1 paper de forma individual o grupal IV. KM Projects

21 20 USMP PhD in Information Systems Engineering V. KM Cluster

22 21 USMP PhD in Information Systems Engineering mmer_02/images/lyell1.gif&imgrefurl= mmer_02/lyell.html&usg=__I8ne2ohx3oaREjSqnJUcv2cpiOw=&h=294&w=49 0&sz=32&hl=es&start=17&zoom=1&tbnid=c1YtRud0LCiUTM:&tbnh=78&tb nw=130&ei=vs_fTeqlGIKftwe95_iPCg&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dagent%2Bsoft ware%26hl%3Des%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1 V. KM Cluster

23 22 USMP PhD in Information Systems Engineering The Digital City

24 23 USMP PhD in Information Systems Engineering Some web pages to review: Journal of Information & Knowledge Management (JIKM)

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