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What is Direct Certification and Who can be directly certified? Direct certification is when a student is determined to be eligible for free meals based.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Direct Certification and Who can be directly certified? Direct certification is when a student is determined to be eligible for free meals based."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Direct Certification and Who can be directly certified? Direct certification is when a student is determined to be eligible for free meals based on documentation obtained directly from a state or local agency or other authorized individual certifying the child is categorically eligible for free meals. Our goal is to increase the percentage of Direct Certifications.

2 Direct Certification category is not just children that come from the computerized electronic matching anymore. These are other sources that can provide direct certification for children. SNAP/TANF List/File Homeless Liaison List Migrant Liaison List Runaway Liaison List Foster Children List or Foster Child Passport Head Start, Early Head Start Children List Even Start List

3 Proper Methods for Certification Everyone MUST use all Direct Certification methods The electronic match MUST be done every month (large file is available in June) Always include all surrounding feeder counties every month Check new students against all lists and current and past electronic DC files and keep lists updated monthly.

4 How can we improve our Direct Certification percentage? SFAs should work toward improving Direct Certification from all available list for categories other than SNAP and TANF. SFAs must work closer with the liaisons to obtain other eligibles from the different list available. (Homeless, Migrant, etc…) List Liaisons keep must be kept updated every month so new students that enroll or appear on the list can be Directly Certified.

5 Percent of SNAP participants directly certified for free school meals SNAP participants directly certified for free school meals School-age children in SNAP households SNAP children in non-base year Provision 2/3 schools = - The Actual Formula Used/FYI The only number we can effect is in the number in the green box. This is all your DCs that are on the Verification Report for October. So by matching all surrounding counties and verifying categorically eligibles from your list your Liaisons have before October can raise this number, increasing your DC percentage. But, you should maintain the effort each month of the school year.

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