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Published byMadelynn Winch Modified over 10 years ago
The OrGano Gold Presenting The Next Billion Dollar Opportunity!
Hola. Mi nombre es ______ y quiero darle la más cordial bienvenida a la Presentación de “OrGano Gold”. Hoy es un grandioso día y para nuestros invitados especiales que están aquí por primera vez, por favor darle las gracias a la persona que lo invito porque desde hoy es muy probable que su vida va a empezar a mejorar enormemente en muchos aspectos. Cada persona tiene diferentes sueños y metas, pero sabemos que la mayoría de las personas desean tener más tiempo para su familia y tener libertad financiera. Todos nosotros, que formamos parte de la empresa OrGano Gold, sabemos que tenemos una excelente oportunidad con el mejor producto del mercado y por eso estamos muy emocionados por lo que hacemos. Para mí es un gran honor presentarle a la persona que nos va hablar sobre todos los beneficios que nos ofrece OrGano Gold, nuestros productos y porque son tan importantes para nuestra salud, como podemos ganar dinero, medio tiempo o tiempo completo y qué tipo de apoyo nos ofrece OrGano Gold y el nuestro equipo. Esta persona es reconocida como un excelente líder, muy exitosa, conoce muy bien OrGano Gold, ha ayudado a muchas personas a tener éxito y es muy comprometido y dedicado al crecimiento del mercado hispano. Les voy a pedir el favor de dar un fuerte aplauso para …..……… Presenting The OrGano Gold The Next Billion Dollar Opportunity!
The Right Time Have you ever dreamed of…. Your Are at: The Right Place
Working from the comfort of your home? Sharing more time with your loved ones? Receiving the recognition you deserve? Becoming financially secure? Traveling the world? Your Are at: ¿Cuántos de ustedes aquí les gustaría trabajar desde su casa cuidando sus hijos y compartiendo más tiempo con la familia? ¿Cuántos de ustedes aquí les gustaría vivir bien, viajar, divertirse, lucir y sentir bien, y quieren encontrar la manera de mejorar sus niveles de energía, tener más fuerza, claridad mental, estar siempre en buen humor, y por supuesto… ganar más dinero? ¿Cómo seria su vida hoy, si tuvieran un ingreso extra de $10,000 a más de $30,000 al ano, sin dejar su trabajo? Todas las personas que inmigraron en este gran país, llegaron para tener una vida mejor. Dejaron su familia, sus amigos, para llegar a EEUU para lograr algo mejor, para poder ayudar a su familia vivir mejor. ¿Cierto? OrGano Gold ofrece una excelente oportunidad para que cada uno de ustedes pueda escoger su estilo de vida. Ustedes deciden cuando, donde y con quién quiere trabajar. Durante los próximos minutos, ustedes verán porque hoy están en el lugar correcto, en la mejor empresa y el momento preciso, y verán lo fácil que es ganar dinero extra con un producto que millones de personas en todo el mundo son adictas. The Right Place The Right Time The Right Company
Es OrGano The Right Business GOLD It’s Easy… It’s Simple… It’s Coffee…
OrGano Gold ha desarrollado el Negocio Correcto, con un excelente producto y tremendo sistema de mercadeo para que cualquier persona pueda ganar mucho dinero, inclusive en tiempos de recesión y depresión. Un producto que se vende como pan caliente todos los días. Un producto que la gente forma líneas por más de 20 minutos y pagan hasta más de $4 dólares por taza para beberlo, y lo hacen, sin excepción, todos los días de cada año. Estoy hablando de la "necesidad" de tomar café. ¿Qué pasaría si usted reciba un centavo cada vez que cualquier persona en cualquier parte del mundo compra una taza de café de una de las populares cadenas de tiendas de café? ¿Usted sea una persona multi millonaria en tan sólo unas pocas semanas, no cierto? Por eso nuestro negocio es Fácil y Simple… porque se trata de café… pero Café Saludable! It’s Easy… It’s Simple… It’s Coffee… Es OrGano GOLD
5 Powerful Industries Coffee 90 billion dollars per year
You can capitalize on these industries at the same time! Health & Wellness Weight Loss Antes de hablarles sobre el café, es importante saber que OrGano Gold y participa en cinco poderosas industrias: La Industria de la Salud: 600 billones de ventas anuales. Todo el mundo hoy mismo se preocupa por tener una mejor salud. Aunque tratemos de comer saludablemente, no sabemos cuales químicos o pesticidas fueron utilizados. Especialmente las personas mayores de 35 años de edad que quieren lucir mejor ,sentir con más energía, y mantenerse más jóvenes. Nosotros tenemos productos naturales que ofrecen excelentes resultados. La industria de Bajar de Peso: 62% de la población en EE.UU. están de sobre peso y quieren bajar de peso. Adultos y niños están comiendo mucha azúcar, pizza y papas fritas, y todavía nos preguntamos porque tenemos epidemia de obesidad, diabetes y todo tipo de enfermedades. La gente compran todo tipo de productos para bajar de peso y la mayoría de ellos no logran su objetivo, principalmente por falta de disciplina. La Industria de Negocio desde el Hogar: Millones de personas manejan sus propios negocios desde la casa. La Industria de Internet: Billones de dólares se generan por ventas por la internet. OrGano Gold nos ofrece una pagina Web, sin ninguno costo para poder vender nuestros productos por internet. La empresa cobra el dinero, envía los productos a su cliente y usted reciba todas las ganancias. No necesita tener inventario, ni despachar ningún producto. Todo lo hace OrGano Gold por nosotros. La Industria del Café: 90 billones de dólares por año. Coffee An industry of more than 90 billion dollars per year Home-Based Business Internet
“From the Treasures of the Earth to the People of the Earth”
3 Components of Success 1 Product: Coffee 2 Ingredient: Ganoderma 3 Founder: Mr. Bernie Chua “From the Treasures of the Earth to the People of the Earth”
Let’s Talk Coffee Coffee is the world’s most
popular drink, after water. Coffee is the largest traded commodity in the world, after oil. Coffee industry employs more than 20 million people. El café es una droga legalizada. La gente sabe que es malo para ellos, pero lo beben de todos modos. Es más, algunos consumidores serios de café, ni siquiera pueden empezar su día sin tomado cantidades de cafeína para “despertar” su cerebro y cuerpo. El café es la bebida más popular del mundo, después del agua. El café es el producto de mayor comercialización en el mundo, después del petróleo. Ahora ya sabes que el café es el producto de mayor consumo en el mundo. Todo el mundo sabe que el café es malo para la salud, ¿verdad? Es bien conocido que la cafeína es ácido en la naturaleza. Muchos profesionales de la salud hoy en día creen que el nivel de PH o nivel de acidez en el sistema de una persona tiene mucho que ver con su salud. Imagínense a todos los vasos de café que se consumen a diario por millones de personas ... que son tan adictos al café regular y que intoxican por sí mismos - y pagar por eso. Serious coffee drinkers, cannot even start their day without having a cup of caffeine to “wake-up” their brain and body.
People Drink Coffee Now You Can Show them a Different Kind of
255 Million Coffee Drinkers, in North America. People drink 3 to 4 cups daily. 500 Billion Cups of Coffee per Day. 255 millones de personas en EE.UU. toman mas 3 a 4 tazas de café diario. Casi toda la gente que usted ya conoce toman café, sin excepción, todos los días, de cada año, y pagan hasta $4.00 por taza, no ofrece beneficios para la salud y las empresas ganan millones de dólares. Que tal si usted presenta a sus amigos y familiares un nuevo tipo de café, que tiene un delicioso sabor, produce mejor energía de los que se encuentra en los mejores cafés, sin causar tensión después de haberlo tomado, no es venenoso como el café regular, que realmente se sientan mejor, beneficia a la salud en muchos aspectos y cuesta más económico que las demás marcas? ¿Cómo es esto posible? Todos nosotros estamos frente a gran ventana de oportunidad. Estamos en el lugar correcto, y en el momento preciso para recibir cientos e incluso miles de dólares por semana, sólo por compartir café saludable con otras personas que necesitan el impulso adicional de obtener a través del día. Almost everyone you already know is drinking coffee without exception, every day, of every year, and they pay up to $4.00 per cup. Now You Can Show them a Different Kind of Healthier Coffee, that Pays to Drink it!
Powerful Ingredient Ganoderma Lucidum…
More than 4,000 years of history. Regarded by the Chinese as the "King of Plants" or the “Miracle Herb”, due to its ability to help improve the body's healing capacity, and longevity. With well over 150 antioxidants and phytonutrients Ganoderma Lucidum is the closest thing to nutritional perfection found in nature. Todo eso es gracias a un antiguo secreto llamado Ganoderma Lucidum. Es conocido como "El Rey de Hierbas" por emperadores chinos. Según la Wikipedia - la más grande enciclopedia del mundo en internet, - Ganoderma ha sido utilizado en la medicina tradicional china, por más de años, y es uno de los más antiguos y más poderosos secretos conocidos en la medicina china y aún lo están utilizando hoy mismo. Las personas que toman nuestro café saludable que contiene Ganoderma, dicen que tiene un sabor de café fino, pero se sienten con más alerta, y mucho mejor que cualquier otro café regular. Es una mezcla de la más alta calidad, de Ganoderma, certificado 100% orgánico, muy rico en sabor de café y compite con las mejoras de café gourmet disponibles. Inclusive, algunos lo llaman el café milagro.
Benefits of Ganoderma Ganoderma Lucidum is known by doctors and scientists to help with the following: Oxygenates the body and boosts stamina Provides more energy and vigor Increases brain power Improves quality of sleep Improves blood circulation Reduces allergies & inflammations Strengthens & boosts the immune system Strengthens the organs for the elimination of toxins Rejuvenates and makes you feel younger and more alert
Satisfaction Guarantee
Choices of Products WORLD’S LEADING BRAND OF 100% CERTIFIED ORGANIC GANODERMA Me complace informarles que OrGano Gold produce varios tipos de productos, entre tres tipos el café, chocolate, te verde y diversas cápsulas. Todos contienen el poderoso ingrediente natural Ganoderma, 100% certificado orgánico, diseñados para ofrecer una mejor salud. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Black Coffee ● Café Latte ● Café Mocha ● Chocolate ● Tea ● Nutritionals
Bernie Chua/Founder Decades of business experience. Developed a team of 500,000 members in Direct Sales. Awarded the Direct Sales Company of the Year, for three (3) years in a row in the Pacific Rim (Asia), out of 1,600 companies. El genio detrás de los productos de OrGano Gold es el Sr. Bernie Chua, quien es el presidente y Fundador de la empresa. El es reconocido y respetado como una de las autoridades en Ganoderma y como utilizarlo para el bienestar para la humanidad. OrGano Gold tiene una alianza comercial exclusiva con el productor mas grande de Ganoderma, 100% orgánico y certificado Kosher y Halal. Eso hace que nuestros productos sean reconocidos como orgánicos y naturales y que se puedan consumidos por todo el mundo, sin importar su religión. Mr. Chua introduced the concept of “Healthier Coffee” and “Ganoderma” to North America on a mass scale. Mr. Chua has exclusive “strategic alliance” agreements with the largest producer of 100% Certified Organic Ganoderma in the World. Mr. Chua has created the secret formula to develop the BEST TASTING ganoderma coffee!
Making History Think and Grow Rich
The Foundation of Napoleon Hill (author of the most renowned book in the world) that has created more than one million millionaires; for the first time in history has created a special edition with the exclusive collaboration of OrGano Gold. Think and Grow Rich EVERYTHING THE HUMAN MIND CAN CONCEIVE AND BELIEVE CAN BE ACHIEVED. “Napoleon Hill” This is the ONLY edition in the World with the OrGano Gold name.
How You Can Earn Money Healthier Coffee Ways To Get Paid
to Drink and Share the OrGano Gold Healthier Coffee Virtual Cash Machine Where You Can Get Paid Enough Money by Simply Putting Healthier Coffee in Your Cup Every Day.
Profit from Retail Sales
1 Profit from Retail Sales Earn Money Daily As an OrGano Gold Independent Representative, you can sell your products to Retail Customers personally or through your personalized website. Offices Schools Restaurants Trade Shows Person-to-Person Churches Home Parties Kiosks at the Mall Beauty Salons and Spas Gymnasiums & Health Centers $25 - $40 Retail Profit per Box Retail profit is based on a full retail price. You can sell the coffee by the cup or by the box. You earn the difference between your wholesale cost and the retail price.
2 Fast Track Bonus Make Money Weekly Business Packages You Get Paid
Earn a Fast Track Bonus every time you Personally Enroll New Representatives, based on the Business Pack they purchase to start their OrGano Gold Business. Business Packages You Get Paid - Marketing Associate $ - Supervisor $ - Consultant $ - Gold Pack $150.00 Based on personal enrollments. There is No Limit to how many New Representatives you can enroll or how many business packages they purchase.
The Power of the Dual Team
Left DUAL TEAM Right YOU Number of Coffee Months Drinkers 4,096 People x $50 cv (commissionable vol.) ,024 ,048 ,096 $204,800 cv x 20% Dual Team Commission You Do The Math! “Giving out Samples is the Best Method to Market the Coffee using the Four Simple Questions”
3 Dual Team Bonus Make Money Weekly 10% $500 weekly 10% $1,000 weekly
Marketing Associate 10% Up to $500 weekly Supervisor 10% Up to $1,000 weekly Consultant 15% Up to $1,500 weekly Gold Pack Consultant 20% Up to $2,500 weekly Sapphire Consultant 20% Up to $5,000 weekly Ruby Consultant 20% Up to $10,000 weekly Emerald Consultant 20% Up to $15,000 weekly Diamond Consultant 20% Up to $50,000 weekly Earn money with only two personally enrolled representatives - one person on your Left Side and one on your Right Side of Your Dual Team. YOU Left Right Up to 20% of your Dual Team Volume DUAL TEAM Up to $50,000 Commission per Week (to an unlimited depth in sales volume) Up to $200,000 Commission per Month
Unilevel Residual Bonus
4 Unilevel Residual Bonus YOU Make Money Monthly from Re-Orders This is the heart of Your Lifetime Residual Income! Up to a total of 29% monthly unilevel commission bonuses from product re-orders generated in your organization within seven levels in depth. Dynamic Compression… Additional money for you, to even deeper than seven levels. 5% 1 2 5% 3 5% 4% 4 5 4% 3% 6 This Unilevel Bonus is in ADDITION to the Fast Track Bonus and the Dual Team Bonus. 3% 7
Unilevel Matching Checks
5 Unilevel Matching Checks Make Money by Helping Others This is the Power of Teamwork! Help others on your Team make money and you can Earn Up to 500% of Your Unilevel Commission! Earn 20% of the Unilevel Commissions earned by your Personally Enrolled representatives. Earn an additional 3 levels of Matching Bonus at 10% of Unilevel Commissions within three (3) additional levels in your organization! This Unilevel Matching Bonus is in ADDITION to the Fast Track Bonus, Dual Team Bonus and Unilevel Bonus.
6 Generational Bonus Make Money Developing Leaders
Welcome to the World of Exponential Growth! Earn up to a total of 14%, to as many as Four (4) Generations of leadership, as soon as you reach the level of Sapphire and above, and as you develop more leaders at the Sapphire level and above within your organization. In some instances, you may be paid an infinite number of levels! This Generational Bonus is in ADDITION to the Fast Track Bonus, Dual Team Bonus, Unilevel Bonus and Unilevel Matching Bonus.
7 3% Executive Bonus Pool Make Money Earning Shares
Reaching for the Stars has its own rewards! Three percent (3%) of OrGano Gold’s total Worldwide Unilevel Commissionable Volume (CV) will be shared by qualified Ruby, Emeralds, and Diamond Consultants and above. Shares are earned monthly and once calculated, they are paid quarterly. 12.5% 25% 62.5% Ruby Emerald Diamond and Above This Executive Bonus Pool is in ADDITION to ALL the other previously mentioned Bonuses.
Systems for Success FREE Personalized Website
Daily Conference Calls Nationwide Events and Trainings Any person can develop a successful business sharing Healthier Coffee, using the Systems for Success of OrGano Gold.
How to Start with OrGano Gold
4 Business Packs Promotional Price of Dual Team Unilevel Matching Packs Business Packs Bonus Residual Bonus $49.00 Samples of OG Coffee _ _ _ --- _ _ _ Representative Wholesale $199.00 Assortment of OG Products 10% Up to $500/weekly 5% + 5% + 5% 3 Levels of Residual Income _ _ _ Bronze $499.00 Assortment of OG Products 15% Up to $1,500/weekly 5% + 5% + 5% 3 Levels of Residual Income Silver 10% Gold $1,295.00 Assortment of OG Products 20% Up to $2,500/weekly 5% + 5% + 5% 3 Levels of Residual Income 20%
The Decision is Yours We have Systems for Success with excellent Tools and Trainings for every person that desires to succeed. Option 1: Buy your coffee today as a Retail Customer and enjoy a Healthier Coffee. Option 2: Become a Preferred Customer and purchase your coffee wholesale. Option 3: Select Your Business Pack and Start Earning Money. Your financial success depends on your work and results. Welcome to our Team and Let’s Work Together for Your Success! Disclaimer: There is no guarantee of income. Individual results may vary and are subject to performance.
Our Team and Share With Us the Upcoming Financial Success!
You Are Invited Our Target: To Capture 1% of North America’s market of coffee drinkers, within 3 years. To Generate $125 million dollars in sales per month. To Share $62.5 million dollars in commissions per month with our Team Members! You Are Invited to Join Our Team and Share With Us the Upcoming Financial Success!
4 Steps of Basic Training
“Where could you be tomorrow, if today you take action and start your own business?” 1. Be Product of the Product ● Get yourself a Testimony ● Set yourself on the proper Autoship ● Buy 2 Boxes of Coffee (Black & Latte ) 3. Book 4 Coffee Jazz Mixers ● At your home or office ● At a restaurant ● At a hotel 2. Build a List of Contacts ● 50 Coffee Drinkers ● 50 Business Builders ● Get Customers now with the Script ● Learn the 4 Questions of the Script 4. Plug into a Proven System ● 18 Month Commitment ● Weekly Opportunity Mixers ● Business Training ● Leadership Calls Escriba y defina sus metas. Siga el plan. Tome acción.
The 4 Questions “If you keep doing what you always have done
you will keep getting what you always got.” 1. Do you or anyone you know drink coffee or tea, at least occasionally? 2. How do you drink your coffee? (black or with cream and sugar?) 3. What brand do you like the best? (Starbucks, Tim Horton's, Maxwell House, Folgers, etc) 4. When was the last time (name of company) sent you a check for drinking their coffee? Show them the “sample/sachet” and say: “This is the Coffee that Pays You!” Before giving them a sample say: I would like to give you a sample, and I will follow up after you drink the coffee to get two pieces of information from you: 1. How you liked the taste? 2. How it made you feel? What is the best time to call you so you can tell me how you liked it? In the morning or afternoon? Follow Up: Within 24 hours call them up and make sure you ask the two questions: How did they like the taste? How did it make them feel? If they liked the taste and it made them feel good you tell them: “I can get more coffee for you…. Would you like to buy it at Retail, Wholesale of FREE?” (Don’t speak until they answer this question) Tip: Don’t talk about the business with them unless they ask. When they start having others ask for the products from them, then share with them the business side. KEEP IT SIMPLE.
Coffee Sales Script “The Success of Your Life is Within Your Daily Routine” "Hello,__________________ (name of your friend or family member). Small talk for a few seconds, then get to the purpose of the call (to sell COFFEE). "_____________(name of your friend or family member), the reason for my call is that I just started a Healthy Beverage business and we launched it with three flavors of Healthier Coffee and I need your help. I would like to have you as one of my first preferred customers by buying a box or two of coffee from me. If you like the coffee I will show you how to get it at wholesale, but if you don't like it, I will never ask you to buy from my company again. Will you help me out by buying a box or two of Coffee?" They will ask how much does it cost and you tell them: "It's only $30 Retail per box for the Black and Latte (cream and sugar) and $36 a box for the Mocha. If you like it, I will show you how to get it at wholesale from then on. How many boxes would you like to buy and help me out?“ Take the order and then ask for referrals. ** Always ask for who else do they know who drinks Coffee or Tea at least occasionally that you can share the products with. Once they give you referrals that buy, then tell them that you will give them a discount the next time they decide to purchase from you.
Coffee Millionaire? Are You Ready to Be the Next…
The Team Leaders of OrGano Gold and 3KMG Are Prepared to Help You Succeed. Welcome and We Shall See You at the Top! To receive more information about OrGano Gold, please contact the person who shared with you this Business Overview. The reproduction of this information is totally prohibited without the approval of 3KMG. This information has being produced by Independent Representatives of OrGano Gold. © All Rights Reserved.
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