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Time management overview

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1 Time management overview
Unit objectives Identify the benefits of time management Evaluate productivity Identify goals and set priorities

2 Time management overview
Topic A: Principles of time management Topic B: Productivity cycles Topic C: Goals and priorities

3 Principles of time management
What we are able to accomplish Breaking old habits Enhance your work experience

4 Benefits of time management
Controls stress Balances your life Increases productivity Identifies priorities Accomplishes goals

5 A-1: Understanding the benefits of time
Activity A-1: Understanding the benefits of time

6 Personality types Procrastinator Perpetually late Perfectionist
Easily distracted Do-it-all

7 A-2: Identifying different personality types
Activity A-2: Identifying different personality types

8 Self assessment Do I wait until the last minute to accomplish a task?
Do I often arrive late? Do I re-work assignments more than twice? Do I often switch between projects before completing them? Do I have difficulty turning down requests?

9 A-3: Assessing yourself
Activity A-3: Assessing yourself

10 Self assessment questions
Do you wait until the last minute to accomplish a task? Do you often arrive late for work or meetings? Do you work on an assignment more than twice? Do you often shift from one project to another before completing the initial project? Do you have difficulty turning down requests even when you do not have the time for them?

11 Time management overview
Topic A: Principles of time management Topic B: Productivity cycles Topic C: Goals and priorities

12 Productivity cycles Periods of time when you feel your energy dips or rises Vary from person to person Morning person? Night owl? Recognize personal cycle and try to schedule tasks accordingly

13 Pricing your time Annual salary  1.5 / working hours per year = cost per hour Cost per hour / 60 = cost per minute

14 Activity B-1: Pricing your time

15 Creating a time audit List daily tasks Set a deadline for each task
Record every task, noting interruptions Note amount of time spent on each task Evaluate amount of time spent on priority tasks

16 B-2: Creating a time audit
Activity B-2: Creating a time audit

17 Pareto principle 80% of group value of activities is concentrated in 20% of activities 20% of priorities produce 80% of result The first 20% of time spent on an activity produces 80% of the result 20% of your employees cause 80% of the problems

18 B-3: Using the Pareto principle
Activity B-3: Using the Pareto principle

19 Time management overview
Topic A: Principles of time management Topic B: Productivity cycles Topic C: Goals and priorities

20 “To do” list To-do list should not be: Not-to-do list helps you:
A wish list Overwhelming Not-to-do list helps you: Make smart choices about priorities Delegate tasks

21 To-do list guidelines Do not include too many tasks Overestimate time
List the most important tasks first Schedule the time for breaks Schedule for long-range and short-range goals

22 Activity C-1: Making a to-do list

23 Goals and objectives Goal Objective Focuses on how you spend your time
Builds your confidence Increases productivity Objective Intermediate step that helps you accomplish the goal

24 Characteristics of goals
Must be specific Must be challenging Must be achievable Must have a deadline

25 GOALS Generate goals on paper Organize daily activities
Align goals with company goals Line up tasks according to priority Stay focused

26 Activity C-2: Identifying goals

27 Priorities Determine how to spend energy
Schedule days more effectively Provide direction

28 Setting priorities List daily tasks
Ask yourself whether you want or need to accomplish certain tasks Rank tasks in order of priority Match your priorities with those of your organization Schedule top ranked priorities during productivity cycles

29 C-3: Setting priorities
Activity C-3: Setting priorities

30 Time management overview
Unit summary Identified the benefits of time management and the relationship to personality types Calculated the cost of your time and performed a time audit Created to-do lists, identified goals, and set priorities

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