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GRANT WRITING & NRM PROJECT DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP presented by [insert landcare network]

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Presentation on theme: "GRANT WRITING & NRM PROJECT DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP presented by [insert landcare network]"— Presentation transcript:

1 GRANT WRITING & NRM PROJECT DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP presented by [insert landcare network]

2 1.Develop your project first, and apply for funding later (the simple rule for success!) ( Do you really need $$ support?)

3 2 Project Planning Considerations- aim resources costs environmental practices and improvements support and advice timing feasibility maps plans

4 3 Overview of the different types of grants available, where to look and what projects they fund Environmental Trust – R&R, Bush Regen, Schools, Education Caring for Our Country- Investment grants and Community Action Grants NRCMA Incentive Grants DPI Fisheries and Fish Habitats Landcare Australia grants Philanthropic grants- Norman Wettenhall, Raymond Borland Requests Equipment Grants (Volunteer groups) Local Council Grants Clean Energy Future – Biodiversity Fund Organisations- ANZ, Westpac, Australian Ethical, Optus

5 4 Funded activities- general overview Grants generally provide funding support for specific outcomes, and generally ask for contribution and commitment as part of the conditions….

6 5 Group discussion What projects do attendees wish to seek funds for?

7 6. General eligibility and criteria considerations Not all guidelines are the same but they all have details of which activities can be funded eligibility requirements (groups/individuals) date to submit application by and method mention of contracts, agreements, reporting and project completion time frames amount that can be applied for


9 7. Fund seeking approaches: Individuals, Community groups, Sponsors( through local Networks or other agencies), Partnerships

10 8.Basic structure of grant applications, ticking all the boxes (exercise session with an example)

11 9. In kind vs cash contributions

12 10. Supporting documents- letters- references

13 11.Mapping tools – basic DIY maps- Mapping examples ( handouts on 4 different ways of developing a map- Google Earth, Six Viewer, Hard Copy Drawn and scan and Google Maps)

14 Hand drawn map

15 Google Map with hand drawn detail

16 Google Earth with hand drawn detail


18 Six Viewer image

19 12. Meet the deadlines, allowing time to develop your project application

20 13. What happens next… Success or back to the drawing board?

21 14. Paperwork requirements for a successfully funded project and implementing your project. More work ahead …….

22 Further information

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