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First year apprentices' experiences in the workplace Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association (AVETRA) conference Selena Chan.

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Presentation on theme: "First year apprentices' experiences in the workplace Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association (AVETRA) conference Selena Chan."— Presentation transcript:

1 First year apprentices' experiences in the workplace Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association (AVETRA) conference Selena Chan Cnaberra April 2012

2 Project purpose 1)Identify factors influencing apprentices' - initial decisions to enter into and - commit to an indenture, - contribute to continuation of apprenticeship. 2)Compare experiences of potential, continuing, and unsuccessful apprentices. 3)Design guidelines for the improvement of induction processes and initial training for apprentices.

3 Research participants  First Year Apprentices - focus groups, individual interviews, survey questionnaire  Employers - survey questionnaire  Pre-trade students - focus groups  Discontinued apprentices - individual interviews

4 Literature Foundation Socio-cultural approach - socially and culturally mediated practices in workplace learning (Billett, 2004; Wenger, 1998) Vocational imagination (Higgins, 2010) -clear ideas of “what I can become” but not necessarily “how to become” Vocational identity formation (Kirpal, 2009) Belonging to a workplace (Chan, 2008) Learning as becoming (Hodkinson, Biesta & James, 2008) Workplace learning pedagogy (Billett & various others)

5 Research Approach Constructive – interpretative paradigm Mixed case study Case study theory building - within-case analysis and the congruence method (George & Bennett, 2005). Narratives constructed - not as narrative inquiries (Riessman, 2008), but more as analytical lenses (Chase, 2005) and closer to the ‘storytelling’ aspect of case study (Stake, 2005) Document survey – pre / post apprenticeship information


7 Themes for constructing guidelines Match ‘vocational imagination’ to reality Establish a sense of belonging Maintain engagement and momentum towards apprenticeship completion

8 Thank You Contact:- Selena Chan Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology blogging at:- http://mportfolios.blogspot.com Project team  Dr. Robyn Chandler, Christchurch Polytechnic,  Nicholas Huntington, Industry Training Federation,  Tracey Shepherd, Agriculture ITO,  Charles Hayward, Boating ITO,  Loretta Garrow, Building and Construction ITO,  Paul Town, Competenz,  Erica Cummings, Hairdressing ITO,  Glen Keith, Hospitality Standards Institute,  Deb Paul, Joinery ITO,

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