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To make and grow followers of Christ and as His people, to be an expression of God’s love to the World.

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Presentation on theme: "To make and grow followers of Christ and as His people, to be an expression of God’s love to the World."— Presentation transcript:

1 To make and grow followers of Christ and as His people, to be an expression of God’s love to the World

2 “By 2010, 500 missionally engaged people, following Jesus and belonging in M-Pods, Clusters & Celebrations within St Matthew’s community.” Our Vision

3 UP IN OUT UP with God where we develop intimacy with Him where we develop intimacy with Him IN with other believers where we look to be a community OUT with non believers where we seek to make an impact for the Kingdom of God where we seek to make an impact for the Kingdom of God


5 What you’ve said.... 139% Belonging

6 What others have said..... “Provocative ideas and stimulating alternative model (of church) presented” “Provocative ideas and stimulating alternative model (of church) presented” “Very useful, provocative and encouraging material for shaping the church mission and engaging the community”, “Very useful, provocative and encouraging material for shaping the church mission and engaging the community”, “Opened up new possibilities for mission and ministry” “Opened up new possibilities for mission and ministry” “Appreciated energy and passion re: ministry – openness and honesty” “Appreciated energy and passion re: ministry – openness and honesty” “.... this is life-changing” “.... this is life-changing”



9 Resources Belonging M-PodsClustersCelebrations (3-15) (16-50) (50+)

10 The Discipleship of Giving  Visitor  Regular  Member  Mature  Nothing  Open plate  Envelope/Electronic  Tithes & Offerings StatusGiving Habit

11 Our Giving Patterns

12 Our Tithes – (long-term response)

13 Our Offerings (short-term response) Our mission to transform our community faces an immediate and urgent cash flow crisis (Kairos). Our mission to transform our community faces an immediate and urgent cash flow crisis (Kairos). It’s the gap between our current monthly tithe receipts ($17,500) and current monthly payments ($23,500) - $6,000 per month over the next year (total = $72,000) and every year until we increase our tithes accordingly. It’s the gap between our current monthly tithe receipts ($17,500) and current monthly payments ($23,500) - $6,000 per month over the next year (total = $72,000) and every year until we increase our tithes accordingly. This is clearly unsustainable. This is clearly unsustainable.

14 Observe Reflect Discuss Act Account Plan Our church Kairos moment

15 Our Offerings (short-term response)  Vestry are having an emergency meeting this Tuesday (please pray). Decisions will have to be made to reduce payments (e.g. charitable donations, staff)  St Matthew’s Day, Sunday 13 th September needs to achieve a major financial response in the form of a Thanksgiving Offering.  Every member and group needs to account for how we respond in order to achieve our common future as a missional, transforming church.

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