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Partnership Opportunities [Sponsor] and [Your Club]

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Presentation on theme: "Partnership Opportunities [Sponsor] and [Your Club]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnership Opportunities [Sponsor] and [Your Club]

2 Contents Objectives 1 Executive summary 2 Equestrian sport overview 4 Equestrian audience 5 Media and publicity 7 Marketing 9 Sponsorship opportunities12 Sponsorship benefits15 Summary of exposure18 Investment summary 19

3 [Dot point your sponsors objectives] [Dot point how yours are similar] OBJECTIVES [Sponsor] and [Your Club]’s objectives are aligned: 1

4 Executive Summary Sponsorship opportunities [Insert text] 2

5 5 Equestrian Sport Overview

6 Organisation overview [Insert text] 4

7 Organisation Audience [Insert text] 5 Members### Female membership##% Male membership##% Affiliated associates### Junior members### Affiliated clubs### Accredited coaches### Accredited officials### Organisational snapshot

8 Organisation’s Achievements 6 [Insert text]

9 Media & Publicity 7 [Insert text]

10 Media & Publicity 8 [Insert text] Insert screen shot of media clipping here Insert screenshots of media clippings here

11 Marketing 9 MARKETING CHANNELSAUDIENCE NUMBER [Your Club] website### hits/month Monthly e-newsletter###/month Facebook page### fans YouTube ChannelApprox ### viewers daily (during events)

12 Marketing 10 [Insert text] Screenshot of your club website Facebook e-newsletter Twitter account screenshot of your club Facebook account screenshot of your club e- news screenshot of your club twitter account

13 13 Sponsorship Opportunities

14 14 Sponsorship Opportunities 12 Support partner – [Your Club] [Your Club] is excited to be presenting the following opportunities to [Sponsor]. When reviewing [Sponsor]’s main objectives [Your Club] would like to offer exposure through the following channels: IP rights nationally integrated through all elements (with main focus on membership). Exclusivity in category. Access to the ### members and supporters that opt in to receive information from [Your Club]. Showcase [Sponsor] through national and international events.

15 Sponsorship Opportunities 13 [Your Event] [Insert text]  More than ## of the top riders from around the country  ### spectators  More than ### volunteers  Tradeshow of featuring more than ### exhibitors  [Is your event being televised?]  [What media will be covering your event?]  Coverage on the [Your Club] YouTube Channel as well as the [Your Club] website.

16 16 Sponsorship Benefits

17 Benefits of (insert sponsor type) sponsor status are as follows: 15

18 Sponsorship Benefits 16 [Your Event] – SUPPORT PARTNER BenefitDetails SIGNAGE & BRANDING Logo placement to feature on marketing collateral [Sponsor] logo will appear on [Your Event] marketing collateral produced by [Your Club] including: -Press releases -Programs -Media guides -E-Newsletters (sent monthly – reach of more ###) -Other collateral (as determined) #% of signage at the event [Sponsor] signage will receive #% of the signage space provided Website/online Logo recognition on: -Website (### hits per month) -[Your Event] website BROADCAST INTEGRATION Verbal mentionsCommentators will acknowledge the support of partners of [Your Event] throughout the event.

19 Sponsorship Benefits ADVERTISING Advert in Program½ page advert to appear in the official event program. Bigscreen advertOpportunity to play one advert or a static ad displayed on the big screen each day of the event. TICKETS & HOSPITALITY Corporate hospitality [Your Club] will grant [Sponsor] two complimentary corporate hospitality tickets for each function. General Admission Tickets[Your Club] will provide two general admission tickets per day to [Sponsor] for staff use or promotional opportunities with customers for general admission to [Your Event] 17 OTHER BENEFITS Product inclusion/promotional material in riders packs [Sponsor] can include any products or promotional items as part of the riders pack that will be developed by [Your Club] Recorded PA mentions[Sponsor] will be recognised as a support partner in the recorded PA announcements developed as part of the [Your Event]

20 Summary of exposure – 2013/2014 18 Activity Jul 13 Aug 13 Sep 13 Oct 13 Nov 13 Dec 13 Jan 14 Feb 14 Mar 14 Apr 14 May 14 Jun 14 Event A Event B Event C Event D Event E Event F Event G [Your Club] Support Partner Event H Pre-promotion opportunityIn market

21 Sponsorship Investment Summary 19 PropertyProperty CategoryCategory Exclusivity CashContra Official ‘Support partner’ of [Your Club] [e.g Support partner]$### [Your event][e.g Support partner]$### [Other major events][e.g Support partner]$### TOTAL INVESTMENT$###

22 For further information please contact: [Contact Name] [Position] [Your Club] (01) 2345 6789 [Contact name] [Position] [Your Club] (01) 2345 6789 0401 234 567

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