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Proper Waste Disposal Labeling Procedures An informative presentation from the office of Environmental Health and Safety. Created by: Alex Volfson This.

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Presentation on theme: "Proper Waste Disposal Labeling Procedures An informative presentation from the office of Environmental Health and Safety. Created by: Alex Volfson This."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proper Waste Disposal Labeling Procedures An informative presentation from the office of Environmental Health and Safety. Created by: Alex Volfson This presentation is on auto-pilot. You will not be able to click through. Sit back and enjoy the show.

2 Step 1  Attach a completed red label to the container  Make sure it is securely attached  You may only use the preprinted label pictured to the right  If you need these labels they are available at: Berkner - Chemical Stockroom 2.412 Berkner - Chemical Stockroom 2.412 Founders – Room 3.606B Founders – Room 3.606B Call for more info x6235Call for more info x6235 Engineering – Back Dock near ECSN 2.606 Engineering – Back Dock near ECSN 2.606 EH&S – call x4111 EH&S – call x4111

3 Step 2  Fill out a chemical pick up request online at safety/envmanage/chemicalp/chemical pickup.html safety/envmanage/chemicalp/chemical pickup.html safety/envmanage/chemicalp/chemical pickup.html safety/envmanage/chemicalp/chemical pickup.html  Complete all fields, print it, and click submit  Place the form near the bottle OR attach it to the bottle with a small piece of tape Chemical pick up request form

4 General Precautions  Make sure the lid is on tight  Do not fill more than 3/4 of the container  Overfilling containers may cause spills and unnecessary exposure to EH&S personnel <3/4

5 General Procedures  Loose red labels will not be picked up  Do not stick forms into the necks of bottles  We can provide empty containers only if we have extras from other labs  We strongly recommend the use of secondary containment (We can provide this service on a limited basis)  Pick ups are estimated to be completed within 1 week If a pickup does not occur within 1 week contact If a pickup does not occur within 1 week contact

6 General Procedures cont.  The standard method for chemical pick up requests is through our website  This allows for better customer service by allowing us to pick up on a first come first serve basis  Empty containers need to have the labels defaced, mark them as trash, and place them next to regular trash We do not pick up empty containers We do not pick up empty containers END OF SHOW PRESS “ESC” TO QUIT

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