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English 9 – Reading Strategies Lessons August 31 to September 16, 2010 Includes both CP and Honors Information Includes Classwork and Homework Corsello.

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Presentation on theme: "English 9 – Reading Strategies Lessons August 31 to September 16, 2010 Includes both CP and Honors Information Includes Classwork and Homework Corsello."— Presentation transcript:

1 English 9 – Reading Strategies Lessons August 31 to September 16, 2010 Includes both CP and Honors Information Includes Classwork and Homework Corsello – email:

2 Agenda – August 31/Sept. 01 Warm UP Icebreaker Introductions Class materials needed (on Supply List of webpage below) The Hunger Games assignments (see link next page) Website information HW ALL: Hunger Games reading & assignments; HW Honors only: Bring a quotation you like by a literary author. Include the name of the author, the title of the work, and what genre (play, novel, poem, essay, etc.).

3 Agenda – September 02/07 Warm up with vocab words (next slide) Reminder of The Hunger Games assignments, see info: eading/OneDistrictOneBook.pdf eading/OneDistrictOneBook.pdf Pre-assessment: Read The Happy Mans Shirt and answer questions Course description overview HW: Continue working and/or finish The Hunger Games reading & assignments (original due dates Sept. 8 or 9 – will have some additional time, date uncertain, perhaps an extra week); ALSO, return permission slip; AND read over course description

4 Vocabulary for Sept 02/07 10 Denotation The literal meaning of the word, its dictionary definition ConnotationAssociations connected to a word Examples: * home (literally, where you live, but we also think of a warm happy place) * snake (literally, an animal with no legs and scaly skin, but many also think evil Etymology A history of a word Related rootsnota – a mark -logy – branch of knowledge or science

5 Agenda Sept. 8/9, 2010 Discuss reading strategies (present knowledge) Go over and record vocabulary related to reading strategies and the story Make predictions about The Interlopers by Saki on graphic organizer provided Read The Interlopers (ML pg 8) Finish graphic organizer, including back part to fill in specifics about conflicts in the story

6 Essential Questions – Sept. 8-13, 10 Why do we preread? What strategies do you use or know of that help with reading comprehension? ADD the following for Sept. 10/13 How do I identify conflict in a story?

7 Rdg Strategies Vocab Pre-reading – activities involving activating prior knowledge or increasing prior knowledge Preview – to look over material you are about to read Predict – to try to figure out what will happen next and how the selection might end

8 Reading Strategies Vocab (cont) Clarify – to stop occasionally to review what you understand, expect that will change as you read. Stop and reread as needed to help your understanding. Infer – a logical guess based on the facts or evidence presented Summarize – to restate main ideas of the reading, often in written form, in shorter version than original

9 Literary Vocab Interlopers Conflict - struggle between opposing forces, internal (inside mind) or external (outside forces) Acquiesce – to consent or agree w/o protest Quarry – refers to an animal or anything hunted or pursued Reconciliation - a settlement of a controversy or disagreement

10 Agenda – Sept. 10/13, 2010 Finish rdg. The Interlopers (if not done) Inter – prefix meaning between Complete graphic organizer: predicting responses and conflict chart Write story summary Submit work prior to end of class Review other reading strategies (pages 6 & 7) HW: Finish work on The Hunger Games, due Sept. 15/16 (after student day off relating to in-service teacher meetings)

11 Agenda Sept 15/16, 2010 Collect The Hunger Games assgnmts Baddest Dog in Harlem vocab & rdg. strat. Read Baddest Dog and complete organizer Answer Essential Questions for Rdg Strategies (Exit Ticket) HW: Study all vocab to this date

12 Vocab Baddest Dog Pre-reading - Prior knowledge & learn vocab Connect- Think of similarities between whats in the reading and your experience Infer- (see previous definition from vocab) Evaluate- form opinions about what youve read Heavy weight- class of fighters of most weight Liable- likely; also responsible

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