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WINTER 2014 Student Progress Report Changes. WHY CHANGE? Improve communication about student growth Families School Strategic Plan Initiatives Broaden.

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Presentation on theme: "WINTER 2014 Student Progress Report Changes. WHY CHANGE? Improve communication about student growth Families School Strategic Plan Initiatives Broaden."— Presentation transcript:

1 WINTER 2014 Student Progress Report Changes

2 WHY CHANGE? Improve communication about student growth Families School Strategic Plan Initiatives Broaden ways in which student progress is captured. Refine communication tools regarding student progress to ensure that the school community understands the ways that we know, understand, and guide students.

3 How: Research, Discussion, Construction, Assessment, Writing Epiphany Teachers Peer School Research Categories and Skills Identification

4 New Timing and Frequency Fall Conference Summary WinterSpringFinal

5 Curriculum Overview CategorySkills 12345 Reading Strategies Chooses a just-right book. Explains and demonstrates the six types of thinking that readers do while reading. Cites passages to show evidence. Participates in discussions. Reading Comprehens ion Completes activities that demonstrate reading comprehension. Participates in discussions. Articulates interpretation of a fictional story Writing Mechanics and Process Explains the meaning and value of ideas, content, and word choice as part of the writing process. Demonstrates clear ideas, cohesive content, and varied and appropriate word choice. Demonstrates knowledge of the mechanics of writing on practice worksheets and in the context of everyday writing. Vocabulary Grammar Usage Learns new words and memorizes their meaning for quizzes. Uses new vocabulary words in the context of everyday writing and speech. Spelling Learns spelling rules and memorize spelling words for quizzes. Uses correct spelling in the context of everyday writing. Comments

6 Scale and Scoring 12345 Student is Not Meeting Expectation Areas in Which the Student Regularly Does Not Meet Expectations Mostly Meeting Expectations with Areas for Improvement Meeting Expectations Exceeding Expectations Plan of ActionNeeds SupportProficient and may need growth MasteryDistinguished

7 Scores Over the Year

8 Outplacement Role and Importance Combination and Consistency Peer Schools

9 Next Steps Data Timing Language Scale

10 Questions Student Progress Report Scores or Comments: TEACHER Consistency between Subject Reports: VIVIAN SCHEIDT Next Steps/Plan of Action: TEACHER/ED TRIGGS

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