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E-term: A European training project for administrators, archivists and information managers Elizabeth Shepherd University College London.

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Presentation on theme: "E-term: A European training project for administrators, archivists and information managers Elizabeth Shepherd University College London."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-term: A European training project for administrators, archivists and information managers Elizabeth Shepherd University College London

2 E-term project u European Training in Electronic Records Management

3 Introduction to E-term u develop a common European framework model for electronic records training u identify a European core body of knowledge for e-records training u promote vocational training through co- operation between universities and employers u facilitate lifelong learning

4 E-term partners u Netherlands Archiefschool u University College London, UK u University of Northumbria, UK u Fachhochschule, Potsdam, Germany u University of Tampere, Finland u Universidade do Porto, Portugal u Ufficio Centrale per i beni archivistici, Italy

5 Complementary activities u Netherlands Archiefschool five day seminar cycle on digital archives u Socrates-funded project, RECPRO, which developed curriculum materials for university teaching in electronic records management

6 RECPRO objectives u electronic RECords PROject u develop archives and records management university programmes u revise existing and create new course modules u developments in IT and digitization of information u seek ways to integrate the curriculum development

7 Post-vocational training: E- term u March 1999, Amsterdam meeting u five universities and one public authority u plan to develop vocational training and professional development u lifelong learning u for archivists and administrators

8 E-term outcomes u to develop a common European framework model u to produce a core curriculum u to pilot the model in three EU regions u to test innovative approaches to training delivery u to promote vocational training through co-operation

9 First stage u analysis and assessment of the Dutch seminar model u review existing materials of partners in Germany, UK, Finland, Portugal and Italy u propose elements of a transnational core curriculum u draw up a generic European model

10 Second stage u complement generic core by regional materials u reflect specific regional requirements, such as national statutory frameworks u pilot model in three countries

11 Pedagogic outcomes u Dutch model: five single days of seminars u German variation: two periods of two or three days training, plus guided reading and work based assignments u UK: two-three days of face to face teaching, plus materials delivered by open and distance learning

12 Future developments u web-based learning space u translation and publication for dissemination u a model training programme, adaptable to Europe-wide and to regional requirements

13 E-term: A European training project for administrators, archivists and information managers Elizabeth Shepherd University College London

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