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Title I, Part A Fall 2008
Brief History of Title I, Part A
As part of LBJ’s “War on Poverty”, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) was passed to strengthen and improve educational quality and educational opportunities in the nation’s elementary and secondary schools.
Intent and Purpose of Title I
Provide opportunities for children served to acquire the knowledge and skills contained in the state content standards (TEKS) and to meet the state performance standards (TAKS) (Use this slide and the next slide as needed for an introduction) 4/6/2017 Overview of Title I
Intent of Title I, Part A Campus Allocation
Title I, Part A funds should go to serve the highest poverty schools To enable schools to provide opportunities for children to acquire the knowledge and skills contained in the challenging state content standards. And to meet the challenging state performance standards developed for all children.
A campus will be considered to meet the requirements of a schoolwide program if :
School meets schoolwide poverty threshold of (40%) for eligibility; School is designed to promote schoolwide reform and to support students in their achievement toward meeting the State’s challenging student academic performance standards; If the program is designed to meet the educational needs of all children in school, particularly students who are failing or at risk of failing; If the school uses the State’s assessment system to review the effectiveness of the program.
Schoolwide Eligibility Threshold
The School wide eligibility threshold is 40%; The threshold is determined by the number of students meeting the criteria for the Free/Reduced lunch program; This percentage determines the amount of Title I funds the district receives.
Title I, Part A General Requirements
Schools must implement Parents Right-to-Know in accordance with P.L , Section 1111 (h)(6); Develop school-parent compacts jointly with parents; Provide information to parents in language the parents understand; Develop District and campus Parent Involvement Policies; Implement Section of Head Start Standards if implementing pre-school programs; Integrate and coordinate Title I, Part A professional development and services with other educational programs; Provide additional assistance to students identified as needing help to meet performance standards; Include in the Campus Improvement Plan, a plan to ensure that all teachers meet Highly Qualified criteria.
Parent Notification A school receiving Title I, Part A funds must provide each individual parent— the child’s level of achievement in each state academic assessment, and timely notice if the child has been assigned or taught for 4 or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified. A school receiving Title I, Part A funds must provide each individual parent— Information on the level of achievement of the parent’s child in each state academic assessment, and Timely notice that the parent’s child has been assigned, or has been taught, for 4 or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified.
Reservation of Funds Comparable services
Homeless students in non-participating schools Students in Neglected Facilities School Improvement Requirements Professional Development Parental Involvement Private School Programs Preschool, Summer School, Intercession Programs Before allocating funds in accordance with 34 CFR , an LEA must reserve funds as stated in 34 CFR as are reasonable and necessary to- 1) Provide services comparable to those provided to children in participating school attendance areas and schools to serve – Homeless children who do not attend participating Title I, Part A schools Children in local institutions for neglected children Neglected and delinquent children in community day school programs 2) School Improvement-20% unless the LEA meets these requirements with non-Title I funds or unless a lesser amount is needed School Choice-related transportation Professional development requirements (corrective action strategies and Highly Qualified) 3) Professional Development-should be based on campus needs assessment and addressed in the CIP 5% of Title I, Part A funds are required to be reserved for professional development if all teachers are not HQ; the district has the option to reserve a lesser amount as determined to meet their professional development needs 4) Meet the requirements for parental involvement in section 1118(a)(3) of the Act (1% if LEAs entitlement exceeds $500,000; with 95% of the 1% reserved being allocated to Title I campuses in addition to their basic campus allocation) 5) Administer programs for public and private school children 6) Other authorized activities (such as preschool programs, summer school, and intersession programs, additional professional development, school improvement, and coordinated services) that are implemented for all applicable Title I served campuses 4/6/2017 Campus Allocations
Allowable Expenditures
Policy Guidelines The application of these principles are based on the fundamental premises that: LEAs are responsible for the efficient and effective administration of Federal monies through the application of sound management practice. 4/6/2017 Allowable Expenditures
Allowable Expenditures
Policy Guidelines 2. LEAs assume responsibility for administering Federal funds in a manner consistent with underlying agreements, program objectives, and the terms and conditions of the Federal application. 4/6/2017 Allowable Expenditures
Allowable Expenditures
Policy Guidelines 3. Each LEA, in recognition of its own unique combination of staff, facilities, and experience, will have the primary responsibility for employing whatever form of organization and management techniques may be necessary to assure proper and efficient administration of Federal funds. 4/6/2017 Allowable Expenditures
Campus Improvement Plan “Schoolwide Campus” must:
Clearly incorporate the Ten Components of a Schoolwide program; Describe how the school will use Title I, Part A resources and other funds to incorporate the ten components; Include a list of state and federal programs whose funds will be combined Describe how the intent and purposes of the other federal programs will be met; Include sufficient activities to address the needs of the intended beneficiaries of all involved programs.
Is an Expense Allowable Under Title I, Part A? Basic Questions
Was it identified in the campus’ comprehensive needs assessment? Is the activity identified in the CIP (prior to amending the CIP to add it in)? Is the activity for only eligible targeted assistance students-OR-is the activity to upgrade the entire educational program of the Schoolwide campus? Is the expense reasonable & necessary?
Who Determines Reasonable & Necessary?
According to OMB Circular A-87 The LEA is responsible for the efficient and effective administration of Federal awards through the application of sound management practices. Normally the business manager and/or program administrator. The external auditor can have an impact on determination of reasonable and necessary Criteria for Federal Grants: Allowable Expenses Reasonable & Necessary Allocability Consistent Treatment Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 4/6/2017 Allowable Expenditures
Reasonable & Necessary
Cost is reasonable if: It does not exceed that which would be incurred by a prudent individual or organization under the circumstances prevailing at the time the decision was made to incur the cost Comparable to current market value Cost is necessary if: It is essential for fulfilling the intent of the grant program Example: Paying $600 for a teacher to attend a month-long course in Mexico on teaching mathematics to Spanish-speaking students. The course includes training the teachers in the proper Spanish terms used in teaching mathematics? This cost is reasonable since most three day conferences cost several hundred dollars in registration fees in addition to the teacher’s travel, housing, and meals. The cost for a month-long course, travel, housing, and meals would meet the test of reasonable. This cost is necessary if the campus has identified needs to improve the math performance of English Language Learners. 4/6/2017 Allowable Expenditures
Supplement, Not Supplant
What does the Law say? SECTION 1120A. FISCAL REQUIREMENTS: (b) FEDERAL FUNDS TO SUPPLEMENT, NOT SUPPLANT, NONFEDERAL FUNDS (1) IN GENERAL – A state educational agency or local educational agency shall use Federal funds received under this part only to supplement the funds that would, in the absence of such Federal funds, be made available from non-Federal sources for the education of pupils participating in programs assisted under this part, and not to supplant such funds. The No Child Left Behind Law (P. L ) includes a “Supplement, Not Supplant” requirement for State Education Agencies and Local education in regard to Title I, Part A and other federal programs. Section 1120A is from the statute for Title I, Part A. The participating program “under this part” is referring to Title I, Part A. Each federal program in NCLB has a different statute number for their “Supplement, Not Supplant” Requirement. 4/6/2017 Supplement, Not Supplant
Supplement, Not Supplant
What does the law mean? Federal funds may not be used to provide services required by: State law State Board of Education Rule Local policy Continued In other words, state or local mandates may not be provided with federal funds. As a rule of thumb, ask yourself, “If we did not have these federal funds, would we be providing this service?” If the answer is no, the service is probably supplemental. If the answer is yes, consider very carefully whether this service is required by state law, SBOE rule, or local policy. 4/6/2017 Supplement, Not Supplant
Supplement, Not Supplant
What does the law mean? Definition of Terms: Supplement: means to add to, to enhance, to expand, to increase, to extend basic education program Supplant: means to take the place of, to replace A school has just become a Title I school. As a first year Title I school, they are planning to implement a Targeted Assistance program. Their needs indicate that their students are scoring poorly in Reading according to the Texas Assessment of knowledge and Skills (TAKS) and the Iowa Test of Basic Skills. The school personnel are planning to hire a reading specialist to assist identified students using intensive reading strategies before school, after school, and during Saturdays. Additionally, the school plans to provide additional intensive reading professional development to increase the teacher’s skills in the areas that students are lowest scoring. Would it be a good idea to provide these additional services using Title I funds? Why or why not? Answer: This example would be considered a supplement because the reading specialist position would be a new position and would be providing extra instruction to the identified students by extending the school day and week. The professional development would also be supplemental so this situation meets the supplement, not supplant requirement. Targeted Assistance example: A school was purchasing workbooks for reading with state funds. The school personnel want to spend their Title I Targeted Assistance funds to buy the workbooks for their Title I identified students and to continue to buy the workbooks for their non-Title I students with those state funds. Would this be a good idea? Why? The school should continue to pay the workbooks with the state funds or a nonfederal fund source because the Title I students are entitled to the same benefits as non-Title I students and the school should not replace the state funds with federal funds. Schoolwide example: A Title I school has six teachers paid with nonfederal funds to teach the students in six classrooms. The school personnel decide to pay five personnel with nonfederal funds and one teacher with Title I funds. The district would then take the funds to hire a district technology person who would provide tech support to the district level administrators. Would this situation be a supplement or a supplant? This situation would be a supplant because the school would be replacing nonfederal funds with title I funds AND would be diverting funds to another purpose away from the Schoolwide campus. In the event that the campus had kept the funds on that campus for programming, then it would be not be a supplant issue. 4/6/2017 Supplement, Not Supplant
Supplement, Not Supplant
Requirements Documentation must be maintained which clearly demonstrates the supplementary nature of the federal funds and/or activities, as appropriate. Documentation might include ledgers or budgets reflecting amount of state and local funds vs. federal funds for current and preceding years Required documentation is different for Schoolwide and for Targeted Assistance Programs. We will discuss as we progress in the presentation. 4/6/2017 Supplement, Not Supplant
Title II, Part A-Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting Fund (TPTR)
Intent and Purpose: Provide financial assistance to districts to: increase student academic achievement through improving teacher and principal quality; hold local education agencies and school accountable for improving student academic achievement.
Allowable Use of Funds Recruiting, hiring, and retention of highly qualified personnel Professional development Improve quality of teacher and paraprofessional work force Reducing class size.
TPTR Program Activities are based on local needs and must:
Be aligned with state academic content and student academic performance standards; Be aligned with curricula and programs tied to state academic content and performance standards; Be based on a review of scientifically based research; Have a substantial, measurable, and positive impact on student academic achievement; Be a part of a strategy to eliminate the achievement gap between low-income and minority students and other students.
Title II, Part D The purpose of Title II, Part D is to improve student academic achievement through the use of technology in elementary and secondary schools. It is designed to assist every student-regardless of race, ethnicity, income, geographical location, or disability – in becoming technologically literate by the end of eighth grade 25% of the allocation must be used for ongoing, sustained, and intensive high-quality professional development.
Title III, Part A English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement Act
Title III, Part A provides supplemental resources to local education agencies to help ensure that children who are limited English proficient attain English proficiency at high levels in core academic subjects to meet state mandated achievement performance standards
Title III, Part A Purpose and Requirements
To assist all LEP and immigrant students to achieve at thigh levels in the core academic subjects; To develop high-quality language instruction educational programs; To assist local education agencies to develop and enhance their capacity to provide high-quality instructional programs; To promote parental and community participation in language programs for the parents and communities of LEP students; To hold schools accountable for increases in English proficiency and core academic content knowledge of LEP students; To provide schools with the flexibility to implement the most effective instruction programs based on scientifically based research; To assist schools to build their capacity to provide high-quality – streamlined language instruction programs that help LEP students reach the high academic performance standards.
Title IV, Part A Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities
The purpose of the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities program is to support comprehensive (EE-12) drug use prevention and violence prevention programs that: Prevent violence in and around schools; Prevent the illegal use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs; Involve parents and communities; and Coordinate with related federal, state, and community efforts and resources to foster safe and drug-free schools and communities.
Title V, Part A Innovative Programs
The purpose of Title V – Part A: support local education reform efforts that are consistent with and support statewide education reform efforts; provide a continuing source of innovation and educational improvement including support programs to provide library services and instructional media materials; Meet the educational needs of all students; and Develop and implement education programs to improve school, student, and teacher performance.
Enacted January 8, 2002 Enacted January 8, 2002
NCLB was signed into federal law by President Bush on January 8, This is important because although most provisions in the statute went into effect on July 1, 2002, some provisions went into effect on the date of enactment. Enacted January 8, 2002
Overview of NCLB Increase Accountability for Student Performance
Focus on What Works Reduce Bureaucracy and Increase Flexibility Empower Parents There are four basic themes that run consistently through the federal statute. Improving Accountability for student performance, Focusing on what works through research, Reducing bureaucracy and improving flexibility, and Empowering parents to involved in the education of their children.
Increase Accountability for Student Performance
State Standards Assessment System Accountability System Adequate Yearly Progress School Improvement NCLB requires states to be accountable for improving student performance by having: State Standards, A statewide Assessment System, A statewide Accountability System which includes Adequate Yearly Progress, and School Improvement for Title I campuses who are not successful in meeting AYP.
Standards Academic Standards
Coherent, rigorous content of what children are expected to know and be able to do Encourage the teaching of advanced skills NCLB requires Academic, or Content, Standards that are coherent and rigorous and define what students are expected to know and be able to do. These standards encourage the teaching of advanced skills and higher order thinking skills.
Standards Student Academic Achievement Standards
Aligned to State Academic Standards Includes a minimum of three levels of achievement (basic, proficient, and advanced) Statute also requires student performance standards, or Academic Achievement Standards which are aligned to the content standards and must have a minimum of three levels of achievement. Basic = Not meeting standard Proficient = Meeting standard Advanced = Commended Performance
Accountability System
Criteria Based on State academic standards and State assessments Include sanctions and rewards Adequate Yearly Progress Single system for all public schools The Accountability system requirements do not align as closely with our current system, especially since state law requires the state accountability system to be revised this fall. NCLB requires a system to be based on the state academic standards and assessments, and to include sanctions and rewards. The system must be based on Adequate Yearly Progress for all schools.
LEA and Campus Responsibilities
Building Capacity through- Assistance, materials and training to parents Education of teachers, principals, and other staff Information in format and language parent can understand It is a shared responsibility between the district and the campus to build the capacity of parents through: --providing assistance, materials and training to parents; --educate teachers, principals, and other staff to work effectively with parents; and --to provide information in format and language parent can understand to the extent practicable.
No Child Left Behind Act
Increases accountability standards for districts and students Failing to meet NCLB criteria increases the chance of losing Federal Funding Provides for quality education and training for teachers and students
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