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In today’s world, every facet of life is marked by cultural differences.

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Presentation on theme: "In today’s world, every facet of life is marked by cultural differences."— Presentation transcript:

1 In today’s world, every facet of life is marked by cultural differences.

2 Work

3 School

4 Family

5 Very few nations, groups, or cultures can remain autonomous. This is so because if you touch one part of the world and you touch them all.

6 202 nations in world and everyone of them has someone living in the US Houston has 2 radio stations in Chinese and 1 newspaper. Nearly 65% of the people of Miami were born outside the US. More than 32 million people in US speak a language other than English in their home. Asian Americans make up 55% of first year students at the University of California at Berkeley.

7 Culture is: A learned set of shared perceptions about attitudes, beliefs, values, and norms which affect the behaviors of a relatively large group of people. attitudesbeliefsvaluesnorms

8 NORMS: shared rules or guidelines that prescribe the behavior appropriate in a given situation.

9 Back NORMS

10 BELIEFS: ways in which we structure reality to accept something as either true or false.


12 ATTITUDES: Learned predispositions to respond favorably or unfavorably toward something. Back

13 VALUES: Enduring concepts of good and bad, right and wrong. Back

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