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The story so far.. The first few chapters showed us how to calculate the equilibrium distribution of charges in a semiconductor np = ni2, n ~ ND for n-type.

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Presentation on theme: "The story so far.. The first few chapters showed us how to calculate the equilibrium distribution of charges in a semiconductor np = ni2, n ~ ND for n-type."— Presentation transcript:

1 The story so far.. The first few chapters showed us how to calculate the equilibrium distribution of charges in a semiconductor np = ni2, n ~ ND for n-type The last chapter showed how the system tries to restore itself back to equilibrium when perturbed, through RG processes R = (np - ni2)/[tp(n+n1) + tn(p+p1)] In this chapter we will explore the processes that drive the system away from equilibrium. Electric forces will cause drift, while thermal forces (collisions) will cause diffusion. ECE 663

2 Drift: Driven by Electric Field
vd = mE Electric field (V/cm) Velocity (cm/s) Mobility (cm2/Vs) E Which has higher drift? x


4 Why does a field create a velocity rather than an acceleration?
Terminal velocity Gravity Drag

5 Why does a field create a velocity rather than an acceleration?
The field gives a net drift superposed on top Random scattering events (R-G centers)

6 Why does a field create a velocity rather than an acceleration?
mn*(dv/dt + v/tn) = -qE mn = qtn/mn* mp = qtp/mp*

7 From accelerating charges to drift
ECE 663

8 From mobility to drift current
Jn = qnv = qnmnE drift (A/cm2) Jp = qpv = qpmpE drift mn = qtn/mn* mp = qtp/mp*

9 Resistivity, Conductivity
Jn = snE drift Jp = spE r = 1/s sn = nqmn = nq2tn/mn* sp = pqmp = pq2tp/mp* s = sn + sp

10 Ohm’s Law Jn = E/rn Jp = E/rp L E = V/L I = JA = V/R A R = rL/A (Ohms)
drift Jp = E/rp L E = V/L I = JA = V/R R = rL/A (Ohms) A V What’s the unit of r?

11 So mobility and resistivity depend on material properties (e. g. m
So mobility and resistivity depend on material properties (e.g. m*) and sample properties (e.g. NT, which determines t) Recall 1/t = svthNT

12 Can we engineer these properties?
What changes at the nanoscale?

13 What causes scattering?
Phonon Scattering Ionized Impurity Scattering Neutral Atom/Defect Scattering Carrier-Carrier Scattering Piezoelectric Scattering ECE 663

14 Some typical expressions
Phonon Scattering Ionized Impurity Scattering ECE 663

15 Combining the mobilities
Matthiessen’s Rule Caughey-Thomas Model ECE 663

16 Doping dependence of mobility
ECE 663

17 Doping dependence of resistivity
rN = 1/qNDmn rP = 1/qNAmp m depends on N too, but weaker.. ECE 663

18 Temperature Dependence
Piezo scattering Phonon Scattering ~T-3/2 Ionized Imp ~T3/2 ECE 663

19 Reduce Ionized Imp scattering (Modulation Doping)
Bailon et al Tsui-Stormer-Gossard Pfeiffer-Dingle-West.. ECE 663

20 Field Dependence of velocity
Velocity saturation ~ 107cm/s for n-Si (hot electrons) Velocity reduction in GaAs ECE 663

21 Gunn Diode Can operate around NDR point to get an oscillator ECE 663

22 GaAs bandstructure ECE 663

23 Transferred Electron Devices (Gunn Diode)
E(GaAs)=0.31 eV Increases mass upon transfer under bias ECE 663

24 Negative Differential Resistance
ECE 663


26 Jn = q(l2/t)dn/dx = qDNdn/dx
DIFFUSION J2 = -qn(x+l)v J1 = qn(x)v l = vt diff Jn = q(l2/t)dn/dx = qDNdn/dx ECE 663

27 Drift vs Diffusion x x t t E2 > E1 E1 <x2> ~ Dt
<x> ~ mEt ECE 663

28 SIGNS E vp = mpE vn = mnE Jn = qnmnE Jp = qpmpE EC Opposite velocities
Parallel currents vp = mpE vn = mnE Jn = qnmnE drift Jp = qpmpE

29 SIGNS dn/dx > 0 dp/dx > 0 Jn = qDndn/dx Jp = -qDpdp/dx
Parallel velocities Opposite currents Jn = qDndn/dx diff Jp = -qDpdp/dx

30 In Equilibrium, Fermi Level is Invariant
e.g. non-uniform doping ECE 663

31 Einstein Relationship
m and D are connected !! Jn Jn = qnmnE + qDndn/dx = 0 diff drift n(x)= Nce-[EC(x) - EF]/kT = Nce-[EC -EF - qV(x)]/kT dn/dx = -(qE/kT)n Dn/mn = kT/q qnmnE - qDn(qE/kT)n = 0 ECE 663

32 Einstein Relationship
mn = qtn/mn* Dn = kTtn/mn* ½ m*v2 = ½ kT Dn = v2tn = l2/tn ECE 663

33 So… We know how to calculate fields from charges (Poisson)
We know how to calculate moving charges (currents) from fields (Drift-Diffusion) We know how to calculate charge recombination and generation rates (RG) Let’s put it all together !!! ECE 663

34 Relation between current and charge
ECE 663

35 Continuity Equation ECE 663

36 The equations At steady state with no RG .J = q.(nv) = 0 ECE 663

37 Let’s put all the maths together…

38 All the equations at one place
(n, p) E J ECE 663

39 Simplifications 1-D, RG with low-level injection
rN = Dp/tp, rP = Dn/tn Ignore fields E ≈ 0 in diffusion region JN = qDNdn/dx, JP = -qDPdp/dx

40 Minority Carrier Diffusion Equations
∂Dnp ∂2Dnp ∂t ∂x2 Dnp tn = DN - + GN ∂Dpn ∂2Dpn Dpn tp = DP + GP ECE 663

41 Example 1: Uniform Illumination
∂Dnp ∂2Dnp ∂t ∂x2 Dnp tn = DN - + GN Dn(x,0) = 0 Dn(x,∞) = GNtn Why? Dn(x,t) = GNtn(1-e-t/tn) ECE 663

42 Example 2: 1-sided diffusion, no traps
∂Dnp ∂2Dnp ∂t ∂x2 Dnp tn = DN - + GN Dn(x,b) = 0 Dn(x) = Dn(0)(b-x)/b ECE 663

43 Example 3: 1-sided diffusion with traps
∂Dnp ∂2Dnp ∂t ∂x2 Dnp tn = DN - + GN Dn(x,b) = 0 Ln = Dntn Dn(x,t) = Dn(0)sinh[(b-x)/Ln]/sinh(b/Ln) ECE 663

44 Numerical techniques 2

45 Numerical techniques

46 At the ends… ECE 663

47 Overall Structure ECE 663

48 In summary While RG gives us the restoring forces in a
semiconductor, DD gives us the perturbing forces. They constitute the approximate transport eqns (and will need to be modified in 687) The charges in turn give us the fields through Poisson’s equations, which are correct (unless we include many-body effects) For most practical devices we will deal with MCDE ECE 663

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