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What is PASS? -- Peer Assisted Study Session. What is PASS?  Not only passing the course  P-Peer Former UGFN students with excellent performance No.

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Presentation on theme: "What is PASS? -- Peer Assisted Study Session. What is PASS?  Not only passing the course  P-Peer Former UGFN students with excellent performance No."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is PASS? -- Peer Assisted Study Session

2 What is PASS?  Not only passing the course  P-Peer Former UGFN students with excellent performance No intimidation or status difference No grading or assessment role  A-Assisted Assist not ‘lecture’ Foster active and collaborative learning  S-Study Supply study guides/tips from lecture Offer opportunities to practice and make mistakes  S-Session One-hour weekly small group study session Friendly, fun, informal

3 What is included in PASS?  Simply… Discussion.  Provide a comfortable atmosphere for you to ask any questions, even if they seem silly.  You will have chances to discuss the texts with students taking other tutorial sessions.  Attendance at sessions is voluntary, but it greatly raises your effectiveness in studying the texts.

4 What should I do before attending a PASS?  Simply read the text  You don’t have to understand the whole text, but you should at least have an idea of “What you don’t know”. LectureReadingsPASSTutorial

5 When will PASS be held?  Starting from next week…  You are free to join any of the above groups **Announcements will be made on eLearn. PASS LeaderDayTimeLang.First sessionVenue Justee ChowMon12:30pm-1:30pmC/EJan 20YIA 410 Samuel ChengMon5:30pm-6:30pmCJan 13FYB 107A Sherry BaiMon5:30pm-6:30pmPJan 13FYB 107B Timothy LamFri4:30pm-5:30pmCJan 17YIA 406

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