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Andalusia Sports by José Luís Manzano and Francisco Gutiérrez 2 nd E.S.O B.

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Presentation on theme: "Andalusia Sports by José Luís Manzano and Francisco Gutiérrez 2 nd E.S.O B."— Presentation transcript:

1 Andalusia Sports by José Luís Manzano and Francisco Gutiérrez 2 nd E.S.O B

2 Index 1.The most common sports. 2.Football. 3.Tennis. 4.Basketball. 5.Handball. 6.Other sports.

3 1.The most common sports In Andalusia we practise every sport but there are some sports that are more common, for example football, tennis,basketball and handball.

4 2.Football. Football is the most important sport in Andalusia. There are a lot of teams in each province.The most important football teams in Andalusia are: First division: Sevilla,Betis,Málaga,Huelva and Almeria. Second division:Xerez, Polidevortivo ejido and Cadiz.


6 3.Tennis. In Andalusia there are good tennis players such as Jose Higueras and Manuel Orantes. Manuel Orantes won a lot of championships such as the Roland Garros.

7 4.Basketball In Andalusia basketball is an important sport. Here we have the ACB league and there are Andalusian basketball teams such as CB Granada,Unicaja, Cajasol...

8 5.Handball. In Andalusia and in Spain too,the most important league is the Asobal League. In Andalusia there aren't important teams. Handball is important in Andalusia but only for young people.

9 6.Other sports In Andalusia there are other sports but these sports aren't very common like climbing,skiing,volley ball, hockey...Some of these sports can be practised only in winter, and others in summer


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