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University of Texas at Dallas Anna Yi

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1 University of Texas at Dallas Anna Yi
J2EETM : Why, What and How University of Texas at Dallas Anna Yi

2 Objectives Why J2EE? What is J2EE? How to use J2EE?
How to use j2EE to design, develop, assemble, and deploy Java applications Accumulation of slides

3 Motivation for J2EE Need for
Why J2EE? Need for New multi-tier enterprise computing model in web environment A way to bring in different elements of enterprise application Web interface design Transaction processing Meeting non-functional system requirements: Availability, reliability, enhanceability, performance, scalability, reusability, interoperability Timely development and deployment Enterprise means “server-side” computation

4 Two-tier Client/Server Architecture
Why J2EE? Two-tier Client/Server Architecture Server Client

5 Simple Web Client/Server
Why J2EE? Interaction of two-tier architecture Client: simply accesses web pages through web browser Server: retrieves html documents It’s not very useful; not very intelligent Give url, and web browser brings in web pages

6 CGI-based Web Client/Server
Why J2EE? CGI-based Web Client/Server Interaction of two-tier architecture Client: uses service requiring 2ndary storage Server: manipulates forms, Database updates, (primitive) electronic commerce Fat Server/ Thin Client i.e. order pizza, free after 30 min; should be a way to determine the time Somebody has to remember the time that I ordered (server)

7 Java Applet-based Web Client/Server
Why J2EE? Java Applet-based Web Client/Server Interaction of two-tier architecture Client: uses Java Applet for client-side computation Server: provides Applet bytecode Fat Client/Thin Server Client to do stand-alone processing But we cannot do important processing, such as done by CGI programming? Java’s utility is fairly limited

8 Two-tier Client/Server Architecture
Why J2EE? Two-tier Client/Server Architecture So, important processing needs to be run on the server Then, Java needs to run on the server too to be more useful  enterprise The server is almost like what CGI-programming does Client: data access applying business logic and presentation of data (computation) Server: serves only as service-database server, not application server web server Enterprise has two different meaning Application server: J2EE (platform for serving applications, JSP) Client Server But what is the problem with this architecture?

9 Drawbacks of two tier application architecture
Why J2EE? Drawbacks of two tier application architecture Easy to deploy, but difficult to enhance or upgrade Reusability of business and presentation logic difficult Not scalable

10 Vision of J2EE An open standard Umbrella for anything Java-related
Why J2EE? Vision of J2EE An open standard Umbrella for anything Java-related For designing, developing, assembling, and deploying component-based enterprise applications Separation of business logic from presentation Reusability, enhanceability, scalability, interoperability Enterprise means “server-side” computation

11 Separation of Business logic from Presentation logic
Why J2EE? Separation of Business logic from Presentation logic Presentation logic : display Business logic : what the company wants to do Example: the distribution of different sales figures by diff dept (business logic) can be represented in many different ways (pie chart, bar graph, etc)

12 Why J2EE? Simplifies the complexity of a building n-tier application
Standardizes an API between components and application server container J2EE Application Server and Containers provide the framework services

13 What is J2EE? Defines the standard for developing multitier enterprise applications Simplifies enterprise applications by: Basing them on standardized, modular components Providing a complete set of services to those components Handling many details of application behavior automatically, without complex programming So J2EE comes up w/ solution; what is the solution?

14 Thin-client Multi-tiered Architecture
What is J2EE? Thin-client Multi-tiered Architecture So J2EE comes up w/ solution; what is the solution?

15 J2EE Tiers Client Presentation Presentation Logic Application Logic
HTML or Java applets deployed in Browser XML documentations transmitted through HTTP Java clients running in Client Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Presentation Logic Servlets or JavaServer Pages running in web server Application Logic Enterprise JavaBeans running in Server

16 J2EE Components & Services
Java Servlets JavaServer Pages (JSP) Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) Standard services & supporting technologies Java database connectivity(JDBC) data access API Java Messaging Service (JMS) (Remote Method Invocations (RMI)) Extensible Markup Languages(XML) JavaIDL (Interface Description Language) JavaMail Java Security CORBA technology Design Patterns Components based model Container-provided services Design Patterns are oo reusable components (solutions to recurring problem) MVC: architectural concept; in Smalltalk environments; Java Beans:reusable unit of component; a java class w/ four kinds of special features 1: properties(get/set); 2:methods(internal,get/set);3.persistence;

17 Advantages of Multi-tiers
Tiers separate functionality: Presentation Logic, Business Logic, Data Schema Easier upgrade since one tier can be changed without changing the rest Lower deployment and maintenance cost More flexible (can support changes), more extensible (can add functionality)


19 What is J2EE? The Big Picture

20 What is J2EE? 4-Tier Model Web Tier Client Tier EIS Tier Business Tier

21 Commercial Platforms J2EE SDK 1.3 (Sun) * WebLogic (BEA Systems)
What is J2EE? Commercial Platforms J2EE SDK 1.3 (Sun) * WebLogic (BEA Systems) WebSphere (IBM) iPlanet (Sun & NetScape) JBoss (Open source) Platform implements this architectural specification

22 What is Application Server
What is J2EE? What is Application Server Application servers enable the development of multi-tiered distributed applications. They are also called “middleware” An application server acts as the interface between the database(s), the web servers and the client browsers

23 Application Server: Key Services

24 JBoss- Application Server

25 J2EE Components Java Servlets JavaServer Pages (JSP)
What is J2EE? J2EE Components Java Servlets JavaServer Pages (JSP) Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) Components based model Container-provided services Design Patterns are oo reusable components (solutions to recurring problem) MVC: architectural concept; in Smalltalk environments; Java Beans:reusable unit of component; a java class w/ four kinds of special features 1: properties(get/set); 2:methods(internal,get/set);3.persistence;






31 Overview of Servlets Container-managed web components
What is J2EE? Overview of Servlets Container-managed web components Replace Common Gateway Interface(CGI) or Active Server Pages (ASP) Generate dynamic response to requests from web based clients Synchronize multiple concurrent client request Serve as client proxies

32 What is J2EE? Servlet Operation Server is Java program that runs as separate thread inside servlet container. Servlet container is part of web server It interact with web client using response request paradigm

33 JavaServer Pages (JSP)
What is J2EE? JavaServer Pages (JSP) Text based documents describe how to process a request and create a response Contains HTML or XML and other JSP elements defined by JSP specification. Are Installed on web server are web components that sits on top of java servlet mode.

34 JSP Advantages Performance Programming
What is J2EE? JSP Advantages Performance Runtime characteristics of servlets uses Lightweight threads: Doesn’t start new process for each request, Initialized once and persists in memory for multiple requests, cached Automatic recompilation of modified pages Server side processing Programming Emphasize use of reusable components Write Once , Run Anywhere properties Extensible through custom tag libraries Provides front end access mechanism to EJBs

35 Parts of JSP Pages Directive Declaration Raw HTML Action Scriplets
What is J2EE? Parts of JSP Pages Directive page import=“java.util.”, MVCApp.Cart, MVCApp.CartItem” %> Declaration <%! Iterator it = null; CartItem ci = null; Vector cpi = null;%> Raw HTML <html><head><title>Shopping Cart</title></head></html> Action <jsp:usebean id =“Cart” scope = “session” class = “MVCApp.Cart”/> Scriplets % Cpi = cart.getCartItems ( ); it = cpi.iterator(); While (it.hasNext()){ci= (Cart Item); %>

36 Parts of JSP Pages Expression
What is J2EE? Parts of JSP Pages Expression <td<% = ci.getTitle() %></td> <td align =“right”><%=ci.getQuantity()%></td> Implicit Objects <% string action = request.getParameter(“action”) ; %>

37 Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs)
What is J2EE? Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs) Entity Beans Represent persistent business Entity Persisted in storage system ( usually Database) Might contain Application logic intrinsic to entity Session Beans Perform work for individual clients on the server Encapsulate complex business logic Can coordinate transactional work on multiple entity beans

38 States and Persistence
What is J2EE? States and Persistence Session beans can be Stateless- belong to client for duration of a method call Stateful- belong to client for duration of client conversation Entity beans can have Bean-managed persistence- The developer writes SQL code to retrieve,store and update database Container managed persistence- The developer provide database mapping information that allows the container to manage persistence

39 Example of EJB Application
What is J2EE? Example of EJB Application It consists of number of clients accessing session beans and entity beans Each Session bean provides specialized processing on behalf of client e.g. Travel Agent session bean makes travel reservations while Flight Scheduler bean schedules planes to fly on various routes. Each Entity Bean represent different type of business entity. e.g.Passengers, seats, planes, flights are entity beans

40 Example: Travel Agency
What is J2EE? Example: Travel Agency

41 How to use J2EE? How to use J2EE ? Using J2EE SDK to Design, Develop, Assemble and Deploy Applications

42 How to run J2EE application on J2EE SDK 1.3.1
Preparation Write and compile codes <Start J2EE SDK> to Assemble, Deploy, and Run the application Packaging Creating the J2EE Application (.ear) Creating the Enterprise Bean (.jar) Creating the Web Client (.war) Deploying Running

43 Preparation Install J2EE SDK 1.3.1 on your system
Set Environment Variables JAVA_HOME = root directory of J2SE SDK installation J2EE_HOME = root directory of J2EE SDK installation PATH = %PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%J2EE_HOME%\bin CLASSPATH = %CLASSPATH%;%J2EE_HOME%\lib\j2ee.jar

44 Creating Web Component
When web client such as browser communicates with J2EE application, it dose so through server-side objects called Web components Writes and compiles the source code Bundles the .class, .jsp, .html files into WAR file

45 Creating Enterprise Bean
An enterprise bean is a server-side component that contains the business logic of an application Write and compile the source code Package the bean’s classes into EJB JAR file Remote Interface Home Interface Enterprise Bean Class Remote Client Interface Home EJB



48 Remote Interface
defines the business methods that a client may call. The business methods are implemented in the enterprise bean code public interface WebAddressAccount extends EJBObject { public String getUrlName(); public String getUrlDescript(); }

49 Home Interface
defines the methods that allow a client to create, find, or remove an enterprise bean public interface WebAddressAccountHome extends EJBHome { public WebAddressAccount create(String urlName, String urlDescript); public WebAddressAccount findByPrimaryKey(String urlName) ; }

50 Enterprise Bean Class
implements the business methods public class WebAddressAccountBean implements EntityBean { public String getUrlName() { return urlName; } public String getUrlDescript() { return urlDescript; } public String ejbCreate( String urlName, String urlDescript) { insertRow( urlName, urlDescript); } public String ejbFindByPrimaryKey(String primaryKey) { result = selectByPrimaryKey(primaryKey);

51 Start J2EE SDK to Assemble, Deploy, and Run the application
Start Cloudscape database server. C:\> cloudscape –start Start J2EE server C:\> j2ee –verbose Start deploytool C:\> deploytool Build the database table C:\> cloudscape –isql WebAddressAccount urlName (PK) urlDescription


53 Packaging Create an Enterprise Archive (EAR) file
ProjectApp.ear Add Java Archive (JAR) files and Web Archive (WAR) files to the EAR WebAddressAccountJAR: contains the enterprise bean files and related files ProjectWAR: contains the Web Component files and related files

54 Example: BonusApp Objective: To calculate bonus for an employee
3-Tier Example using Session Bean 4-Tier Example using Entity Bean

55 3 Tier Example: using session bean
Create HTML page Create Servlet Create the Session Bean Compile the Session Bean and Servlet Start the J2EE Application Server Start the Deploy tool Assemble the J2EE application Specify JNDI Name and Root Context Verify and Deploy the J2EE application Run the J2EE application

56 3 Tier Example: using session bean
Html page Servlet Session Bean

57 bonus.html <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR = "WHITE">
<BLOCKQUOTE> <H3>Bonus Calculation</H3> <FORM METHOD="GET" ACTION=“bonusServlet"> <P> Enter social security Number: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="SOCSEC"></INPUT> Enter Multiplier: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="MULTIPLIER"></INPUT> <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Submit"> <INPUT TYPE="RESET"> </FORM> </BLOCKQUOTE> </BODY> </HTML>


59 public class bonusServlet extends HttpServlet {

60 Create Session Bean: CalcHome, Calc, CalcBean

61 CalcHome.Java BonusServlet does not work directly with the session bean, but creates an instance of its home interface. The home interface extends EJBHome and has a create method for creating the session bean in its container.

62 When the home interface is created, the J2EE application server creates the remote interface and session bean. The remote interface extends EJBObject and declares the calcBonus method for calculating the bonus value. This method is required to throw javax.rmi.RemoteException, and is implemented by the CalcBean class.

63 The session bean class implements the SessionBean interface and provides behavior for the calcBonus method. The setSessionContext and ejbCreate methods are called in that order by the container after BonusServlet calls the create method in CalcHome.

64 Source Codes bonus.html Session Bean Servlet HTML bonus.html Session Bean Servlet HTML

65 Start the Application Server
J2ee –verbose Start the deploytool deploytool

66 Assemble the J2EE Application
1. Create a new J2EE application (BonusApp.ear). 2. Create a new enterprise bean (CalcBean.jar). 3. Create a new web component (Bonus.war). 4. Specify JNDI name for the enterprise bean (calcs). 5. Specify the Root Context for the J2EE application (BonusRoot).

67 2. Create a New EnterpriseBean

68 3. Create a new web component (Bonus.war).

69 JNDI Names and Resource References
JNDI: Java Naming and Directory Interface J2EE components locate objects by invoking the JNDI lookup method The JNDI name of a resource and the name of the resource reference are not the same This approach to naming requires that you map the two names before deployment

70 Specifying a Resource Reference
The WebAddressAccountBean code refers to the database as follows: private String dbName = "java:comp/env/jdbc/WebAddressAccountDB";

71 Mapping Resource Reference to JNDI Name

72 Deploy the application

73 Run the application In the browser, type Fill in a social security number • Fill in a multiplier • Click the Submit button. BonusServlet processes your data and returns an HTML page with the bonus calculation on it.

74 4 Tier Example: using entity bean/ cooperating enterprise beans
Html Servlet EJBs Database

75 Create Entity Bean: Bonus Home (Home interface), Bonus (Remote interface)

76 Create Entity Bean: Bonus Home (Home interface), Bonus (Remote interface)

77 4 Tier Example: using JavaServer Pages
Client JSP EJBs Database JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology lets you put segments of servlet code directly into a static HTML page. When the JSP Page is loaded by a browser, the servlet code executes and the application server creates, compiles, loads, and runs a background servlet to execute the servlet code segments and return an HTML page or print an XML report.


79 4 Tier Example: Bonus.jsp

80 Modifying the J2EE Application
Change the source code Recompile it Redeploy the application Select Tools -> Update Files Select Tools -> Deploy Or Select Tools -> Update And Redeploy

81 Advantages & Disadvantages
Learning curve Overhead of a layered architecture: no direct communication between layers that are apart, affecting performance Moving target, i.e. upgraded versions

82 Conclusion : Summary Need for server-side/enterprise processing with enhanceability, reusability, and scalability J2EE as a web-based, component-based multi-tiered client/server architecture Designing, developing, assembling, and deploying java applications using a platform

83 Conclusion: Research Issues
(Evolving)Vision still to be realized Non-functional characteristics (enhanceability, reusability, scalability, security, etc) Integration with other technologies such as CGI-programming and CORBA Fuller support for design patterns in software lifecycle

84 Reference

85 Design Patterns: Factory Method
The Factory Method lets a class defer instantiation to subclasses The Factory Pattern promotes loose coupling by eliminating the need to bind application-specific classes into the code.

86 Design Patterns: Factory Method

87 Design Patterns: Factory Method
The equivalent code : The EJB Client code to talk to an EJB import javax.naming.*; public class EJBClient { public static void main (String[] argv) { // get the JNDI naming context Context initialCtx = new InitialContext (); // use the context to lookup the EJB Home interface AccountHome home=(AccountHome)initialCtx.lookup("Account"); // use the Home Interface to create a Session bean object Account account = home.create (10001, "Athul", d); // invoke business methods ( d); // remove the object account.remove (); }

88 Design Patterns: Facade
The JMS class hierarchy can be somewhat daunting at first glance. The relationships between the classes are straight forward, but they require a sequence of code that is often repeated within a JMS application.

89 Design Patterns: facade
The JMS Connection and Session Types Depending upon the message-delivery paradigm you choose, your code must work with the correct ConnectionFactory, Connection, and Session classes. Each interface has a subclass for both the publish/subscribe (Topic) and point-to-point (Queue) message models.

90 Design Patterns: Facade
Topic and Queue Subclasses Topic and Queue extend the Destination abstract interface. Subsequently, MessageProducer and MessageConsumer have subclasses for both message models.

91 Design Patterns: Facade
The com.JMSFacade Package This is an example of importing and creating the JMS Facade class, JMSManager: import com.JMSFacade; import javax.jms.*; public class myClass { JMSManager jmsMgr = new JMSManager(); ... }

92 Core J2EE Pattern Catalog

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