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How to Write Your Works Cited Page

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Presentation on theme: "How to Write Your Works Cited Page"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Write Your Works Cited Page

2 Purpose of the Works Cited Page
Give credit to the sources from which you found your information Avoid plagiarism Help your reader locate information about your topic

3 Steps to Writing Your Works Cited Page
Start by locating your Source List. The Source List looks like this

4 Put Sources in Order Highlight or circle the author’s LAST name in each entry If there is no author listed for an entry, then highlight or circle the FIRST word in the title of the article or web page Do this before moving on!

5 Alphabetical Order Your sources must be listed in alphabetical order
Alphabetical order is by author’s LAST name OR first word in title of article or web page That is why you highlighted these words on your source list!

6 Works Cited Start your Works Cited Page by typing or writing Works Cited at the top of the page, centered (just like above) Do NOT use a large size font or a fancy font Make sure you spell it correctly!

7 My Works Cited Sample

8 Works Cited Generators

9 Write Your First Source
Determine which source comes first alphabetically by checking the highlighting/circles on your list Enter the proper information into the works cited generator. Copy and paste the results onto your Works Cited page. Continue with your other sources, making sure they are in alphabetical order.

10 EXAMPLE Website: Website title: Science News Article Title: How Mosquitoes Are Drawn to Human Skin and Breath Date of Article: Dec. 5, 2013

11 My Works Cited Sample

12 Double Spacing The Works Cited Page should be double spaced throughout
Start each new entry at the left margin The reader knows when you have a new entry because it will start at the left margin

13 Hanging Indents If your works cited entry is too long for one line, then you use a “hanging indent” format for the second line. Looks like this: Author’s last name, first name. Title of Book. Publishing City: Publishing Company, Year. This is the hanging indent; first line is at the left margin and the second and third lines are indented 5 spaces.

14 My Works Cited Sample

15 Keep Going! Continue adding sources to your Works Cited page IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Only list the sources from which you used facts in your paper Keep checking to be sure you are using the exact correct format.


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