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Pre-Primary Education The State of Education Series March 2013 A Global Report.

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-Primary Education The State of Education Series March 2013 A Global Report."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-Primary Education The State of Education Series March 2013 A Global Report

2 Acronym Guide

3 Pre-Primary Enrollments

4 How many children are enrolled in pre-primary education? n Around 164 million children were enrolled in pre-primary education in 2010. This is up from 134 million in 2005 and 112 million in 1999. n Over half of enrolled students were in either SAS or EAP (48 and 40 million respectively). n 25% of total pre-primary enrollments were in India and 16% were in China. n 79 million (48.2%) were girls.

5 How many children are enrolled? Pre-Primary – Gross Enrolment Rates (GER) n Globally, less than half of pre-primary age students were enrolled in pre- primary education in 2010, but all regions increased pre-primary enrolments between 2000 and 2010. n SAS almost doubled its pre-primary GER between 2000 (25.4%) and 2010 (48.3%). n LAC’s GERs are consistently the highest among regions ranging from 56.8% to 70.1%. n SSA and MNA lag behind other regions with 17.7% and 23.8% GERs respectively in 2010. Pre-Primary Gross Enrolment Rates have increased in all regions since 2000

6 Which countries have the lowest pre-primary enrollment rates? n 8 of the 10 countries with the lowest pre- primary net enrolment rates (NER) are in SSA. n Of the 130 countries with data, 18 countries had less than 10% of their children enrolled in pre-primary education. n 36 countries had less than 25% of their children enrolled in pre- primary. n 19 countries had pre- primary enrollments higher than 90%.

7 Which countries have increased pre- primary enrollment rates the most? n These countries have increased their pre-primary GERs by 25 to 66 percentage points between 1999-2001 and 2009-2011. n Half of the countries at least doubled their NER over time. n Algeria improved from 3.4% to 66% – a 1928% improvement. n Only two of these countries have a current NER over 90% – Barbados and Maldives.

8 Net Enrollment Rate. Pre-Primary (%) The maps displayed were produced by EdStats. The boundaries, colors, denominations and any other information shown on this map do not imply, on the part of the World Bank Group, any judgment on the legal status of any territory, or any endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. The maps are for reference only. Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics in EdStats, 2012 Note: Data displayed is for the latest available year (2008-2011)

9 Are lower pre-primary enrollment rates related to lower national income per capita? n All the low income countries ($1025 or less) have less than 16% of children enrolled in pre- primary education except Gambia (27%), Kenya (29%), and Tanzania (33%). n 24 countries had NERs less than 15%. Only 4 of those had GNI per capita higher than $1100. All the countries were lower than $4780 (Bosnia). n All of the countries with NERs higher than 90% had GNI greater than $12,000 except Thailand, Grenada, and Maldives. All low income countries had less than one-third of children enrolled in pre-primary education. Ireland Switzerland Qatar Australia Norway

10 Do gender disparities exist in pre- primary enrollment rates? n Gender parity indices (GPIs) are calculated by dividing the female value for an indicator by the male value, so perfect gender parity equals 1. A value below 1 indicates a bias toward males. A value above 1 indicates a bias toward females. n Globally, the GPI has been increasing from.98 in 2000 to perfect gender parity (1.0) in 2010. n Most regions are very close to gender parity (+/- 0.02) in 2010. Only MNA lags behind. n 4 of 6 regions have a slight female bias. Gender parity in pre-primary enrolments (1.0) has been achieved globally and in most regions.

11 Do rural/urban disparities exist in pre- primary attendance rates in ECA? Source: Demographic and Health Surveys and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys In World Inequality Database on Education (WIDE), Nov. 2012 % of 3 to 4 year olds attending any type of pre–primary education program

12 Do income disparities exist in pre- primary attendance rates in SSA? Source: Demographic and Health Surveys and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys In World Inequality Database on Education (WIDE), Nov. 2012 % of 3 to 4 year olds attending any type of pre–primary education program

13 Pupil-Teacher Ratios

14 Which regions have higher pre- primary pupil-teacher ratios? n Globally, pre-primary pupil-teacher ratios (PTRs) have remained steady since 1999 at around 20 pupils per teacher. n ECA has the fewest students per teacher: PTRs ranged from 8 to 10 students over time. n South Asia had the highest PTRs as of 2007 at 40 students per teacher. The next closest region was SSA at around 27 students per teacher in 2011. South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa have higher pre-primary pupil-teacher ratios.

15 Which countries have the highest pre-primary pupil-teacher ratios? These countries have between 35 and 57 pre-primary students per teacher. Eight of the 10 countries are in SSA. Less than 11% of children are enrolled in pre-primary education in 5 of these countries. n There are 22 countries with pre- primary PTRs less than 10. Most are in ECA or are high income countries.

16 Pupil-Teacher Ratio. Pre-Primary (2006-2012) Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics in EdStats, 2013 Note: Data displayed is for the most recent available year The maps displayed were produced by EdStats. The boundaries, colors, denominations and any other information shown on this map do not imply, on the part of the World Bank Group, any judgment on the legal status of any territory, or any endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. The maps are for reference only.

17 This presentation utilizes the following data sources: 1) UNESCO Institute for Statistics data in the EdStats Query n The presentation was created with the most recent UIS data release that included 2009 data for most indicators and 2010 data for some countries. n Indicators were calculated by UIS according to definitions available in the EdStats Query.EdStats Query 2) Demographic and Health Surveys and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys in the World Inequality Database on Education (WIDE)World Inequality Database on Education (WIDE) Data Sources

18 The State of Education Series The following State of Education presentations are available on the EdStats website:EdStats website Educational Levels: n Pre-Primary Education Pre-Primary Education n Primary Education Primary Education n Secondary Education Secondary Education n Tertiary Education Tertiary Education Topics: n Access Access n Quality Quality n Expenditures Expenditures n Literacy Literacy n Equity Equity n Gender Gender

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