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BMJ Portfolio – the early years Helen Morant. context for BMJ Portfolio features of BMJ Portfolio our research usage analytics conclusions Outline.

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Presentation on theme: "BMJ Portfolio – the early years Helen Morant. context for BMJ Portfolio features of BMJ Portfolio our research usage analytics conclusions Outline."— Presentation transcript:

1 BMJ Portfolio – the early years Helen Morant

2 context for BMJ Portfolio features of BMJ Portfolio our research usage analytics conclusions Outline

3 Section title (60%) Full page bullet slide title

4 BMJ Portfolio Development Work (read, watch, attend, answer questions)RecordOrganise (calculate points, subject, format)Report








12 Portfolio usage statistics Google analytics Qualitative survey Our research

13 There are 230932 distinct users with a portfolio containing at least one item. 13829 users have added at least one item in the last month (6%) Only 1088 users have added at least on non learning module (0.5%) Portfolio usage stats


15 Profession 85% Doctors <1% Medical students 6% Nurses 3% Other healthcare professionals Specialty 34% General medicine 5% Emergency medicine 4% Family medicine 4% Internal medicine 3% OB/GYN 3% Pediatrics 2% Public Health 2% Rheumatology Survey – demographics 144 respondents – non compulsory answer. Country of Residence 44% United Kingdom 4% - India 3% - United States Mobile Phone 22% iPhone 48% Other smartphone 24% Basic mobile phone

16 Survey – what could we improve? 58 respondents Comment groupPercentage Don’t change a thing14 Provide more help to users (I’m a luddite) 39 (17) New feature suggestions10 Improve interoperability10 Make it free7 Don’t use it enough to comment / other 20

17 By the looks of it I 'm only using it in a very limited way at present. It works for me like that just now so thank you. (GP, UK) Keep doing what your doing as it works fine (for me anyway) (GP, UK) Allow enhance 2 to link to bmj portfolio and earn 2 points for each completed module (GP, NZ) its very complicated with too many add ons and tags and fancy features (GP, UK) I have exported the portfolio onto the exel and put my scores I got on the modules GP, Japan Survey – comments from users

18 40% used BMJ portfolio and another ePortfolio 46% ONLY used BMJ portfolio 10% had never used an ePortfolio 4% ONLY used another ePortfolio Survey – use of ePortfolios

19 BMJ Portfolio Survey Downloading reports


21 EventUnique Events show details5287 site settings1827 Outbound1764 new item1220 export report1070 delete resource895 filter by date601 clear filter536 filter by completion529 show tags388

22 Export Report Behaviour Export report start 1070 Export report pdf 63% Export report cancel 14% Show details 10% Export report CSV 8% Filters 4%

23 BMJ Portfolio Development Work (read, watch, attend, answer questions)RecordOrganise (calculate points, subject, format)Report

24 BMJ Portfolio development Generic User Focussed Exportable

25 Few people use it as a standalone product Simple features work and are used Choice of portfolio may be influenced by extrinsic factors Adoption doesn’t happen without either carrots or sticks CONCLUSIONS

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