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Noshera Masjid (Noshera - on route to Kordi, Pakistan) Established by Janasheen Murshid e Alam Hazrat Moulana Pir Abdur Rahim Naqshbandi (D.B.)

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Presentation on theme: "Noshera Masjid (Noshera - on route to Kordi, Pakistan) Established by Janasheen Murshid e Alam Hazrat Moulana Pir Abdur Rahim Naqshbandi (D.B.)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Noshera Masjid (Noshera - on route to Kordi, Pakistan) Established by Janasheen Murshid e Alam Hazrat Moulana Pir Abdur Rahim Naqshbandi (D.B.)

2 Noshera Masjid view of existing building.

3 Noshera Masjid view of existing building and land where Masjid will be constructed Inshallah.

4 Noshera Masjid – Existing building, Jamaat khana.


6 Noshera Masjid – Wudhu Khana outside existing building.

7 Noshera Masjid – Water Pump (only water supply in locality).

8 Noshera Masjid – Wudhu Khana.


10 Noshera Masjid – Existing building consisting of various rooms to be used for madressa classes and offices Inshallah.

11 Noshera Masjid – Entrance to existing building consisting of various rooms to be used for madressa classes and offices Inshallah.

12 Noshera Masjid – Existing building consisting of various rooms to be used for madressa classes and offices Inshallah.



15 Noshera Masjid view of land where Masjid will be constructed Inshallah.






21 Noshera Masjid view of existing building and land where Masjid will be constructed Inshallah.

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