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Integrating learning & work Clive Chappell & Geof Hawke OVAL Research Faculty of Education University of Technology Sydney.

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1 Integrating learning & work Clive Chappell & Geof Hawke OVAL Research Faculty of Education University of Technology Sydney

2 Consortium Research Program “Supporting VET providers in building capability for the future” 2-year research program funded by DEST Consortium partners -CREEW-UniSA OVAL-UTS, CURVE-CIT

3 Consortium Research Program 9 Dissemination forums 1 Consultations; focus groups 7 Leadership 5 Learning through work 4 Cultures & structures 3 Teaching, learning & assessment 8 Workforce development 6 HR practices 2 Career pathways

4 Research Questions How and in what ways can L&D practices of VET providers be organised to better support learning at work? What are the major enablers and constraints to learning through working and what strategies and models can organisations deploy to encourage productive learning at work?

5 Background Organisations - seek competitive advantage Knowledge and skills of employees From training solutions to learning solutions

6 Training to learning Problems of transfer Flattened organisational structures Financial & time constraints Commercial pressures Changing nature of work Non-standard work Weakening of employee-employer relationships Rapid technological change, knowledge work Changing skills -skill shortages

7 Integrating learning & work VET, HRD & L&D practices -traditionally tied to assumptions underpinning learning in formal education (OECD, Hager, Chappell, Cullen, Felsted) Limits of traditional educational practices (Boud, Chappell, Bernstein) Traditional separation of learning & work

8 Integrating learning & work Our Interest in this research is to understand the ways in which workplaces can provide an environment in which learning is a natural and automatic outcome of experiencing work – without direct educational interventions.

9 Bridging the gap- research Griffiths Work experience5 models Skule& ReichbornLearning-conducive work 7 factors BillettAffordances10 factors Unwin & FullerExpansive learning environments 13 expansive & restrictive factors Koike & DarrahOrg structures & practices 12 factors

10 Bridging the gap -synthesis Work environment Clear work objectives Degree of exposure to change Extent of feedback provided Work process environment Understanding org context Appreciation of business objectives Exp in working in different areas Social interaction environment Experience of working in groups Exposure to external professional contacts Value org places on individuals work Managerial environment Managerial support for learning Rewards Provision of useful feedback Degree org knowledge provided to employees

11 The next step Application of research Provider Learning Environment profile (PLE) Around 40 item questionnaire - to be used by L&D departments to all employees Results entered into a 4-quadrant map

12 Bridging the gap- research survey examples The RTO provides me with ready access to the knowledge/information I need to do my job I regularly meet with colleagues in other organisations I have considerable responsibility and autonomy in my work in the RTO I am given sufficient feedback on my work by RTO managers My work involves me in a wide range of RTO activities The RTO clearly communicates its mission/purpose to staff

13 Diagnostic Tool Work process Work Managerial Soc-inter

14 Working paper The Working Paper Investigating Learning & Work Can be downloaded from the OVAL Research website or the consortium website or

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