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IEEE Teacher In Service Programme 14 th March 2011.

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1 IEEE Teacher In Service Programme 14 th March 2011

2 STEMNET The Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Network Moyna Kennedy, Consultant for STEMNET (Scotland) 07909 890972

3 0141 330 6396 Aileen Hamilton and Gail Penny from Science Connects STEM Ambassadors in the West managed by

4 STEMNET creates opportunities to inspire young people in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) through a number of Programmes – STEM Ambassadors and STEM Brokerage and the STEMClubs Network managed through local organisations STEMNET

5 01463 244 287 01224 274348 01324 403103 0141 330 6396

6 STEM skills are valuable but in short supply Employers are demanding STEM skills – 92% of companies surveyed employ STEM skilled people, valuing their analytical capabilities and problem solving skills 66% of employers are having difficulty recruiting enough STEM-skilled individuals to meet their needs. In water and energy this sits at 74% 68% of employers in science, hi-tech, energy and water not confident over recruitment of highly skilled staff 70% of companies identified lack of time and information as the greatest barrier to engagement with schools The starting salaries of engineers, scientists and management trainees were the highest of those surveyed from 350 employers Source: CBI education and skills survey 2009 The Issue

7 Susan Anderson, the CBI’s director of education and skills policy “Even with more and more people going to university, not enough are studying the science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) subjects that business wants now, and will increasingly need in the future. Those wavering on whether university is worth it, and which course to study, should know that people with STEM degrees get, on average, higher earnings and a raft of interesting career options.”

8 > 28,000 STEM Ambassador volunteers across the UK Scotland 3030 volunteers 42 % female 64% under 35 years of age Approx. 23% from other than degree backgrounds e.g. apprentices, technicians etc Over 80% of secondary schools have had at least 1 STEM Ambassador visit in the last 12 months Over 400 Employers engaged with the Programme The STEM Ambassadors Programme

9 STEM Ambassadors come from Colleges and Universities Research Institutes The NHS Industry Engineering & Manufacturing Energy - renewables, Oil & Gas Life Sciences, Chemicals and Healthcare Food & Drink Finance

10 Comments from pupils on STEM Ambassadors.... “ My overall interest in science and maths has increased greatly and I now see a clear path into a science career”. “Another aspect … which I found perhaps the most useful has been the careers advice and information which has helped me build a much clearer picture of my future”. “I have decided to pursue a career in engineering when I was previously undecided what to do”

11 STEM Ambassadors come from Colleges and Universities Research Institutes The NHS Industry And help with lessons on their speciality topics, career talks, after school clubs, competitions, site visits, events etc.....

12 Film clip Chris Styles.htm Chris Styles.htm Chris Styles.htm

13 Examples of Ambassador Engineering related Activities

14 KNEX Junior Engineer for Britain Challenge Young Engineers Clubs / Science Clubs “Heather’s Hut” Renewable Energy kit SCube Renewable Energy box F1 in Schools ICE Rapid Response Challenge ICE Bridges to Schools KNEX Solar Cars workshop MAD LAB circuits at Glasgow Science Festival Royal Academy of Engineering EEP –QTC Switch –Perfect Pylons SCDI Celebration of Engineering Showcase Nuclear Energy talks to S1/S2 Junior Saltire Prize – just announced Big Bang Feeder EDT Go4SET Engineering Challenge BAE Systems Engineering Challenge

15 How could I use a STEM Ambassador Advance Higher and Higher Biology (PCR) Topical Science Support for Science Projects STEM related clubs Careers talks/Parent Teacher evenings Science Baccalaureate Showing the real world of work (site visits) Cross curricular ideas

16 Group DiscussionsGroup Discussions

17 Questions

18 STEMNET The Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Network Moyna Kennedy, Scottish Consultant for STEMNET 07909 890972

19 and from STEM Ambassadors..... “ It’s great to see them coming up with so many questions and ideas. Their enthusiasm is infectious. It makes it very enjoyable for me.” “That’s what I like about being a science ambassador. You can make a real difference to people’s lives.” For Employers Career Development for staff Communication and Presentation skills Employee sense of achievement & motivation Company profile in the community

20 My school What would we like? What needs enhancing? What subjects are difficult to deliver and bring alive? Where would applied examples be useful? Are there ‘off curriculum’ weeks that we need help with? Career s Clubs CforE – experiences and outcomes National Qualifications e.g. Higher, Science Baccalaureate CforE – cross curricular CforE – The four capacities STEM ambassadors road shows C.Southworth 2010

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