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1 Jain Vision2020 To Live and Share a Jain Way of Life Our Vision for North American Jains, Jain Organizations, and Jainism.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Jain Vision2020 To Live and Share a Jain Way of Life Our Vision for North American Jains, Jain Organizations, and Jainism."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Jain Vision2020 To Live and Share a Jain Way of Life Our Vision for North American Jains, Jain Organizations, and Jainism

2 2

3 3 VegetarianismMeditation/Yoga/MindEnvironmentalism Animal CompassionAnekantvad Non-Violence VegetarianismMeditation/Yoga/MindEnvironmentalism Animal Compassion Anekantvad Non-Violence

4 4 Live and Share a Jain Way of Life EXPAND (awareness in Jains and Non-Jains) EVOLVE (our JWOL practices) ENERGIZE (our organization) EDUCATE (and impact trends) Developed by: JAINA-Long Range Committee, Kellogg Leadership Team, Jain Centers and JAINA Executives, YJA, YJP, Local Jains Leaders, and North American Jains ? ?

5 5 Non-Violence (Ahimsa) Non-One-Sidedness (Anekantavad) Non-Possessiveness (Aparigraha) Live a Jain Way of Life

6 6 JAINA – Current Status Current Yr. 2005 Target for Yr. 2010 Target for Yr. 2015 Estimated NA Jain Population113,000120,000160,000 Estimated Collective Total Yearly Income of NA Jains$4.2 billion$4.9 billion Target Annual Donation to JAINA$200K $4 million $10 million Vision: Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life.1%

7 7 Year 2020 Snapshot People: 153,000 Jains (61K families) Assets: $26 Billion Aggregate Income: $5.3 Billion Population Growth: Avg. 1.5 – 2% Donations: ½ % income to JAINA - $25M Age1-1011-2021-3031-4041-5051-6061-7071-8081-90 Pop. (000) 211324 1715171610

8 8 Kellogg-2 Leadership Train on Vision2020 Vision2020 Progress Research, Interview, Focus Group, YJA, YJP 200520062014 2020 Proposed Vision to JAINA /Kellogg / Vision / Conventional Align JAINA JAINA / LRP / Comm. Local Center NA Jains Align Comm. Vision Align Local Centers and all NA Jains w/Vision Align Local Centers and all NA Jains w/JAINA Leadership Group

9 9 TODAY 5% Avoiding Silk, Leather, animal tested products Live and Promote JWOL #1 EVOLVE- our JWOL practices Year 2020 15% Rituals 66 RefreshNew

10 10 Evolve - our traditional Jain practices by adopting the Jain Way of Life to the modern, North American lifestyle. Yr. 2005Yr. 2020 # Rituals Refreshed and Added 6 Ref., 6 Add % Jains Practicing Vegan Diet 1%10% % of Jain Men Abstaining from Alcohol 10%25% % of Jains Avoiding Animal Product 3%15% # Hours of Learning / Meditating / Practicing 14 # of Copies of Jain Literature in Hands of Non- Jains 100,000 Average Hours/Year Social Service Per Person 10 hr. /yr80hrs % Jains Proactivley Practicing Anekantvad 10%25%

11 11 Live and Promote a JWOL #2 EDUCATE- Jains/Non-Jains in JWOL TODAY 20% Follow Jain Way of Life Yr.2020 50%

12 12 Educate - of Jain Way of Life among Jains and non-Jains family members to create a strong, united, and vibrant Jain community. Yr. 2005Yr. 2020 % Jains Practicing Pro-Active Unity (Sect and Language) 10%40% % Mix Marriages Living JWOL 20%50% % of Jains Marrying non-Jains 40%50% % Jains Kids (5-17) Learning Jainism 10-15%50% Jain Handbook to Non-Jain Spouse + Visit 0%85% # Hours Attendance of JAINA On-Line Seminars 50000 hrs

13 13 Deepak Chopra 12x 500K Jains 6M for Buddhism 20x 152 Jainism 3,300 Buddhist Live and Promote JWOL #3 EXPAND – Awareness MessagePromote BrandPosition Alliance

14 14 Live and Promote JWOL #3 Expand – Awareness TODAY.5 M Heard of Jainism/ JWOL Year 2020 6M

15 15 EXPAND – awareness through strategic partnerships with media, institutions, and non-Jain organizations. Yr. 2005Yr. 2020 #Non-Jains Who Know about JWOL 6 mill. # NA Vegetarians/Animal rights/Yoga teachers that have had 1 hour of Exposure to Jainism 100050000 # of Jain books in Bookstore 03 On-line magazine; portal; news; web2 TVweb/wk % of High Schoolers Who Know that Gandhi and MLK Influenced by Jains 0%3% Number of talks (in non-Jain forum) given by Jains on Jainism 10 /yr2000/yr # NA Major Press Coverage on Jainims / JWOL per year 201500 Jain Temples (with Jain Exhibits) Being Tourist Attractions for Non-Jains 150 Other Innovative Promotions: Jain Movie, University Chairs, etc. 0 15 PhD/ 2Chairs Jain representation on Board/Management of Non-profit Org. 010 # Active Dialogs with NA/International Companies to Protest Anti-JWOL Issues 51500 Inclusion of Anekantvad and Non-Violence in Business Management Teachings 1 Univ.40 Univ.

16 16 Live and Promote JWOL #4 ENERGIZE– our organization TODAY Year 2020 JAINA -.5 staff $7 per family $200K/yr. budget 15 full time staff $200 per family $11 M budget

17 17 Energize – our organization through volunteers and donations and create a vibrant professionally run central Jain organization. Yr. 2005Yr. 2020 Donation Per Family $7$200 JAINA Paid Staff 0.515 JAINA Leaders Under 40 as JAINA Directors/ Committees 35% JAINA/Jain Center Leaders Trained 1,000 Facilitate Integrated Practices between Local Centers and JAINA 040 centers Awareness of JAINA Vision/Mission in NA Homes 60% JAINA Understanding of Membership Needs and tracking trends in NA Research Research / Update Plan

18 18 Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life JAINA Jain Centers NA Jains JAINA Jain Centers NA Jains EXPAND (Awareness in Media) EVOLVE (our JWOL practices) ENERGIZE (our organization) EDUCATE (JAIN/Non-Jain in JWOL)

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