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Marketing Techniques for Engaging Employees in Your School Employee Wellness Program Kristi Dickerson, BSc District Wellness Coordinator School District.

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Presentation on theme: "Marketing Techniques for Engaging Employees in Your School Employee Wellness Program Kristi Dickerson, BSc District Wellness Coordinator School District."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing Techniques for Engaging Employees in Your School Employee Wellness Program Kristi Dickerson, BSc District Wellness Coordinator School District of Manatee County

2 Today…you will learn: Marketing techniques that will increase and maintain participation in your school employee wellness program. 1)Explain the benefits of branding your school employee wellness program. 2)Identify effective communication tools and methods for your audience. 3)Develop effective marketing messages using the 5 Ws. 4)Utilize new strategies to reach employees.

3 Marketing Is it just a fancy word? Bing Dictionary defines marketing as: Selling of products or services: The business activity of presenting products or services in such a way as to make them desirable. As wellness professionals, we need to market employee wellness programs effectively in order to influence people to engage in programs and ultimately make positive behavior changes.

4 Branding What is it? Why use it?

5 Branding is your promise to your customer. What is branding? To give a product a distinctive identity by means of characteristic design, packaging, etc. Why use branding? Program identity; easily recognized Consistency Sense of Inclusion Clout and credibility – program is here to stay

6 Sample logos/ taglines


8 How and when to use branding Insert logo on all communication pieces: Flyers, posters, newsletters, emails, website, web portals, etc.


10 Personal Voicemail: Thank you for calling HealthVantage… Use of Promotional Apparel: Employees and Contractors (i.e. Fitness Instructors) Guest Speakers (Thank you gift) Uniform for all public events Make your brand part of your language and your look Volunteers at 2012 Womens Retreat

11 Effective Communication Tools On-Site (Person-to-Person) Marketing Website; or Intranet (housed in Districts website) Collateral Pieces (flyers, posters, newsletters, monthly calendars)+ Wellness Announcement Boards Emails Video Messaging Social Media (Facebook, Social Networking-based Challenges)

12 Know your audience and message accordingly Teachers/ Paraprofessionals Front Office Personnel Principals/ Assistant Principals Cafeteria Staff Custodial Staff Nurses Transportation (Bus Drivers) Maintenance and Operations Construction Services Support Site Staff Administration/ School Board Security Officers

13 On-Site Marketing MOST EFFECTIVE Deliver your flyer and your message in person Your passion will come across in your message You are in a position to influence and encourage Deliver the essentials of the program/ service and make time for employees questions

14 Website Web presence is the one-stop-shop for all employee wellness information Must keep current Link all information back to your site Drive attention to your site

15 Flyers/ Posters Are they effective? The Important 5 Ws on collateral pieces: What Where When (date and time) Who (eligible; whos presenting) Why (should I participate?)

16 WHY SHOULD I PARTICIPATE? This question must be obvious on your marketing piece so that the employee understands the benefit of the program or service.

17 Primitive Marketing Still Works! People need to read something while in the bathroom stalls…

18 Emails Competing for Inbox Space! Do they read your emails? Be strategic in your timing and frequency Subject line critically important Cryptic/ sound bites of the program essentials in the body of the email; avoid lengthy paragraphs (people dont read) Hyperlink all flyers to your website (potential to look at other areas of site) Remember that not all staff have email…include them in your message (i.e. Food and Nutrition, Maintenance, Transportation, etc.)

19 Use of Video/ Music to incorporate employee testimonials, success of events/ programs, etc. Use as a Promotional Video when doing site visits and/or presenting Annual Report to School Board Video and Technology

20 Video Messaging with Director of Elementary School Principals (In lieu of attending All Administrators Meeting) Partnership between HealthVantage and Instructional Technology Unique Time-sensitive (under 3 minutes; think YouTube) Current and relevant Demonstrates Director- level support More memorable than a memo or email request

21 Social Media/ Social Networking

22 Strategies to Consider Cross-Promote at every event/ program Leverage your Wellness Ambassadors and Contractors (i.e. Fitness Instructors, Screening vendor, etc.) Have a leadership presence at District events - maximize every opportunity…it is all about PR! Use of Strategic Incentives (promotional products) to further promote your brand Use participant testimonials in marketing pieces (with permission) Local Press (positive promotion) Effective Program Evaluations/ Surveys (i.e.



25 Wellness Awards Positive recognition reinforces the value of your program to your School Board officials and decision-makers

26 School Employee Wellness (SEW) Awards Program 2009 Directors of Health Promotion and Education (DHPE) launched the SEW Awards Program Winners receive: –Grants ($1000/$500/$250) –A banner –Recognition on –A free trip to this conference –Letters to their State Governor, State Superintendent of Education, Local Representatives, District Superintendent, and School Board 2010/2011 Award Applications: 42 2011/2012 Award Applications: 57

27 2009 Gold Winners DeForest Area School District (one of nine winners) 3 – Gold level 3 – Silver level 3 – Bronze level


29 Most important marketing tool is YOU and your wellness staff. The quality of customer service that you offer each day will make the greatest impact on the employees impression of your Districts wellness program. Do what you do so well they will want to see it again and bring their friends. - Walt Disney

30 Thank you for your time today. Please contact me with any questions. Kristi Dickerson School District of Manatee County District Wellness Coordinator (941) 708-8770 ext. 2249

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