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The Bible Story. Egypt Israel Lands of the Bible Rome Macedonia Babylonia Medo-Persia Mediterranean Sea Greece Red Sea Asia Minor Nile.

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Presentation on theme: "The Bible Story. Egypt Israel Lands of the Bible Rome Macedonia Babylonia Medo-Persia Mediterranean Sea Greece Red Sea Asia Minor Nile."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Bible Story

2 Egypt Israel Lands of the Bible Rome Macedonia Babylonia Medo-Persia Mediterranean Sea Greece Red Sea Asia Minor Nile

3 Mediterranean Sea CyprusTurkeyIsrael Noahs Ark 2

4 Creation

5 Egypt Israel Garden of Eden Garden of Eden

6 Fall

7 Rescue

8 Mediterranean Sea Cyprus Turkey MountArarat Israel

9 Scattering

10 Egypt Israel TowerofBabel

11 Patriarchs

12 Egypt Nile Nile Delta Mediterranean Sea Sinai Canaan Abrahams Journey to Egypt

13 Patriarchs


15 Jacobs Wanderings Mediterranean Sea Canaan Dead Sea Hebron

16 Patriarchs

17 Egypt Nile Nile Delta Mediterranean Sea Sinai Canaan Josephs Journey to Egypt Joseph sold to caravan Potiphar & Pharaoh Josephs Journey to Egypt

18 Captivity

19 Exodus

20 Egypt Nile Delta Delta Great Sea (Mediterranean) RedSea Canaan Mt Sinai Route of the Exodus Route of the Exodus 12 Spies Jericho

21 Wilderness

22 Wandering

23 Conquest

24 Settlement

25 A s h e r Simeon Naphtali Zebulun Issachar Ephraim M a n a s s e h G a d Dan Reuben J u d a h Benjamin Jerusalem Dead Sea Galilee Jordan River JerichoMt.Nebo © Mediterranean 12 Tribes of Israel

26 Phoenicia Philistia Canaan Jerusalem Dead Sea Galilee Jordan River © Mediterranean Hittite Empire Edom Moab Ammon Midian Nations of Canaan OtherNations

27 Disobedience

28 United



31 Phoenicia Israel Jerusalem Dead Sea Galilee Jordan River © Solomons Israel Shechem Mediterranean Philistia

32 Divided

33 Phoenicia Philistia Israel Ammon Moab Judah Jerusalem Dead Sea Galilee Jordan River Divided Kingdo m Edom Syria Samaria Mediterranean

34 Exile


36 Restoration


38 Silence

39 The Old Testament

40 Birth

41 Nazareth Egypt Jerusalem Bethlehem Sea of Galilee DeadSea Jordan River Mediterranean Jesus Childhood Israel

42 Baptism

43 Ministry

44 Death

45 Resurrection

46 Church A. Power (Acts 1-2:13) B. Proclamation (2:14-3:26) C. Persecution (Acts 4:1-8:3) D. Paul (Acts 9:1-28:31)

47 Expansion

48 Iconium Antioch (Pisidian) Antioch Lystra Derbe Cyprus Seleucia Salamas Paphos Attalia Perga 1st Missionary Journey Acts 13 & 14 Satellite Image - NASA Paul-1st Missionary Journey

49 2nd Missionary Journey Jerusalem Egypt Rome Philippi Corinth Thess Athens Caesarea Ephesus Mediterranean

50 3rd Missionary Journey Jerusalem Egypt Rome Antioch Philippi Corinth Thess Athens Caesarea Ephesus Mediterranean

51 Pauls Journey to Rome Jerusalem Egypt Rome Corinth Caesarea Malta(Shipwreck) Mediterranean

52 Letters

53 Rome Philippi Corinth Thessalonica Ephesus Galatia Colosse Pauls Letters to Churches

54 Revelation A. Vision of the Past (Rev 1 3) B. Vision of Heaven (Rev 4-5) C. Vision of the Future (Rev 6 22)

55 The 7 Churches of Revelation 1 Pergamos 2 Thyatira 3 Sardis 4 Smyrna 5 Philadelphia 6 Ephesus 7 Laodicea 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 7 Churches of Asia (Revelation)

56 The New Testament

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