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Doc.: IEEE 802.22-11/0085r2 Submission July 2011 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 1 802.22 Response to Comments received on the proposed 802.22a PAR and 5C Date:

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Presentation on theme: "Doc.: IEEE 802.22-11/0085r2 Submission July 2011 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 1 802.22 Response to Comments received on the proposed 802.22a PAR and 5C Date:"— Presentation transcript:

1 doc.: IEEE 802.22-11/0085r2 Submission July 2011 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 1 802.22 Response to Comments received on the proposed 802.22a PAR and 5C Date: 2011-07-20 Authors:

2 doc.: IEEE 802.22-11/0085r2 Submission From 802.11 2.1 Title: –What is the real work that is being cited in the title? This PAR is for enhancing the interface and procedure for management and control plane as well as for defining the management component using the ASN1 standard. Title is changed to include “Enhancement of the …” 5.2 Scope: –suggest the following for your Scope: This amendment defines new Management and Control Plan interfaces for the IEEE 802.22 standard. The existing Management Information Base (MIB) is enhanced to accommodate the new interfaces. The Primitives for Cognitive Radio Capabilities have been extended to align with the new interface definitions. Agree to remove the first sentence, full title does not need to be repeated. References to specific Clause numbers are removed. Agree to remove the 4 th sentence. Gerald Chouinard, CRC

3 doc.: IEEE 802.22-11/0085r2 Submission From 802.11 5.3 Other Standard: –Should be yes: “PAWS” or similar database protocol standard. We don’t agree that the implementation of these amendments depend on the completion of another standard. It should stay as: No. What is contained in the 802.22 Standard is a set of primitives needed to access the database. This proposed PAR will bring, among other things, amendments to the MIB and management and control plane interface that will involve these primitives but will not deal with the higher layer encapsulating of this information to access the database over the Internet. Therefore, this effort is independent of any standardization process on this higher layer interface protocol. 5.4 Purpose –The scope and purpose should describe the final document not the project. If you do not include a purpose statement in the Amendment it is better to write “Document will not have a purpose statement”. We don’t agree that the scope and purpose should have the same purpose. Our interpretation is that the scope should give an indication of the extent of the proposed amendments while the purpose should explain the reasons that lead to such amendments. The text in section 5.4 was written according to this understanding. Gerald Chouinard, CRC

4 doc.: IEEE 802.22-11/0085r2 Submission From 802.11 5.5 Need: –The statement should be more succinct and focused. Agreed. Modified text is being proposed. 5.6 Stakeholders – –Who are the stakeholders, not just lists of industry descriptions. –List who has stake in 802.22 not who 802.22 is looking to include. The list of stakeholders for these amendments should be the same as for the mains Standard that these amendments address. The list that appears in the 802.22 Standard has been inserted. Gerald Chouinard, CRC

5 doc.: IEEE 802.22-11/0085r2 Submission From 802.11 8.1 note: –you need to include the item number that you are commenting on. ("Item Number and Explanation"). This is a better Scope statement that what is in 5.2. The gist of this note has been included in the Purpose section and the note has been removed. See the new version of the PAR and 5C. General: Please check the instructions for PARs again, and comply with the instructions. There is a need for specific recommendations for needed changes. Gerald Chouinard, CRC

6 doc.: IEEE 802.22-11/0085r2 Submission From 802.11 Five Criteria is not numbered… 1. Broad Market Potential –a) What does this have to do with the scope of the proposed project? The proposed amendments relate to MIB and management and control interfaces and procedures may be applicable to various IEEE 802 systems, thus a possible broader application than only at the 802.22 level. Also such amendments will allow flexible adaptation of the technology to various regulatory requirements, thus a broad potential for operation. –a) Live-stock monitoring may need a MIB, but Live-Stock Monitoring applications are probably not the motivation for enhancing the 802.22 MIB. Rewrite Market Potential. Agreed, the list of applications can be removed. 3. Distinct Identity: –c) The proposed title, scope and purpose were not defined to make it easy for anyone to select this standard for relevant applications. Agreed. There is no other equivalent project since the results of this project will end up as amendments to the main 802.22 standard which will be integrated, through a future maintenance PAR, to the main Standard. There is no need for “distinct identity” for these amendments. Thus, the current text needs to be changed to: “Not-Applicable for an amendment PAR”. Gerald Chouinard, CRC

7 doc.: IEEE 802.22-11/0085r2 Submission From 802.19 In the Need section of the PAR the phrase “purposed-designed” is awkward. Please use a clearer term. –Agreed. Superseded by other changes. The text in Section 8.1 of the PAR is included earlier in the Need section, please remove the second occurrence of this text. –Agreed. Superseded by other changes. In the Section 1a of the 5C it mentions use for disaster recovery and homeland security; however, TV white space availability is intermittent. It does not seem like TV white space should be used for these mission critical applications. –Agreed. Superseded by other changes. Gerald Chouinard, CRC

8 doc.: IEEE 802.22-11/0085r2 Submission From 802.19 In the Technical Feasibility section of the 5C please state whether the WG will produce a CA document. –Agreed. The proposed amendments do not include any PHY or MAC modifications. There is no need for a CA document. In the Compatibility section of the 5C please include text as to how 802.22a will enhance compatibility with the upcoming 802.19.1 standard. –This proposed PAR will bring, among other things, amendments to the MIB and management and control plane interface that will involve primitives but will not deal with the higher layer interface over the Internet that is envisaged by 802.19.1 to help coexistence in the TV White Space. Therefore, the implementation of the proposed amendments don’t depend on the completion of the 802.19.1 Standard. Gerald Chouinard, CRC

9 doc.: IEEE 802.22-11/0085r2 Submission July 2011 Slide 9 References Gerald Chouinard, CRC

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