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Standards Education Tsinghua University 28 October--Beijing, China Steve Mills IEEE-SA President-Elect.

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Presentation on theme: "Standards Education Tsinghua University 28 October--Beijing, China Steve Mills IEEE-SA President-Elect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standards Education Tsinghua University 28 October--Beijing, China Steve Mills IEEE-SA President-Elect

2 Outline IEEE and IEEE-SA Now Standards Education at IEEE The Standards Education Portal Workshops and Symposia Discussion Topics 2

3 Outline IEEE and IEEE-SA Now Standards Education at IEEE The Standards Education Portal Workshops and Symposia Discussion Topics 3

4 IEEE Members 229,442 (1%) 14,827 (0.5%) 5,651 (4%) 53,215 (3%) 85,116 (12%) 8,340 (6%) (% Annual Growth) 4

5 IEEE Office Locations: Current and Future 5 Tokyo, Japan: Opening 2011 Singapore Member services (Charter will expand) Beijing, China (2007) Industry outreach, Membership development, IP, Recruitment, Product Development, Certification, Humanitarian activities India – Nov 2010, Bangalore selected; Activities will include humanitarian efforts Brazil: Under consideration Europe: 2011 Opening in Brussels or Geneva United States Piscataway, NJ New York, NY Washington, DC Los Alamitos, CA

6 IEEE Technical Societies/Councils Aerospace & Electronic Systems Antennas & Propagation Broadcast Technology Circuits & Systems Communications Components, Packaging, & Manufacturing Technology Computer Computational Intelligence Consumer Electronics Control Systems Council on Electronic Design Automation Council on Superconductivity Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation Education Electromagnetic Compatibility Electron Devices Engineering in Medicine & Biology Geosciences & Remote Sensing Industrial Electronics Industry Applications Information Theory Intelligent Transportation Systems Instrumentation & Measurement Lasers & Electro-Optics Magnetics Microwave Theory & Techniques Nanotechnology Council Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Oceanic Engineering Power Electronics Power & Energy Product Safety Engineering Professional Communication Reliability Robotics & Automation Sensors Council Signal Processing Social Implications of Technology Solid-State Circuits Systems Council Systems, Man, & Cybernetics Technology Management Council Ultrasonic's, Ferroelectrics, & Frequency Control Vehicular Technology 6

7 Sampling of IEEE Conferences in China IEEE 2 nd IITA International Conference on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (IITA-GRS 2010), 17-18 Jul, Qingdao, China 2 nd IEEE International Conference on E-Learning, E-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and E-Government (EEEE), 04-05 Sept, Luoyang, China IEEE International Conference on Computational Aspects of Social Networks (CASoN 2010), 26-28 Sept, Taiyuan 3 rd IEEE International Conference on Broadband Network & Multimedia Technology (IC-BNMT 2010), 26-28 Oct, Hongxiang Hotel - Beijing IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE) 15-16 Nov, Zhejiang University - Hangzhou IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 14-18 Dec, Westin Hotel – Tianjin 7

8 8 IEEE’s Role in Standards The IEEE is a leading global developer of standards that underpin many of today’s essential technologies. –IEEE is a central source of standardization in both traditional (e.g., power and energy, information technology, telecommunications, transportation, medical and healthcare, etc.) and emerging fields (e.g., nanotechnology and information assurance). –Standards are developed in a unique environment that builds consensus in an open process based on input from all interested parties. –Nearly 1,400 standards either completed or under development IEEE Standards Association leads IEEE’s standards activities –The IEEE-SA itself contains nearly 20,000 individual and corporate participants who participate in standards activities. –Draws on the expertise of the IEEE's 44 societies and technical councils.

9 Complete Technology Lifecycle Management Pre-Standards Development –Industry Connections Standards Development Standards Market Implementation –ICAP –Patent Pools –Registration Authority Professional Services 9 IEEE Standards Association provides complete technology lifecycle management at every stage of technology development. The approach ensures the rapid introduction of new technologies to market. Key programs include:

10 International Cooperation 10

11 Market View: Corporate Member Community

12 Market View: Chinese Engagement with IEEE-SA IEEE-SA Corporate Members –Amperex Technology Ltd. –Beijing Jiaotong University –Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications –BII Group Holdings Ltd. –China Mobile –China Telecommunications Corporation –FiberHome Technologies –Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. –RITT (Research Institute of Telecommunications Transmission of MITT) –State Grid Corp of China –Tsinghua University –ZTE 7-Sep-1412 MoUs with Chinese entities –State Grid Corp of China –China Electronics Standardization Institute –China National Institute of Standards

13 Outline IEEE and IEEE-SA Now Standards Education at IEEE The Standards Education Portal Workshops and Symposia Discussion Topics 13

14 Why Standards Education Is Important Standards education recognizes the key role standards play within the engineering, technology and computing fields. Knowledge of standards can help facilitate the transition from classroom to professional practice by aligning educational concepts with real-world applications. Incorporating standards into the curriculum … Benefits students and faculty mentors as they face challenging design processes Provides tools for use in learning about standards and their impact on design and development 14

15 Standards Education within IEEE Board Structure IEEE Board of Directors IEEE-USA Member & Geographic Activities Publication Activities Publication Activities Technical Activities Technical Activities

16 Mission of the Standards Education Committee Promote the importance of standards in meeting technical, economic, environmental, and societal challenges. Secure and disseminate learning materials on the application of standards in the design and development aspects of educational programs. Secure and provide short courses about standards needed in the design and development phases of professional practice. Actively promote the integration of standards into academic programs. Lead other education initiatives planned jointly by the IEEE Educational Activities Board and the Standards Association. 16

17 Who Benefits? 17

18 Outline IEEE and IEEE-SA Now Standards Education at IEEE The Standards Education Portal Workshops and Symposia Discussion Topics 18

19 IEEE Standards Education on the Web IEEE Standards Education Portal Focal point for delivery of information on education about standards Content is available for free. Developed with the support of a US National Science Foundation Grant



22 Standards Education Tutorials and Case Illustrations Tutorials Free online comprehensive learning modules Guidance on how to assemble and apply standards appropriate to the development of a product or process Representative modules: The Role of Standards in Engineering and Technology The Role of Standards in Cellular Telephony The Role of Standards in Electrical Power Systems Case Illustrations Examples of the applications of standards in the real world Representative case illustrations: Wireless Routers Multimode Mobile Phones 22

23 Snapshot of Tutorial

24 IEEE Mini-Grants and Student Application Papers SEC is offering Mini-Grants to students and faculty mentors Help with graduate and undergraduate last-year design projects that contain an industry standards component $500 USD grants for students $300 USD grants for faculty advisors Projects must illustrate how specific standards were applied to a task in the classroom Students and/or faculty describe how standards impacted the design process Results are published as Student Application Papers

25 Global Standards Search Portal Currently under development, with beta launch planned for first quarter 2011 The portal would allow search for ALL available resources on standards education. The portal would allow for search for all publicly available standards in IEEE Technical Fields of Interest. The Final Product An open access portal for public use Search by key words, topics, and standard numbers/titles For all available educational material For all available standards User may be able to proceed from the landing page to purchase educational material or standards. Not limited to English or English sites, though mostly in English 25

26 IEEE Standards Education eZine!! Currently under development, with beta launch planned for first quarter 2011 Standards education electronic magazine Freely available to the public Worldwide audience of … Educators Students Practicing professionals interested in technical standards and standards development 26

27 IEEE Standards Education eZine (cont’d) Contributions to the eZine will be in the form of … Refereed papers Feature articles Interviews SEC-approved final student application papers Case studies News briefs Editor-in-Chief’s page Beta version coming first quarter of 2011, continuing in beta mode for one year, publishing on a quarterly basis 27

28 Outline IEEE Standards Now Standards Education at IEEE The Standards Education Portal Workshops and Symposia Discussion Topics 28

29 IEEE Standards Education Conference Activity Targeted at practicing professionals as part of IEEE’s continuing education efforts Some highlights … Standards education speaker at TELFOR (Telecommunications Forum) 2008 in Serbia Standards education at 2008 and 2010 IEEE Region 8 GOLD and Student Branch Congress in the U.K. and Belgium Standards workshop for the South Africa section in 2009 Standards education tutorial at IEEE 802 plenary in U.S In 2009 Standards track at IEEE MELECON (Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference) 2010 in Malta Standards education speaker at Electronic Design & Solution (EDS) Fair in Japan 2010 Seminar at Indian Institute of Science during visit of IEEE-SA Corporate Advisory Group in 2010 Joint CNIS/IEEE Standards Education Workshop, Beijing, China, 2010 Proposal for a standards track at IEEE AFRICON 2011 in Zambia

30 Example of a Popular Workshop Topic Demystifying 802 Standards A full day of immersion into the world of IEEE 802® Standards that covers each of the working groups developing standards in both the wired and wireless areas

31 Outline IEEE Standards Now Standards Education at IEEE The Standards Education Portal Workshops and Symposia Discussion Topics 31

32 Discussion Topics Are standards and their importance a part of your current engineering course curriculum? If so, at what level? Undergraduate? Graduate? If not, do you think it would be a good idea to introduce the importance of standards into the engineering course curriculum? If so, at what level? What about the focus of such education? Should it be more technical, or should it include the standards development process, including IPR issues? Do you think it is important for students to have an understanding of the industry standards applicable in their fields of interest? Do you think it is important for students to have an understanding of the consensus building process under which industry standards are developed? Do you think that having an understanding of the standards development process is important? 32

33 Discussion Topics (cont’d) Have industry standards been introduced directly into the coursework at your university? If yes, how are they used in the classroom or coursework? Do students actually read industry standards for courses? Does your university have access to industry standards for use in the classroom? What opportunities for research exist in standards and standards education? Is this important at your university? Would your university be interested in internship opportunities in standards education? Were you aware of the IEEE mini-grant program? Do you think it would be helpful at your university? 33

34 Discussion Topics (cont’d) Which of these would be helpful to you in teaching about industry/technical standards: –Access to standards online –Coursework assignments and lectures –Textbooks –Chapter books –Ancillary materials –Web-based materials –Interactive materials –Project-based activities –Case studies online –Tutorials online –Lectures online –Face-to-face workshops or seminars –Independent study –Internships with companies or standards development organizations 34

35 IEEE Standards Education Contacts Steve Mills –President-Elect, IEEE-SA –; + 1 David Law –Chair, IEEE Standards Education Committee –; Susan K. Tatiner –Director, Government Relations & Standards Education, IEEE Standards Association –; +1 732 562 Jennifer McClain –Program Manager, Standards Education, IEEE Educational Activities –; +1 732 562 35

36 Thank you! 36

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