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SPECIAL CHILDREN UNDERWRITING. Is based on the Insureds Mental Status Physical Health Social Skills - ADLs Vocational Skills - ability for Self-support.

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Presentation on theme: "SPECIAL CHILDREN UNDERWRITING. Is based on the Insureds Mental Status Physical Health Social Skills - ADLs Vocational Skills - ability for Self-support."— Presentation transcript:


2 Is based on the Insureds Mental Status Physical Health Social Skills - ADLs Vocational Skills - ability for Self-support

3 CEREBRAL PALSY INSURABLE if: Survives adult life No significant mental defect Motor disability is, at the most, only moderate Able to work and live independently

4 DOWNS SYNDROME Insurable if: Insured is 25 yrs and above Height is 4 feet and above No S/Sx of Heart Disease At most, only with Mild Mental Retardation

5 MENTAL RETARDATION refers to significantly below average intellectual functioning associated with an ability to effectively meet the usual standards of personal independence and social responsibility

6 MENTAL RETARDATION Onset occurs before the age of 18 May also have seizures or other neurologic or psychiatric impairments, or congenital disorders UW- based on IQ and the likelihood that training, environment, and economic circumstances will result in ultimate self-support

7 MENTAL RETARDATION I.Q. Mild70 - 50 Moderate49 - 35 Severe34 - 20

8 MENTAL RETARDATION Age at application: LifeTPDADB < 7 yrsPPDecPP > 7 yrs MildStdDec1 Mod2 Dec1 SevDecDecDec

9 AUTISM Not a mental illness An interference in the normal development of the brain in areas of Reasoning, Social Interaction, and Communication Skills Not caused by bad parenting With no known psychological factors in child development which predispose to Autism

10 AUTISM Appraisal is done on a case- to-case basis At time of application: < 18 yrsPP > 18 yrsAssess

11 ADHD A neurobiological disorder that interferes with a persons capacity to: Regulate activity level (hyperactivity) Inhibit behavior (impulsivity) Attention to tasks (inattention) in developmentally appropriate ways

12 ADHD Mild Slight or moderately reduced school performance Social adjustment achieved With stable job Severe With episodes of rage/drug misuse Low IQ With adjustment problems

13 ADHD Life TPDADB MildB. Std 1-20-1 Severe1.5 DecDec +AddictionDec DecDec

14 DYSLEXIA Learning Disability showing up as difficulty with language Trouble with oral and written language Average or Above Average intelligence

15 DYSLEXIA LifeTPDADB DyslexiaStd Mild – Dx < 1 yrPP1 – Dx > 1 yr 1.51 SevereDec1 With MRRate as MR With Psych Rate as Psych With Other DseRate as Disease

16 REQUIREMENTS Physical Health Status Mental Status Educational Level Ability to perform ADLs Ability to be gainfully employed

17 REQUIREMENTS Comprehensive Reports from: Medical Doctor Developmental Pediatrician Psychologist Therapist(s) Special Education Teacher

18 ADVICE Only adults/juveniles needing limited support systems should be considered for limited amounts of life cover, subject to legal competence to consent to insurance on their own lives or the existence of sufficient insurable interest.

19 ADVICE Policies should be of limited duration and be of Endowment (Savings) type.

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