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IEEE Western Montana Section “The Best in the West!”

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1 IEEE Western Montana Section “The Best in the West!”

2 IEEE Western Montana Section Officers 2008: Chairman:Don Bauer, NorthWestern Energy Secretary: Rikin Shah, NorthWestern Energy Treasurer:Steve Shannon, NorthWestern Energy PD/MD Chair:Casey Johnston, NorthWestern Energy Officers 2009: Chairman:Rikin Shah, NorthWestern Energy Secretary: Steve Shannon, NorthWestern Energy Treasurer:Don Bauer, NorthWestern Energy PD/MD Chair:Sandra Anderson-David, NCAT

3 IEEE Western Montana Section Small but effective section covering a relatively large geographic area of Western Montana, headquarters and meetings in Butte - about 162 members In 2008, held 9 regular meetings, 1 administrative meetings, and sponsored the annual engineers banquet in late January. All reports submitted on time to national. Supported Mathcounts, Crystal Radio Project, and Wild Sheep Monitoring Project through PACE; Area Engineer of the Year, etc. Financial balance on 12/31/08 was $3539.13 Thank you National, Region 6 (Robert Baldwin), and NE Area Chair (Michael Rice) for your support!

4 IEEE 2006 Monthly Meeting Speakers and Topics DateSpeakerTopic 01/24/08Engineers BanquetJohn Morrison of Montana Tech awarded the Engineer of the year award 02/08/08Steve Quick & Rich Clark MSE-Tetragenics – Automation, Control, and Monitoring 03/14/08Bill RhoadsMontana Regulating Resources 04/11/08John Morrison & Brian Smyth Development of a Real Time Battery Impedance Measuring System 05/09/08Debbie HarveyReal Power Modulation 06/20/08Dr. Steve LeeMars Exploration Update – What’s New on the Red Planet 09/26/08Dr. Steve LeeUpdate on the Phoenix Mars Lander Mission 10/10/08Kent WhitingEngineers Without Borders 11/04/08Bob KearnsCellulosic Ethanol Via Fermentation Technology 12/09/08Shirley JohnsonThe Future of the Nuclear Industry and Non-Proliferation

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