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Arlington Public Schools Gifted Services 2013-2014
Washington-Lee High School Anne Reed, Resource Teacher for the Gifted Introduce myself. RTG at WL 7 years. Distribute brochure about enrichment programs. AT THE END OF THE POWERPOINT IS ANOTHER PLACE FOR YOU TO PROVIDE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION INTRODUCE YOURSELF AND WELCOME PARENTS TO THE MEETING. “Tonight’s presentation will be divided into two parts. The first half will provide a brief presentation of how Arlington Public Schools’ curriculum and curriculum materials are differentiated in the core areas of English, math, science, and social studies. This presentation is provided as an overview. More detailed information can be obtained from your child’s classroom teacher or from the school’s content lead teachers. During the second part of tonight’s presentation, I will describe how Gifted Services supports differentiation to meet the learning needs of the highly able students in Arlington Public Schools.” Refer parents to the handout provided, beginning with the side “Differentiation of Curriculum in the Arlington Public Schools.” THIS PRESENTATION WILL BE POSTED ON THE GIFTED SERVICES WEB PAGES FOR DOWNLOAD BY FAMILIES. YOU CAN MENTION THIS AT THE START OF THE PRESENTATION AND THEN WHEN YOU GET TO THE END WHERE THERE IS THE LINK TO THE APS GIFTED SERVICES WEB PAGE YOU CAN MENTION IT AGAIN.
How did you apply/become involved in the program? When was the program held and for how long– i.e. residential for a month, weekly, throughout the school year, etc.? What was the schedule for a typical day / meeting? What were/are some of the highlights of your experience? What do you think parents and students should know about this program before they apply or decide to participate in it? DISTRIBUTE THE HS ENRICHMENT BROCHURE.
Space Coast Scholars Program
Adriana Macieira-Junior YouTube access: attention.upgrade.054 ~VASTS
Governor’s School Program- Academics Grades 10 and 11
Adriana Macieira-Humanities (Junior) Hannah Fitzmaurice-Humanities (Senior) Mishu Barua-Math, Science, & Technology (Senior)
Fine Arts Apprentice Program- Grades 10-12
Claire Spaulding: Junior Media
PRIME-Grades 10 and 11 Professional Related Intern/Mentorship Experience
J. T. Blakely-Senior RNL Design
Governor’s School Program- Visual and Performing Arts Grades 10 and 11
Sterling Webster-Senior Vocal ~VDOE
EduFuturo Marisela Lara-Senior ~EduFuturo
Samuel Douthit-Senior
COLLABORATION FOR EFFECTIVE DIFFERENTIATION Classroom Teacher Student “In Arlington schools, the Resource Teachers for Gifted collaborate with classroom teachers and students in order to provide differentiated instruction. Student growth is the focus of this collaborative effort. You can see here that classroom teachers, RTGs, and students collaborate and interact in a variety of combinations.” Resource Teacher for Gifted
Instruction Classroom Environment Professional Responsibilities
Planning and Preparation “This graphic shows that collaboration may occur in four different domains: Planning and Preparation, Classroom Environment, Professional Responsibilities, and Instruction. A collaborative effort in any of these areas can enhance student growth. ” Like these different colored puzzle pieces the support is going to look different based on the diverse needs of the teachers, students and school community but the important message is that I am here to support gifted learners and teachers in a variety of ways Professional Responsibilities
Washington-Lee Gifted Services
General Description Instruction: Creative/Critical Thinking Skills County/State Enrichment Programs: PRIME Summer Residential Governor’s School Programs Fine Arts Apprentice Program Superintendent’s Seminar “Passion” Programs/Activities/IB Independent Study Additional Notes: These are areas of influence and engagement in the job role of RTG at W-L. Some are student collaborative support only. Other roles engage collaboration with teachers to build student learning capacity. We will discuss the instructional, passion programs, and independent studies in turn now. SLIDE NEEDS TO BE CUSTOMIZED - THIS IS A PLACE WHERE YOU WILL WANT TO PERSONALIZE THE SLIDE TO REFLECT WHAT YOU DO AT YOUR SCHOOL. You are encouraged to add in slides that demonstrate specific things you do at your school. This is also the place where you would highlight other programs or have students or teachers share work. This should be as school specific as possible. HIGHLIGHT THE GOOD THINGS AT YOUR SCHOOL. YOU MAY WANT TO INVITE A STUDENT WHO PARTICIPATED IN SOME OF THE ACTIVITIES LISTED ABOVE TO SPEAK ABOUT HIS/HER EXPERIENCES PARTICIPATING IN THESE ACTIVITIES YOU WILL WANT TO DROP EXAMPLES THAT ARE NOT RELEVANT FOR YOUR SCHOOL .
Instructional Resource: Student Data
Multiple Intelligences- determining students’ learning strengths and growing others Subject Area Interest Inventories- developing passion projects Data organized to inform instruction for: Effective student groups Student choice Developing a growth mindset I work with teachers on collecting and organizing data to motivate and explore in depth student interest. Use of MI and interest inventories that are geared to subject area instruction provide data to guide instruction. Teachers use this data to inform how they group students. Effective grouping is a challenge. I encourage teachers to group intellectual peers as routinely as they group for cooperative learning. All students should have choice in some instructional units. Being informed about student strengths and interests can guide teachers in developing projects and activities that support this type student data. A focus on developing lesser strengths and using difficulty to grow resilience is termed developing a growth mindset. This 21st century skill has been researched by Carol Dweck of Stanford University. Her book is titled Mindset.
Developing Growth Mindset
This is a screenshot of online results from an MI survey. What are the student’s strengths? How can those strengths be empowered through an instructional focus? What intelligences should instruction also focus on growing?
Teacher Collaborations-focusing on student choice, products, and groups that build and strengthen all intelligences USVA History: effective grouping/projects English 10: product choices English 9: project assignments IB Latin: project assignments-building strength IB Econ: effective grouping/building strength In these instructional collaborations, teachers used MI to inform instructional planning in these areas. Projects are designed to access both strengths of students and building those strengths. Some students are given a list of product choices that align with intelligences; they indicate what type products they are interested in to show what they know. Teachers can group students with similar strengths in groups to produce an in depth project. Likewise, teachers can group students with different strengths to grow other intelligences.
Instructional Resource: Concept Development
Using the Hilda Taba model of developing this critical thinking skill, students brainstorm a concept, categorize their ideas, identify patterns, and draw broad generalizations about the concept. Students then pose open-ended questions about their generalizations. These questions model expectations on AP and IB prompts. Let’s look at this model. Distribute handout. Discuss example about concept Change. Use concept of Myth to model a lesson.
Teacher Collaborations
English 10: the concept of community in Julius Caesar/developing HLQ skills APUSH: concepts over an historical era/passion project IB English: concept of sense of place in Walden Econ/Personal Finance: concept of the seven principles of economics/passion project/anchor activities Teachers can use this strategy to build a deeper understanding of literature, abstract ideas in history, or relevance in personal connections.
Instructional Resource: Socratic Seminar
This strategy is one of the most effective to grow critical thinking skills. Students respond to open-ended questions about a text. Discussion is student-driven. Habits of mind, such as agree/disagreeing effectively, moving a discussion forward with new ideas, and use of appropriate text connections are developed. This is a strategy that teachers and I use routinely to grow students’ communication and collaboration skills. Our motto to them is, “We always value your opinion but we value it as powerful when you provide effective evidence.” In-text, text to text, text to world, and text to self evidence is taught and practiced routinely as well as habits of mind.
Teacher Collaborations
English 9: Introduction to seminar skills and habits of mind English 9: Seminar-Romeo and Juliet/HLQ English 10: Review of seminar skills and habits of mind English 10: Seminar-The Time Machine/HLQ English 10: Seminar-Julius Caesar/HLQ Teachers and I collaborate on question design for seminars. We teach students how to pose and evaluate an effective opening question, core questions, and closing questions for a Socratic seminar.
Socratic Seminar- Classroom Implementation
Developing the concept of community and practicing higher level questioning in the play Julius Caesar
Instructional Resource: Science Fair Projects/VJAS
Focus on “Abstract” planning and writing Focus on “Literature Cited Page” Student Mentors-successful VJAS student group (juniors and seniors) participates in classroom instruction and mentors individual students participating in the VJAS process. This instructional project is in process now. Student mentors are being organized and lessons reviewed to implement in a few weeks.
Teacher Collaborations
Biology Chemistry Anne Reed and Lea Westrick, chemistry teacher, planning VJAS resources for applicants.
RTG : Student Collaboration “Passion” Projects
CAS Coordinator-IB Program CAS Project Current project examples: Asante Mariamu H. O. P. E. Little Free Library Bead for Life Disabilities in Theater Environment Bosnian Project In my role as the IB CAS Coordinator, students design a major service project to fulfill a diploma requirement. Here are some examples of these. I support students in the brainstorming, planning, and implementing of these projects. The goals of autonomy and global impact are are expected within these projects. These projects represent a deep interest of the student.
CAS Coordinator: IB Program
Support full IB diploma students in completion of this 18 month diploma requirement Advise, support, monitor, and advocate for 138 students to complete CAS Project and five additional activities that engage creativity, action, and service goals and outcomes. Meet with students routinely. Maintain documentation records for all students. Support implementation of CAS Project There are 136 full diploma IB students. A nationally recognized program, my responsibilities and role requires much time. Except during January and February, IB requires approximately of my school day and beyond.
Independent Study County approved proposal document.
Proposal must focus on studies or opportunities not available in the county Program of Studies. Proposal is due to the Counseling Department by April 1 annually. If you are interested in this program, contact your student’s guidance counselor and me for support in the process.
RTG : Student Collaboration
Discussion about enrichment opportunities Support in the application process for these opportunities and for college Support in the independent study proposal process Guiding and listening for needs to support students academically, socially, and emotionally. Sam and Mrs. Reed discussing his Common App Essay. RTG collaboration with individual students is a rich experience for us both. I encourage your student and I to develop a relationship through these avenues we have discussed.
Instructional Leadership: Book Studies and Workshops
Facilitate book studies on current educational research and instructional strategies with WL staff. Facilitate workshop sessions on differentiation strategies with WL and county staff. Collaborate with WL staff to implement strategies within curriculum context. This year I am facilitating a book study on learning in the 21st century. Its focus is to use differentiated instructional strategies to grow collaborators, thinkers, innovators, and risk-takers.
Advancing Differentiation Thinking and Learning for the 21st Century
R. Cash, Ed.D. All Rights Reserved Advancing Differentiation Thinking and Learning for the 21st Century 28
School-based Extension Activities
Academic Team Jen Scher, Maria Sotomayor Debate Team Paul Bui Model UN Keith Klein Art Club Hiromi Isobe Math Club Brandon Wright Chess Club Dave Peters Speech/Debate Rosa Reyes Investing Club Leah Young Newspaper Cat Misar Broadcast Chinese Club Janet Luu Photo Club Erin Bruns Distribute clubs handout.
Role of Parent – Supporting Differentiation for Student
Resources for Parents: Parent Resource Center Materials National Association for Gifted - Virginia Association for Gifted - Supporting Emotional Needs of Gifted - 2e Newsletter – Support your child’s interest to pursue social and cultural opportunities within and beyond his/her strength area(s) Maintain communication with your child’s classroom teachers, RTG, and counselor to monitor social and academic progress “You may ask yourself as a parent of a gifted child what you can do for your highly able child.” READ FROM SLIDE
Gifted Services Advisory Committee (GSAC)
Arlington Public School’s Parent Advocacy Group Part of Advisory Council of Instruction Monthly meetings If interested in serving on this committee, please contact Co-chairs: Bob Ramsey or Josh Turner and Cheryl McCullough (Supervisor, Gifted Services)
RTG Contact Information: Library Conference Room 2103 Voice mail: Parent Listserv: to join Slide must be customized with your contact information RTG: I can be contacted to handle specific questions at And go to next slide for conclusion
Arlington Public Schools Gifted Services
Visit the Arlington Public Schools – Gifted Services link on the APS Web Site Gifted Services Fall Newsletter: Cheryl McCullough, Supervisor, Gifted Services or More detailed information about APS gifted services can be viewed and researched on the county web pages - THIS PRESENTATION WILL BE POSTED ON THE GIFTED SERVICES WEB PAGES FOR DOWNLOAD BY FAMILIES. YOU CAN MENTION THIS AT THE START OF THE PRESENTATION AND THEN WHEN YOU GET TO THE END WHERE THERE IS THE LINK TO THE APS GIFTED SERVICES WEB PAGE YOU CAN MENTION IT AGAIN. Next slide for your contact info
Questions and Exit Cards
General questions that relate to Gifted Services. Exit Cards: On each table, you will find index cards that can be used if you have a specific question about your child. Please write the question, your name/your student’s name, your phone number or , and the best time for me to contact you. THIS IS WHEN YOU WILL DISTRIBUTE YOUR SCHOOL BROCHURE IF YOU HAVE ONE: OPTIONAL: RTG says, “This brings us to the end of our evening. I would like to take this time to answer some general questions (while I distribute a brochure to you). “ Take general questions. Distribute index cards on which parents can write specific questions about individual students. Explain parents may also you with questions and should indicate a good time for you to call them.
“For the second portion of our evening, I’m going to discuss how gifted services are provided in Arlington Public Schools. We’ll touch on the identification process, types of services that are offered, and the RTG’s role in supporting the differentiated curriculum. “Those of you who are already familiar with Arlington Public School’s Gifted Services please be aware that there have been some changes in Arlington Gifted Services to comply with changes in VA regulations.”
True or False FALSE – Each state creates its own gifted regulations.
The Federal Government mandates that all school districts establish a gifted program. A. True B. False FALSE – Each state creates its own gifted regulations. True or False
VA Gifted Regulations Virginia Department of Education regulations state that each school district must develop a plan to identify and provide services to those students who have learning needs beyond the regular instructional program. Additional Notes: A link for the VDOE regulations has been provided
APS is in compliance with Virginia Regulations:
Identify students who require gifted services Establish continuous educational services to match the needs of gifted learners Train teachers in ways to provide services Support differentiated instruction to meet the needs of gifted students Additional Notes: These four areas are specified as requirements within all Virginia school divisions. (point to slide on screen) We in Arlington are in compliance with the regulations in that we are certain to identify students train teachers (APS requires 40 points in gifted training) and provide services and instruction to our gifted students.
Students in APS may be identified in only one academic subject area.
A. True B. False True – Students may be identified in one academic subject area. Some students may be identified in more than one area. True or False
Gifted Services Identification
Specific Academic Aptitude, K-12 English Mathematics Science Social Studies Visual or Performing Arts, Grades 3-12 Visual Art Vocal Music/ Instrumental Music (instruments taught in APS) “We identify students for services in the areas in which we teach –“ Additional Notes: Clarify that we begin identification for academics in kindergarten. Formal identification for the arts begins in grade 3. Read from the slide
Screening for Gifted Services
Each year, the total population is screened by school staff to create a pool of candidates based on students’ need for gifted services Screening is formal – review of testing information Screening is informal – teacher feedback, parent information, honors, awards, student participation in school events, competitions, etc. Additional Notes: The first step is screening – The RTG and staff at the school look at the total population to screen students who may be appropriate for REFERRAL to the Eligibility Process (read from slide)
Referrals for Gifted Services
Students may be referred for services by their classroom teacher, school personnel, parents/guardians, community leaders, and self or other students until April 1st for the current school year. Referral forms can be found here: Additional Notes: Referrals can come from the general screening at the school level from the RTG or other teaching staff – But referrals can also come from parent/guardians, community leaders (example – clergy), or students. Referrals are taken until April 1 for the current school year – as the process is school-based and requires a collection of data from the current school year. Any referrals that come in after the April 1 deadline are held until the next school year and the process begins in September NEW: Subsequent referral for the same subject area may not occur before 365 days from date of previous notification of identification committee decision.
High IQ test score or high standardized achievement test score automatically qualifies a student to receive gifted services. A. True B. False False – No one criteria guarantees eligibility for APS gifted services. Multiple criteria are used. True or False
Eligibility Criteria - Gifted Services in Specific Academic Areas
Nationally Normed Testing Information Ability testing Achievement testing Teacher Checklist: Observations of Academic Behaviors School-based Data Parent Information 6-12 Student Self- Assessment Work samples “We utilize multiple criteria for the identification of students as required by state regulations.” READ FROM THE SLIDE “We have five criteria at the secondary level. Secondary students take the student self-assessment. This is important for secondary students – especially high school students who can articulate their goals and aspirations.” Additional Notes: Standardized Tests information (if parents ask) 2-12: NNAT 2 (Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test – second edition) 6-8: Stanford 10 PSAT SAT School based data can consist of content assessments, most recent SOL scores, grades, and/or alternate measures such as student products. These elements are collected during the school year and looked as a student profile by a committee. The identification process is finalized in the spring.
Eligibility Criteria - Visual Art or Vocal/Instructional Music Areas – Grades 3-12
Art and Music Teacher Referral: Observations of Artistic Behaviors Student Products Grades Parent Information 6-12 Student Self- Assessment Additional Notes: We utilize multiple criteria for the identification of students in the arts areas as well. Student products are required. READ FROM THE SLIDE. Again, these elements are collected and REVIEWED as a holistic profile by a committee. Materials for the identification process are collected over the course of school year.
Appeals Process An Appeal is available to families following the eligibility process: Appeals begin at the school level with the principal A second level of appeal is a county-wide Gifted Services Administrative Appeals Committee (must be submitted in writing within 30 days of the school level committee decision) Additional Notes: Following an eligibility process, appeals can be made – Appeals take two levels: First to the school with the building principal. Then to a county-wide Gifted Services Administrative Appeals Committee.
Gifted Services Identification
Teacher awareness of student’s abilities and understanding of student’s instructional needs Opportunities to work with other students who have the ability to reason and problem solve at a high level RTG availability to support student’s performance and educational program The purpose of identifying a student for services is to provide for the following: READ FROM SLIDE.
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