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Vapor Pressure 1atm = 760 mmHg = 101.3kPa B is a Gas B is Liquid Normal Boiling Point for B.

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2 Vapor Pressure 1atm = 760 mmHg = 101.3kPa B is a Gas B is Liquid Normal Boiling Point for B

3 Heating Melting Boiling E Heating Liquid Heating Gas Heating Solid

4 Heating PE increasing E KE increasing PE increasing

5 Cooling

6 Potential Energy Activation Energy Activation Energy of Reverse  H reaction PE of Products PE of reactants PE of activated complex, think of the big hill on the roller coaster!

7 Phase Diagram Triple Point Temperature Pressure Solid Liquid Gas 1atm Normal Boiling Point Normal Freezing Point

8 Phase Diagram (water) Triple Point Temperature Pressure Solid Liquid Gas 1atm Normal Boiling Point Normal Freezing Point Negative slope implies lower solid density (ice floats)

9 Heating solid? E

10 Heating Liquid? E

11 Melting? E

12 Boiling? E

13 Heating Gas? E

14 PE increasing? E

15 Kinetic Energy Increasing?

16 E What’s Happening at E?

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