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Pre-AP Thesis Practice

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1 Pre-AP Thesis Practice

2 Analyze the similarities and differences between absolute and relative location.
Absolute location is different than relative location because it uses longitude and latitude to tell a location on a map. However, both absolute and relative location help to explain where something is located on a map. Both absolute and relative location can be found on a map, but absolute location is easier to find than relative location.

3 Absolute location is different than relative location because it uses longitude and latitude to tell a location on a map. However, both absolute and relative location help to explain where something is located on a map. This is CORRECT because there is an accurate and valid similarity AND difference. Both absolute and relative location can be found on a map, but absolute location is easier to find than relative location. This is INCORRECT because the similarity and differences are not specific – they are too vague.

4 Analyze the similarities and differences between Homo Habilis and Australopithecus.
Both Australopithecus and Homo Habilis were bi-pedal hominids, but while Homo Habilis used stone tools, Australopithecus did not. Australopithecus and Homo Habilis were both found in Africa, but Homo Habilis ate marrow and Australopithecus was bi-pedal.

5 Both Australopithecus and Homo Habilis were bi-pedal hominids, but while Homo Habilis used stone tools, Australopithecus did not. This is CORRECT because it provides a specific similarity (bi-pedal) and provides a valid difference (stone tools vs. no stone tools) Australopithecus and Homo Habilis were both found in Africa, but Homo Habilis ate marrow and Australopithecus was bi-pedal. This is INCORRECT because although the similarity is right (both were in Africa), the differences are not comparing the same thing – one eating marrow and one being bi-pedal is not comparing the same thing for each. Further, it is not a valid difference to state that Australopithecus was bi-pedal because BOTH were bi-pedal.

6 Analyze the similarities and differences between the technology of the Paleolithic and Neolithic Eras. Both the Paleolithic and Neolithic people had technology. However, Neolithic people used metals and Paleolithic people did not. Both Paleolithic and Neolithic people developed tools to help them gather food. However, Paleolithic people used only stone tools, where Neolithic people developed both stone and metal tools.

7 Both the Paleolithic and Neolithic people had technology
Both the Paleolithic and Neolithic people had technology. However, Neolithic people used metals and Paleolithic people did not. This is INCORRECT because it is not specific enough. All peoples had some technology – you must explain in more detail. The second part of the statement is correct, but without a valid similarity, it is not a thesis. Both Paleolithic and Neolithic people developed tools to help them gather food. However, Paleolithic people used only stone tools, where Neolithic people developed both stone and metal tools. This is CORRECT because, unlike the first statement, it gives a specific, detailed explanation about the technology (tools). The difference is also valid – Paleolithic people lacked metal tools, but Neolithic peoples used these.

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