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South Carolina Dj Craighead. The states that border my state. North CarolinaNorth Carolina GeorgiaGeorgia.

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Presentation on theme: "South Carolina Dj Craighead. The states that border my state. North CarolinaNorth Carolina GeorgiaGeorgia."— Presentation transcript:

1 South Carolina Dj Craighead

2 The states that border my state. North CarolinaNorth Carolina GeorgiaGeorgia

3 What is my states capital ? ColumbiaColumbia

4 When was my state founded ? What are the states native animals ? South carolina was founded by Lucas Vaquez De Ayllon in 1526South carolina was founded by Lucas Vaquez De Ayllon in 1526

5 What are my states major tourist attractions ? Myrtle beachMyrtle beach CharlestonCharleston

6 What are my states major industries ? Cotton industriesCotton industries Textile millsTextile mills

7 What major sports teams are located in my state ? Clemson=BasketballGeorgetown=Basketball Usc =Football/Basketball Location Of Daytona 500 Nascar biggest race

8 What is my states landscape? MountainsMountains ValleysValleys Costal plainCostal plain

9 What is my states bird, motto, tree, dog, flower? Bird- Carolina wernBird- Carolina wern Tree- palmettoTree- palmetto

10 What Is my state’s population and geographic area size 4,012,0124,012,012

11 What Are The States Native Animals White tail deerWhite tail deer OpossumsOpossums BeaversBeavers alligatorsalligators RabbitsRabbits Roughed grouseRoughed grouse BassBass CrippapesCrippapes

12 Works Cited “South Carolina.” 25 January 2008.“South Carolina.” 25 January 2008. Volkwein, Ann. South Carolina: The Palmetto State. Milwaukee: World Almanac Library, 2002.Volkwein, Ann. South Carolina: The Palmetto State. Milwaukee: World Almanac Library, 2002. Addy, Ann. “South Carolina.” New Book of Knowledge. 2001, vol. 17, pp. 296-311. Addy, Ann. “South Carolina.” New Book of Knowledge. 2001, vol. 17, pp. 296-311.

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