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Welcome to your Student Led Conference PowerPoint Template

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to your Student Led Conference PowerPoint Template"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to your Student Led Conference PowerPoint Template
This is a project designed to have you reflect and present on how your school and life have been going this semester. As you go through the slides fill in the information thoroughly and completely. You may add photos or pictures to spruce up your presentation as well as picking your own color scheme and fonts AFTER you have put in all your textual information. Go ahead and get started, but remember this is a presentation about you! So be honest and do your best! You may delete this page after you are done.

2 My Presentation: Make a Title Here
By: Your Name 2013

3 My Schedule P1: Teacher? Grade? P2: Teacher? P3: Teacher? P4: Teacher?

4 1st per. Class A basic summary of what you are doing in this class.
Give specific examples of class work Assignments Projects Tests/quizzes Improvement plan for any grade below B-

5 2nd per. Class A basic summary of what you are doing in this class.
Give specific examples of class work Assignments Projects Tests/quizzes Improvement plan for any grade below B-

6 3rd per. Class A basic summary of what you are doing in this class.
Give specific examples of class work Assignments Projects Tests/quizzes Improvement plan for any grade below B-

7 4th per. Class A basic summary of what you are doing in this class.
Give specific examples of class work Assignments Projects Tests/quizzes Improvement plan for any grade below B-

8 5th per. Class A basic summary of what you are doing in this class.
Give specific examples of class work Assignments Projects Tests/quizzes Improvement plan for any grade below B-

9 6th per. Class A basic summary of what you are doing in this class.
Give specific examples of class work Assignments Projects Tests/quizzes Improvement plan for any grade below B-

10 Personal Strengths Here is where you will add in all your strengths. This includes best classes, special skills, things you are good at in school, life… Include anything at all that you are confident in and enjoy doing. Here is where you can put MSP/WASL/SRI test data scores from your TAD site that you did well on too!

11 Most Successful Class/Subject
Here is where you put in the class you are the best at and explain why you think it’s your best performing class.

12 Challenges and Weaknesses
This is where you put in the things you struggle with in school, in life, in anything. Things that frustrate you, or you know are hard for you or that you can’t figure out. Her is where you can put your lower MSP/WASL/SRI test data scores of the ones where you didn’t do well.

13 Toughest Class/Subject
This is where you talk about the class that is giving you the biggest challenge or that you are doing the worst in and explain why you think that is happening.

14 Activities and Interests
Ok, this is where you tell us about who you are and what you like to do for fun/hobby/interest. What school activities are you doing right now? What do you like to do for fun/after school/ weekends. What are you a nerd about? Don’t forget photos, poems, art, etc…

15 Personal Information This slide is your chance to get anything off your chest that you want to tell your teachers and family about things you need them to know. Things that frustrate you or things you appreciate. How do you feel about school and your life?

16 High School Where do you think you’re going to high school?
What are you looking forward to in high school? What activities are you going to participate in? What are your fears about high school? What are your goals for high school?

17 After High School Ok, here is where you can tell us what you think you want to do after you graduate from high school? College? Job? Career? Travel? House? Family? Alone? Pets? Anything you dream about for your future goes here.

18 Support People Ok, this is where you tell us who is in your life that can help you. Parents, grandparents, siblings, uncles, friends, teachers, mentors, pastors, anybody who you know can help you with your life and your future.

19 Last Thoughts…and Thank You’s
Ok, this is where you wrap it all up. A quote, a picture, something to give the presentation closure. And of course, a big thank you to yourself and everyone who attended.

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