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What is a robot? A robot is a machine ___________ to do jobs that are usually _________ by humans. Robots are ___________ and ___________ by a computer.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a robot? A robot is a machine ___________ to do jobs that are usually _________ by humans. Robots are ___________ and ___________ by a computer."— Presentation transcript:




4 What is a robot? A robot is a machine ___________ to do jobs that are usually _________ by humans. Robots are ___________ and ___________ by a computer. designed performed programmed controlled


6 huge arm

7 spider

8 humans

9 snake

10 mantis


12 Industrial robots

13 Clean the plane

14 Robots that carry out jobs in the house (domestic robots)

15 / Do housework

16 Domestic robots

17 Entertainment robots

18 The robot which can dance with men

19 The robot which can play football

20 The robot which can play with children

21 The robot which can take care of children

22 The robot which can do rescue work in the snow

23 The robot which can fight in the war

24 The robot which can speak to people

25 The robot which can carry out tasks in the sky

26 Lead the way( )

27 Say hello to people Talk with people walk

28 guidewaiter Food!! Welcome to Shanghai

29 Robot!

30 Play the piano Music band ( ) Play music

31 Step one :warming up In groups, make a list of any science fiction literature,films, video game, TV shows and cartoons which you know that include robots as characters.

32 The character in cartoons Do you know any story or novel or films whose hero is a robot?

33 I, the robot 2004 the best ficition film

34 Robotar

35 the best ten robots in the films?? Do you know

36 . T800 1

37 T1000 2

38 3

39 Murpy

40 4 star wars

41 5

42 6I, the robot Sonny

43 apu

44 David


46 What do you think robots will develop into in the future? think of itself? have feelings? have its own needs and desires? look and feel like a human being?

47 What can robots look like? types of robots? humans, snake, huge arm, spider pets Maybe they have feelings, think for themselves Industrial robots domestic robots, entrainment robots, surgical robots bomb disposal robots, airborne robots Robots looked so human

48 dangerous more intelligent stronger … Bad Good … … homework housework play with me look for people unpleasant jobs walk and dance talk What can robots do ?

49 Science fiction film I, ROBOT

50 Learning Goals What are we expected to learn in Unit 2? Glance through the table on Best ( P16)

51 Word study ( P99-100 ) * Read the new words aloud after the tape * Read the words aloud in chorus

52 Word study ( P99-100 ) * Please take notes on book according to the following table.

53 Task 1: F ill in the chart with the correct form of the words of this unit.

54 n. v. adj. fiction desire satisfaction alarm smooth embarrass desirous desire satisfied/-ing satisfactory satisfy fictional alarmalarmed smooth smoothness embarrassed embarrassing embarrass- ment desirable

55 n. v. adj. sympathize elegant pile accompaniment /accompanist paint declare pile elegance sympathy paint declaration sympathetic accompany

56 n. v. adj. marry explanation talent divorce obey talented divorce obedient explain obedience talentless explanatory marriagemarried

57 Task 2: Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the new words. 1) The story she told about her adventure was a _________. ( ) 2) Tom ________ ( ) his mother to the supermarket. 3) I watched with ______ as he won the championship.

58 4) Steven showed his _______ ( ) in the competition. 5) He likes to sleep with windows closed and _______ drawn. 6) The old couple have been through a lot together in their 50 years of m_________.

59 7) Your hair is so long that youd better have a h______. 8) When her husband died,she received many letters of s_______. 9) What did he say in e______ of his being late for school? 10) The team won series of v______ with great efforts.

60 Task 2: Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the new words. 1) The story she told about her adventure was a _________. ( ) 2) Tom ________ ( ) his mother to the supermarket. 3) I watched with ______ as he won the championship. fiction accompanied envy

61 4) Steven showed his _______ ( ) in the competition. 5) He likes to sleep with windows closed and _______ drawn. 6) The old couple have been through a lot together in their 50 years of m_________. talents curtains arriage

62 7) Your hair is so long that youd better have a h______. 8) When her husband died,she received many letters of s_______. 9) What did he say in e______ of his being late for school? 10) The team won series of v______ with great efforts. xplanation ictories ympathy aircut

63 Choose your favorite robot. Warming up



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