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Abbas al Ali 441 Murtadha al Nasser 499 Mohammed al Dokhi 468 Ali Khuder 448 Ammar 463.

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Presentation on theme: "Abbas al Ali 441 Murtadha al Nasser 499 Mohammed al Dokhi 468 Ali Khuder 448 Ammar 463."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abbas al Ali 441 Murtadha al Nasser 499 Mohammed al Dokhi 468 Ali Khuder 448 Ammar 463

2 Introduction A files is a logical collection. A file system is collection of file. A file system may also include of a variety other objects that share many of properties of files (such as 1/0) devices.

3 Directories and name A directory or folder is a file system object that contains other file system objects. Actually, a directory is an object that contains the name of file system objects.

4 Partitions System partitions and boot partitions are names for partitions or volumes on a hard disk that Windows uses when starting. These technical terms are only important if you have more than one operating system installed on your computer (often called a dual-boot or multi boot configuration).

5 Directory Structure A collection of nodes containing information about all files

6 File Types Data Text, binary,… Program Regular files – stores information Directory – stores information about file(s) Device files – represents different devices

7 File Operations Create Write Read Reposition within file – file seek Delete Truncate Open(Fi) – search the directory structure on disk for entry Fi, and move the content of entry to memory Close (Fi) – move the content of entry Fi in memory to directory structure on disk

8 Access Methods Sequential Access 1. read next 2. write next 3. reset Direct Access 1. read n 2. write n 3. position to n 4. read next 5. write next n = relative block number

9 Free-Space Management Bit vector (n blocks)  Block number calculation for first free block (number of bits per word) * (number of 0-value words) + offset of first 1 bit

10 Summary Directories and name. Partitions. Directory Structure File Types File Operations Access Methods Free-Space Management

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