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Creating an on-line account.  Enter the following URL: Step One:

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Presentation on theme: "Creating an on-line account.  Enter the following URL: Step One:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating an on-line account

2  Enter the following URL: Step One:

3  Activation Code:  In the first box, please enter: 2582934  In the second box (following the dash), please enter: 10  Click: Okay Step Two:

4 You will be brought to the sign-in page. Select: Create a student account from the box on the right. Using the drop-down menu, enter your date of birth. Press Continue Step Three:

5  Enter your first name and last name into the boxes  Create a user name and password that YOU CAN REMEMBER.  Select a security question and enter a security answer Step Four:

6  On additional information, select the box and create an account. Step Five:

7  Step One: Select High School Language Arts  Step Two: From the drop-down menu, select Indiana  Step Three: Press GO  Locate the Blue Book in the top row titled, McDougal Littell Literature, Grade 10, and click on the icon. Step Six:

8  The on-line version of your text book is located at the bottom of the page.  This is where you will go to access your text book on- line. Step Seven:

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