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D-Day: Invasion of Normandy. Silently Read pg. 786 Start where it says Invasion of France Answer these questions: – When was D-Day and what happened?

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Presentation on theme: "D-Day: Invasion of Normandy. Silently Read pg. 786 Start where it says Invasion of France Answer these questions: – When was D-Day and what happened?"— Presentation transcript:

1 D-Day: Invasion of Normandy

2 Silently Read pg. 786 Start where it says Invasion of France Answer these questions: – When was D-Day and what happened? – Why was it a turning point?



5 General Eisenhower’s Message Sent Just Prior to the Invasion What kind of outcome did General Eisenhower expect of his troops?

6 Saving Private Ryan Describe the events you have just witnessed. Include your personal feelings or reactions to this

7 Top Secret Operation, Officer O’Brien Reeve und-secret-opertations-on-d-day und-secret-opertations-on-d-day Why do you think this mission would need to be kept secret until so soon before it began?

8 Description of Carnage on Omaha Beach, D-Day, Officer O’Brien Reeve rcuts-and-top-secret-operations-obrien-reeve rcuts-and-top-secret-operations-obrien-reeve What happened to the soldiers after the they had seen many dead bodies?

9 Assessment Write a short journal entry as a soldier who fought on D-Day. Write one entry for the day before the battle and the day of the battle. Describe your feelings and experiences. Make sure you write the dates.

10 Vocabulary Quiz Use the following words in a sentence that relates to World War II and shows your understanding of the word. 1.Fascism 2.Appeasement 3.Pacifism 4.Sanctions 5.Blitzkrieg

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