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1 Helsinki University of Technology Systems Analysis Laboratory Participatory Processes in Technology Programmes Tommi Gustafsson Systems Analysis Laboratory.

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1 1 Helsinki University of Technology Systems Analysis Laboratory Participatory Processes in Technology Programmes Tommi Gustafsson Systems Analysis Laboratory Helsinki University of Technology M.Sc. (Tech) Ph. D. Student Systems Analysis and Operations Research Work Psychology and Leadership

2 2 Helsinki University of Technology Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Problem n Deployment of more systematic approaches in the management of technology programmes –Several factors make the task complex »Multiple stakeholders, innovation and market dynamics, politics, etc. »Need for participatory processes –Foresight, planning, monitoring and evaluation of programmes »Problem structuring and sense-making »Generation of shared vision, objectives and understanding »Planning of programme objectives and evaluation criteria n Audience: Scholars and practitioners involved in innovation policy

3 3 Helsinki University of Technology Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Methods and Tools n Workshops –Usually held at Riihi –Participants leading professors and managers n Computers –Group decision making methods –Votes –Mind maps n Internet surveys –Opinions-Online

4 4 Helsinki University of Technology Systems Analysis Laboratory Recent Research Projects n Evaluation of Wood Wisdom 2001 –Cluster Programme on Forestry and Forest Industries –15 evaluation and foresight workshops n Evaluation of Food Programme & Foresight Exercise on Food Industry 2001-2002 –3 evaluation workshops –6 foresight workshops –1 planning workshop n Planning of Biomaterials Programme 2002 –4 planning workshops –3 scenario construction meetings

5 5 Helsinki University of Technology Systems Analysis Laboratory Publications n Accepted –A. Salo and T. Gustafsson: Group Support System for Foresight Processes, International Journal of Technology Management. –A. Salo, T. Gustafsson and R. Ramanathan: Multicriteria Methods for Technology Foresight, Journal of Forecasting. n In review –A. Salo, T. Gustafsson and P. Mild: Prospective Evaluation of a Cluster Programme for Finnish Forestry and Forest Industries. n Conference publications –Gustafsson, T., Salo A. (2001). Designing Group Support For Foresight Processes, Proceedings of Group Decision & Negotiation 2001, F. Ackermann, G.-J. de Vreede (eds.), La Rochelle, France, June 4–7, 2001.

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